La commande 'chhwres' permet de modifier les ressources d'une LPAR de façon dynamique, en utilisant les fonctions de DLPAR.
On peut agir aussi bien sur les processeurs que sur la mémoire ou des cartes virtuelles.
Exemple : Ajouter d'un processeur virtuel à une LPAR :
# chhwres -r proc -m CHASSI-1 -o a -p Lpar01 --procs 1
Ci-dessous la documentation officielle.
CHHWRES(1) User Manuals CHHWRES(1)
chhwres - change hardware resources
To add, remove, or move a physical I/O slot:
chhwres -r io -m managed-system -o {a | r | m}
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[{-t target-partition-name |
--tid target-partition-ID}]
-l slot-DRC-index [-a "attributes"]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]
To set physical I/O attributes:
chhwres -r io -m managed-system -o s
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
--rsubtype {iopool | taggedio}
-a "attributes"
To clear a physical I/O slot or bus:
chhwres -r io -m managed-system -o c
[--rsubtype {bus | slot}] [-l slot-DRC-index]
To add or remove a virtual I/O adapter:
chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o {a | r}
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[--rsubtype {eth | fc | scsi | serial}]
[-s virtual-slot-number] [-a "attributes"]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]
To change a virtual ethernet adapter assigned to a running partition:
chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o s --rsubtype eth
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
-s virtual-slot-number -a "attributes"
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]
To enable or disable a virtual ethernet adapter:
chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o {d | e} --rsubtype eth
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
-s virtual-slot-number
To set virtual I/O attributes:
chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o s
[{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}]
--rsubtype {eth | hsl | virtualopti}
-a "attributes"
To add or remove a virtual network or set virtual network attributes:
chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o {a | r | s}
--rsubtype vnetwork --vnetwork virtual-network
[-a "attributes"]
To add or remove a virtual switch:
chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o {a | r}
--rsubtype vswitch --vswitch virtual-switch
To set virtual switch attributes:
chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o s
--rsubtype vswitch --vswitch virtual-switch
[-a "attributes"]
To synchronize the virtual switch mode:
chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o sync
--rsubtype vswitch --vswitch virtual-switch
To add, remove, or move memory:
chhwres -r mem -m managed-system -o {a | r | m}
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[{-t target-partition-name |
--tid target-partition-ID}]
[-q quantity] [--entitled quantity]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]
To set memory attributes for the managed system:
chhwres -r mem -m managed-system -o s
-a "attributes"
To set memory attributes for a partition:
chhwres -r mem -m managed-system -o s
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
-a "attributes"
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]
To switch over a running shared memory partition to its redundant pag-
ing Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) partition:
chhwres -r mem -m managed-system -o so
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
To reset I/O entitled memory statistics for a partition:
chhwres -r mem -m managed-system -o rs
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level]
To add or remove a shared memory pool, or set shared memory pool
chhwres -r mempool -m managed-system -o {a | r | s}
[-a "attributes"]
To add or remove a device in the shared memory pool (on managed systems
that support partition suspend and resume operations, this adds or
removes a device in the reserved storage device pool):
chhwres -r mempool -m managed-system -o {a | r}
{-p paging-VIOS-partition-name |
--id paging-VIOS-partition-ID}
--rsubtype pgdev --device device-name
To add or remove a reserved storage device pool, or set reserved stor-
age device pool attributes (only supported on managed systems that sup-
port partition suspend and resume operations):
chhwres -r rspool -m managed-system -o {a | r | s}
[-a "attributes"]
To add or remove a device in the reserved storage device pool (only
supported on managed systems that support partition suspend and resume
chhwres -r rspool -m managed-system -o {a | r}
{-p VIOS-partition-name | --id VIOS-partition-ID}
--rsubtype rsdev --device device-name [--manual]
To add, remove, or move processing resources:
chhwres -r proc -m managed-system -o {a | r | m}
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[{-t target-partition-name |
--tid target-partition-ID}]
[--procs quantity] [--procunits quantity]
[--5250cpwpercent percentage]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]
To set processing attributes for the managed system:
