L'outil HMC Scanner, disponible à l'adresse https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#/wiki/Power%20Systems/page/HMC%20Scanner , permet de récupérer depuis la HMC toutes les informations importante d'une ou plusieurs partitions.
Le programmes est à descendre sous Windows ou sous AIX avant de lancer la commande :
# hmcScanner.sh HMC01 hscroot -p abc123 [ -m chassis01 ]
Exemple :
# hmcScanner.sh hmc01 hscroot -p abc123 -m chassis01
hmcScanner version 0.11.0
Detecting manager type: HMC
Detecting managed systems: 1 systems present.
Starting managed system configuration collection:
Scanning chassis01: ............... DONE
Collection successfully finished. Data is in /tmp/HMCScanner/hmc01/
Starting Excel file creation. Done: /tmp/HMCScanner/hmc01_20150608_112253_scan.xls
La syntaxe du script est la suivante :
HMC Scanner Version 0.11.0
Missing or wrong arguments. Syntax is:
hmcScanner.Loader <HMC name/IP> <user> [-p <password>] [-dir <local dir>] [-perf <start> <end> <d|h>] [-readlocal] [-key [file] ] [-stats] [-sanitize] [-csv] [-html] [-log <file>] [-proxy <http|socks4|socks5> <host> <port> [user] [password] ] [-m <managed system>]
-dir <local dir> is the directory where data will be stored. Default is current directory.
-perf <start> and <end> is data collection retrieval interval. Syntax is: YYYYMMDD
<d|h> d=daily data samples; h=hourly data samples
-readlocal will force reading of existing local data without contacting HMC
-key will use OpenSSH private key (default $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa)
-stats will produce system statistics. It does NOT require -perf!
-sanitize will remove sensitive data.
-csv creates one .csv file for each sheet in a separate directory.
-html creates HTML report in a separate directory.
-log <file> logs SSH activity into file
-proxy <http|socks4|socks5> <host> <port> [user] [password]
select proxy type, host, port to use for SSH communication
-m <managed system> restrics the scan to the provided managed system