lssyscfg - list system resources
lssyscfg -r {lpar | prof | sys | sysprof | cage | frame} [-m managed-system | -e managed-frame] [--filter "filter-data"] [-F [attribute-names] [--header]] [--help]
lssyscfg lists the attributes of partitions, partition profiles, or system profiles for the managed-system. It can also list the attributes of the managed-system, and of all of the systems managed by this Hardware Management Console (HMC).
lssyscfg can also list the attributes of cages in the managed-frame, the attributes of the managed-frame, or the attributes of all of the frames managed by this HMC.
- The type of resources to list. Valid values are lpar for partitions, prof for partition profiles, sys for managed systems, sysprof for system profiles, cage for managed frame cages, and frame for managed frames.
- The name of either the managed system to list, or the managed system which has the system resources to list. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*ssssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the serial number of the managed system. Thetttt-mmm*ssssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the same user-defined name. This option is required when listing partitions, partition profiles, or system profiles. This option is optional when listing managed systems, and if it is omitted, then all of the systems managed by this HMC will be listed. This option is not valid when listing managed frame cages or managed frames.
- The name of either the managed frame to list, or the managed frame which contains the cages to list. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed frame, or be in the form ttttmmm* ssssssss, where tttt is the type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the serial number of the managed frame. The tttt-mmm*ssssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed frames with the same user-defined name. This option is required when listing managed frame cages. This option is optional when listing managed frames, and if it is omitted, then all of the frames managed by this HMC will be listed. This option is not valid when listing partitions, partition profiles, system profiles, or managed systems.
- The filter(s) to apply to the resources to be listed. Filters are used to select which resources of the specified resource type are to be listed. If no filters are used, then all of the resources of the specified resource type will be listed. For example, specific partitions can be listed by using a filter to specify the names or IDs of the partitions to list. Otherwise, if no filter is used, then all of the partitions in the managed system will be listed. The filter data consists of filter name/value pairs, which are in comma separated value (CSV) format. The filter data must be enclosed in double quotes.
The format of the filter data is as follows:
Note that certain filters accept a comma separated list of values, as follows:
When a list of values is specified, the filter name/value pair must be enclosed in double quotes. Depending on the shell being used, nested double quote characters may need to be preceded by an escape character, which is usually a '\' character. Unless otherwise indicated, multiple values can be specified for each filter.
Valid filter names for partitions:
lpar_names | lpar_ids | work_groups
Only one of these three filters may be specified.
Valid filter names for partition profiles:
lpar_names | lpar_ids
Either the name or the ID of the partition which has the partition profiles to be listed must be specified. Only one partition name or ID can be specified.
Valid filter names for system profiles:
This option is required when listing partition profiles. This option is not valid when listing managed systems, managed frame cages, or managed frames.
- A delimiter separated list of attribute names for the desired attribute values to be displayed for each resource. If no attribute names are specified, then values for all of the attributes for the resource will be displayed. When this option is specified, only attribute values will be displayed. No attribute names will be displayed. The attribute values displayed will be separated by the delimiter which was specified with this option. This option is useful when only attribute values are desired to be displayed, or when the values of only selected attributes are desired to be displayed.
- Display a header record, which is a delimiter separated list of attribute names for the attribute values that will be displayed. This header record will be the first record displayed. This option is only valid when used with the -F option.
- Display the help text for this command and exit.
List all systems managed by this HMC:
lssyscfg -r sys
List only the user-defined name, machine type and model, and serial number for all of the systems managed by this HMC, and separate the output values with a colon:
lssyscfg -r sys -F name:type_model:serial_num
List the managed system system1:
lssyscfg -r sys -m system1
List all partitions in the managed system, and only display attribute values for each partition, following a header of attribute names:
lssyscfg -r lpar -m 9406-570*12345678 -F --header
List the partitions lpar1, lpar2, and lpar3:
lssyscfg -r lpar -m system1 --filter ""lpar_names=lpar1, lpar2,lpar3""
List only the names, IDs, and states of partitions lpar1, lpar2, and lpar3, and separate the output values with a comma:
lssyscfg -r lpar -m system1 --filter ""lpar_names=lpar1, lpar2,lpar3"" -F name,lpar_id,state
List all partition profiles defined for partition lpar2:
lssyscfg -r prof -m system1 --filter "lpar_names=lpar2"
List the partition profiles prof1 and prof2 defined for the partition that has an ID of 2:
lssyscfg -r prof -m system1 --filter "lpar_ids=2, "profile_names=prof1,prof2""
List all system profiles defined for the managed system:
lssyscfg -r sysprof -m 9406-520*100128A
List the system profile sysprof1:
lssyscfg -r sysprof -m system1 --filter "profile_names= sysprof1"
List all frames managed by this HMC:
lssyscfg -r frame
List the managed frame myFrame:
lssyscfg -r frame -e myFrame
List all cages in the managed frame:
lssyscfg -r cage -e 9119-59*000012C