La mise à jour en V3.40 de LPAR2RRD est donnée ci-dessous:

- Récupérer l'archive sous '/tmp/lpar2rrd-3.40.tar' depuis le site

- Se déplacer sous le répertoire d'installation du produit( Par défaut sous '/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd' du compte 'lpar2rrd') : cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd

- Décompresser l'archive par la commande : 'tar xvf /tmp/lpar2rrd-3.40.tar'.

- Etre connecté sous le compte 'lpar2rrd' et lancer la mise à jour:

LPAR2RRD upgrade under user : "lpar2rrd"
make sure you have rights to modify LPAR2RRD home dir

Where is LPAR2RRD actually located [/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd]:
Backing up original version : 3.21 to /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd-3.21
Copy new version to the target destination
Setting file/dir permissions, it might take some time in huge environments
chown: /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/hcheck.txt.gz: Operation not permitted.
Configuring new lpar2rrd.cfg

Live Partition Mobility has been very likely identified
LPAR2RRD free version does not support this feature
Check how to obtain LPM aware version
LPAR2RRD will work without aware of LPM ...

Custom groups config file update
Custom groups configuration update is running:

Favourites config file update
Favourites configuration update is running:

Alert config file update
Alerting configuration update is running:

Assure there is at least 205 MB free in the fs where LPAR2RRD is installed!!
It will be nedded for new memory graphs

Warning: increase data ulimit for lpar2rrd user, it is actually too low (131072)
AIX: chuser data=1048576 lpar2rrd

Warning: increase stack ulimit for lpar2rrd user, it is actually too low (32768)
AIX: chuser stack=524288 lpar2rrd

Upgrade is done
Now you can start the tool:
$ cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd
$ ./

- Se déplacer dans le répertoire cité et lancer les 2 lignes ci-dessus :

# su - lpar2rrd

cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd


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