chhwres -r proc -m managed-system -o s -a "attributes"
To set processing attributes for a partition:
chhwres -r proc -m managed-system -o s
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
-a "attributes"
To set shared processor pool attributes on a managed system that sup-
ports multiple shared processor pools:
chhwres -r procpool -m managed-system -o s
{--poolname pool-name | --poolid pool-ID}
-a "attributes"
To set shared processor pool attributes for a partition on a managed
system that supports multiple shared processor pools:
chhwres -r procpool -m managed-system -o s
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
-a "attributes"
To add, remove, or move a Host Ethernet Adapter (HEA) logical port:
chhwres -r hea -m managed-system -o {a | r | m}
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[{-t target-partition-name |
--tid target-partition-ID}]
-l HEA-adapter-ID
[--physport physical-port-ID]
-g port-group --logport logical-port-ID
[-a "attributes"]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]
To set HEA attributes:
chhwres -r hea -m managed-system -o s
-l HEA-adapter-ID
[--physport physical-port-ID]
-g port-group -a "attributes"
To switch an SR-IOV adapter to shared mode:
chhwres -r sriov -m managed-system --rsubtype adapter
-o a -a "attributes"
To switch an SR-IOV adapter to dedicated mode:
chhwres -r sriov -m managed-system --rsubtype adapter
-o r -a "attributes"
To move the configuration of a failed SR-IOV adapter to a new adapter:
chhwres -r sriov -m managed-system --rsubtype adapter
-o m -a "attributes"
To set SR-IOV physical port attributes:
chhwres -r sriov -m managed-system --rsubtype physport
-o s -a "attributes"
To add or remove an SR-IOV logical port, or to set SR-IOV logical port
chhwres -r sriov -m managed-system --rsubtype logport
-o {a | r | s}
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
-a "attributes"
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]
To reset statistics for an SR-IOV logical or physical port:
chhwres -r sriov -m managed-system -o rs
--rsubtype {logport | physport}
-a "attributes"
chhwres changes the hardware resource configuration of the managed-sys-
tem. chhwres is used to perform dynamic logical partitioning (DLPAR)
When chhwres is used to add a virtual I/O adapter to a Virtual I/O
Server (VIOS) partition, chhwres issues the VIOS cfgdev command to con-
figure the device in the VIOS. When chhwres is used to remove a vir-
tual I/O adapter from a VIOS partition, chhwres issues the VIOS rmdev
command to remove the device from the VIOS partition.
When chhwres is used to remove memory or processing resources from a
shutdown partition, if the amount of memory or processing resources
falls below the minimum for the partition, the minimum, assigned, and
maximum values for the partition are all set to 0. Also, if the memory
values for a partition are set to 0, the processing resource values for
the partition will also be set to 0. Likewise, if the processing
resource values for a partition are set to 0, the memory values for the
partition will also be set to 0.
-r The type of hardware resources to change. Valid values are io
for physical I/O, virtualio for virtual I/O, mem for memory,
mempool for shared memory pool, rspool for reserved storage
device pool, proc for processing resources, procpool for shared
processor pool, hea for Host Ethernet Adapter (HEA) resources,
and sriov for Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) resources.
Shared processor pool operations are only supported on managed
systems that support multiple shared processor pools.
Reserved storage device pool operations are only supported on
managed systems that support partition suspend and resume opera-
The subtype of hardware resources to change. Valid physical I/O
resource subtypes are slot for I/O slots, bus for I/O buses,
iopool for I/O pools, and taggedio for tagged I/O resources.
Valid virtual I/O resource subtypes are eth for virtual ether-
net, fc for virtual fibre channel, scsi for virtual SCSI, serial
for virtual serial, hsl for High Speed Link (HSL) OptiConnect,
virtualopti for virtual OptiConnect, vnetwork for virtual net-
work, and vswitch for virtual switch resources. Valid SR-IOV
resource subtypes are adapter for SR-IOV adapter resources, log-
port for SR-IOV logical port resources, and physport for SR-IOV
physical port resources.
The only valid shared memory pool resource subtype is pgdev for
paging space devices. The only valid reserved storage device
pool resource subtype is rsdev for reserved storage devices. On
a managed system that supports Active Memory Sharing and parti-
tion suspend and resume operations, the command chhwres -m man-
aged-system -r mempool --rsubtype pgdev -o {a | r} -p VIOS-par-
tition-name --device device-name adds or removes a device in the
reserved storage device pool, and is equivalent to the command
chhwres -m managed-system -r rspool --rsubtype rsdev -o {a | r}
-p VIOS-partition-name --device device-name.
