Il est possible d'installer la mise à jour V4.0.1 sur une version V2.61 installée.
Pour cela, procéder comme décrit ci-dessous.
ATTENTION de bien utiliser le compte standard lié à LPAR2RRD(lpar2rrd)
- Récupérer le produit sur le site de Lpar2RRD : http://www/
- Transférer le fichier '.tar' sur le système AIX, dans /tmp par exemple.
- Décompresser l'archive TAR dans le répertoire '/home/lpar2rrd' ou le répertoire choisi pour le produit.
Vous devez alors avoir un répertoire '/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd-4.01'.
- Se déplacer dans ce répertoire : 'cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd-4.01'
- Lancer la mise à jour :
# ./
LPAR2RRD is apparently running, can it be stopped? [y]:
Where is LPAR2RRD actually located [/tools/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd]:
ls: 0653-341 The file /tools/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/bin/ does not exist. <== Erreur du fait de la vieille version.
You probably trying to run it under wrong user
LPAR2RRD files are owned by :
You are : lpar2rrd
LPAR2RRD update should run only under user which owns installed package
Do you want to really continue? [n]:
./[284]: 0: 0403-012 A test command parameter is not valid.
Backing up original version : 2.61 to /tools/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd-2.61
Saving 2.61 distribution and compressing logs
Copy new version to the target destination
Setting file/dir permissions, it might take some time in huge environments
Configuring new lpar2rrd.cfg
Now manually remove LPAR2RRD web content by : rm -r /tools/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/www/*
It will be all recovered during next LPAR2RRD run
to allow IVE (HEA) and FC (only for IVE servers) stats add into cron via crontab -e:
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /tools/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/ > /tools/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/load_hea.out 2>&1
Live Partition Mobility has been very likely identified
LPAR2RRD free version does not support this feature
Check how to obtain LPM aware version
LPAR2RRD will work without aware of LPM ...
Custom groups config file update
Custom groups initial configuration is running:
Favourites config file update
Favourites initial configuration is running:
Alert config file update
Alerting initial configuration is running:
Assure there is at least 2778 MB free in the fs where LPAR2RRD is installed!!
It will be needed for new memory graphs
Warning: increase data ulimit for lpar2rrd user, it is actually too low (131072)
AIX: chuser data=1048576 lpar2rrd
AIX: chuser data=1048576 lpar2rrd
Linux: # vi /etc/security/limits.conf
@lpar2rrd soft data 1048576
Warning: increase stack ulimit for lpar2rrd user, it is actually too low (131072)
AIX: chuser stack=524288 lpar2rrd
Linux: # vi /etc/security/limits.conf
@lpar2rrd soft stack 524288
Fixing memory agent files (the bug in v4.00)
egrep: 0652-033 Cannot open /tools/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/etc/rperf_user.txt.
- L'upgrade est terminé, vous pouvez effacer les fichiers temporaires.
- Lancer le programme de supervision.:
$ cd /tools/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd
$ ./
Looks like there has been an upgrade to 4.01 or new installation
Run time will be significantly longer this time
... # Travail pendant plusieurs minutes.