La commande 'lpar_netboot' de la HMC est utilisée pour démarrée une LPAR, mais aussi pour récupérer les informations sur les cartes et adresses MAC disponibles.

ATTENTION : CETTE COMMANDE ARRETE la partition durant son déroulement.

Pour récupérer  les cartes et informations MAC d'une partition arrêtée ou devant l'être, il est possible de lancer la commande :

hmc# lpar_netboot -M -A -n -T off -t ent  Nom_Lpar Nom_Profile Nom_chassis

Le déroulement donne :

# Connecting to master-aix.
# Connected
# Checking for power off.
# Power off the node.
# Wait for power off.
# Power off complete.
# Power on master-aix to Open Firmware.
# Power on complete.
# Getting adapter location codes.
# Type Location Code MAC Address Full Path Name Ping Result Device Type
ent U8231.E2D.06112BT-V3-C2-T1 2e1b11900102 /vdevice/l-lan@30000002 n/a virtual

 Ci-dessous la syntaxe de la commande :


Usage: Install partition
lpar_netboot [-v] [-x] [-f] [-i] [-g args] [-E environment [-E ...]] [-T {on|off}] [-A -D | [-D] -l phys_loc | [-D] -m macaddress]
-t ent [-s speed -d duplex] -S server -G gateway -C client [-K subnetmask] [-V vlan_tag] [-Y vlan_priority] [[-a -B tftp_image_filename]|-B bootp_image_filename]
partition_name profile managed_system

Usage: Install for system supporting full system partition
lpar_netboot [-v] [-x] [-f] [-i] [-g args] [-E environment [-E ...]] [-T {on|off}] [-A -D | [-D] -l phys_loc | [-D] -m macaddress]
-t ent [-s speed -d duplex] -S server -G gateway -C client [-K subnetmask] [-V vlan_tag] [-Y vlan_priority] [[-a -B tftp_image_filename]|-B bootp_image_filename]
managed_system managed_system

Usage: Return macaddress
lpar_netboot -M -n [-v] [-x] [-f] [-i] [-E environment [-E ...]] [-A] -t ent [-T {on|off}] [-D [-s speed -d duplex]
-S server -G gateway -C client [-K subnetmask] [-V vlan_tag] [-Y vlan_priority] [-a]]
partition_name profile managed_system

Usage: Return macaddress for system supporting full system partition
lpar_netboot -M -n [-v] [-x] [-f] [-i] [-E environment [-E ...]] -t ent [-T {on|off}] [-D [-s speed -d duplex]
-S server -G gateway -C client [-K subnetmask] [-V vlan_tag] [-Y vlan_priority] [-a]]
managed_system managed_system

-A Return all adapters of the given type
-B Network boot image filename, required option if IPv6 addresses
-C Client IP address
-D Perform ping test, use adapter that successfully pings server
-E Set environment variable setting
-G Gateway IP address
-K Subnetmask IP address
-M Discovery ethernet adapter mac address and location code
-S Server IP address
-T Enable or disble spanning tree
-V Specifies the VLAN tag identifier (0 to 4094) to use for tagging Ethernet frames during network install for virtual network communication
-Y Specifies the VLAN tag priority (0 to 7) to use for tagging Ethernet frames during network install for virtual network communication
-a Network ip addresses are IPv6
-d Network adapter duplex
-f Force close virtual terminal session
-g Generic arguments for booting
-i Force immediate shutdown
-l Physical location code
-m MAC Address
-n Do not boot partition
-s Network adapter speed
-t Specifies network type ent
-v Verbose output
-x Debug output
--help Prints this help


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