This option is required for physical I/O and virtual I/O set
operations, for virtual I/O add operations, for virtual network
and virtual switch operations, and for SR-IOV operations. This
option is not valid for memory, processor, shared processor
pool, or HEA operations.
-m The name of the managed system for which the hardware resource
configuration is to be changed. The name may either be the
user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form
tttt-mmm*sssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the
model, and sssssss is the serial number of the managed system.
The tttt-mmm*sssssss form must be used if there are multiple
managed systems with the same user-defined name.
-o The operation to perform. Valid values are a to add hardware
resources, r to remove hardware resources, m to move hardware
resources from one partition to another, s to set hardware
resource related attributes, d to disable a virtual ethernet
adapter, e to enable a virtual ethernet adapter, rs to reset I/O
entitled memory statistics for a partition or to reset statis-
tics for an SR-IOV logical or physical port, so to switch over a
running shared memory partition to its redundant paging VIOS
partition, sync to synchronize the virtual switch mode, or c to
clear a physical I/O slot or bus.
The c operation is useful for clearing stale physical I/O slot
or bus information after a physical I/O adapter or drawer has
been concurrently removed but not replaced.
The clear physical I/O slot operation is only supported on
POWER6 and later servers.
-p The name of the partition for which to perform the operation.
For a move operation, this is the source partition (the parti-
tion the resources will be moved from) for the operation.
When adding or removing a device in the shared memory pool or
the reserved storage device pool, use this option to specify the
name of the VIOS partition which has the device. If the device
is accessed by more than one VIOS partition, then only one of
the VIOS partitions must be specified, and the device name spec-
ified with the --device option must be the name of the device on
that VIOS partition.
You can either use this option to specify the name of the parti-
tion for which to perform the operation, or use the --id option
to specify the partition's ID. The -p and the --id options are
mutually exclusive.
--id The ID of the partition for which to perform the operation. For
a move operation, this is the source partition (the partition
the resources will be moved from) for the operation.
When adding or removing a device in the shared memory pool or
the reserved storage device pool, use this option to specify the
ID of the VIOS partition which has the device. If the device is
accessed by more than one VIOS partition, then only one of the
VIOS partitions must be specified, and the device name specified
with the --device option must be the name of the device on that
VIOS partition.
You can either use this option to specify the ID of the parti-
tion for which to perform the operation, or use the -p option to
specify the partition's name. The --id and the -p options are
mutually exclusive.
-t The name of the target partition for a move operation.
You can either use this option to specify the name of the target
partition, or use the --tid option to specify the ID of the par-
tition. The -t and the --tid options are mutually exclusive.
A target partition is required to be specified with this option
or the --tid option for a move operation. This option is not
valid for any other operation.
--tid The ID of the target partition for a move operation.
You can either use this option to specify the ID of the target
partition, or use the -t option to specify the name of the
target partition. The --tid and the -t options are mutually
A target partition is required to be specified with this option
or the -t option for a move operation. This option is not valid
for any other operation.
The name of the shared processor pool for which to set
You can either use this option to specify the name of the shared
processor pool, or use the --poolid option to specify the ID of
the shared processor pool. The --poolname and the --poolid
options are mutually exclusive.
A shared processor pool is required to be specified with this
option or the --poolid option when setting the attributes for a
shared processor pool. This option is not valid for any other
The ID of the shared processor pool for which to set attributes.
You can either use this option to specify the ID of the shared
processor pool, or use the --poolname option to specify the name
of the shared processor pool. The --poolid and the --poolname
options are mutually exclusive.
A shared processor pool is required to be specified with this
option or the --poolname option when setting the attributes for
a shared processor pool. This option is not valid for any other
-l When adding, removing, moving, or clearing a physical I/O slot,
use this option to specify the DRC index of the slot.
When performing an HEA operation, use this option to specify the
adapter ID of the HEA for which the operation is to be per-
This option is not valid for any other operation.
-s The virtual slot number of the virtual I/O adapter to add,
change, disable, enable, or remove.
When adding a virtual I/O adapter, if this option is not speci-
fied then the next available virtual slot number will be
assigned to the virtual I/O adapter.
When changing, disabling, enabling, or removing a virtual I/O
adapter, this option is required.
-q The quantity of memory to add, remove, or move. The quantity
specified must be in megabytes, it must be a multiple of the
memory region size for the managed-system, and it must be
greater than 0.
For a partition using shared memory, this is the quantity of
logical memory to add or remove. Memory move operations are not
supported for partitions using shared memory.
When the current, pending, and runtime memory values for a par-
tition are not the same, the quantity of memory specified with
this option is added to or removed from the current value.
The quantity of I/O entitled memory to add or remove. The quan-
tity specified must be in megabytes and must be greater than 0,
or quantity can be auto. If quantity is a number, then auto-
matic I/O entitled memory management will no longer be provided
for the partition after the quantity of I/O entitled memory is
added or removed. If quantity is auto, then the partition will
be set to have automatic I/O entitled memory management, and if
necessary, I/O entitled memory will be added or removed at this
time so that the partition has the amount of memory required
with automatic I/O entitled memory management.
This option is only valid for partitions using shared memory.
When adding or removing processing resources to or from a parti-
tion using dedicated processors, or when moving processing
resources from a partition using dedicated processors to another
partition using dedicated processors, use this option to specify
the quantity of dedicated processors to add, remove, or move.
When adding or removing processing resources to or from a parti-
tion using shared processors, or when moving processing
resources from a partition using shared processors to another
partition using shared processors, use this option to specify
the quantity of virtual processors to add, remove, or move.
When moving processing resources from a partition using dedi-
cated processors to a partition using shared processors, use
this option to specify the quantity of dedicated processors to
be moved from the source partition and added as shared proces-
sors to the target partition.
This option is not valid when moving processing resources from a
partition using shared processors to a partition using dedicated
processors. The --procunits option must be used instead.
The quantity of processing resources specified with this option
must be a whole number greater than 0.
When the current, pending, and runtime processing resource val-
ues for a partition are not the same, the quantity of processing
resources specified with this option is added to or removed from
the current value.
When adding or removing processing resources to or from a parti-
tion using shared processors, or when moving processing
resources from a partition using shared processors to another
partition using shared processors, use this option to specify
the quantity of processing units to add, remove, or move.
When moving processing resources from a partition using shared
processors to a partition using dedicated processors, use this
option to specify the quantity of shared processors to be moved
from the source partition and added as dedicated processors to
the target partition.
This option is not valid when moving processing resources from a
partition using dedicated processors to a partition using shared
processors. The --procs option must be used instead.
When moving processing resources from a partition using shared
processors to a partition using dedicated processors, the quan-
tity of processing units specified with this option must be a
whole number. Otherwise, the quantity of processing units spec-
ified with this option can have up to 2 decimal places. In
either case, the quantity specified must be greater than 0.
When the current, pending, and runtime processing resource val-
ues for a partition are not the same, the quantity of processing
resources specified with this option is added to or removed from
the current value.
The percentage of 5250 Commercial Processing Workload (CPW) to
add, remove, or move. The percentage specified can have up to 2
decimal places, and it must be greater than 0.
This option is only valid for IBM i partitions and can only be
used when the managed-system supports the assignment of 5250 CPW
percentages to partitions.
The ID of the HEA physical port. This option is required when
adding an HEA logical port to a partition. This option is also
required when setting HEA physical port attributes. This option
is not valid for any other operation.
-g The HEA port group. This option is required for all HEA opera-
tions, and is not valid for any other operation.
The ID of the HEA logical port to add, remove, or move.
This option is required for an HEA add, remove, or move opera-
tion. This option is not valid for any other operation.
The virtual network name.
This option is required for all virtual network operations. This
option is not valid for any other operation.
The virtual switch name.
This option is required for all virtual switch operations. This
option is not valid for any other operation.
The name of the device to add or remove.
This option is required when adding or removing a device in the
shared memory pool or the reserved storage device pool. This
option is not valid for any other operation.
When adding a device to the reserved storage device pool, spec-
ify this option to indicate that the device will only be avail-
able for manual assignment to partitions by the user. A
reserved storage device that is added to the pool as a manual
device cannot be automatically assigned to a partition by the
Hardware Management Console (HMC).
If this option is not specified when adding a device to the
reserved storage device pool, the device will only be available
for automatic assignment to partitions by the HMC.
This option is only valid when adding a device to the reserved
storage device pool.
-w The elapsed time, in minutes, after which an operation will be
wait-time must be a whole number. If wait-time is 0, the opera-
tion will not be timed out.
If this option is not specified, a default value of 5 minutes is
This option is valid for all add, remove, and move operations
for AIX, Linux, and VIOS partitions. In addition, this option
is valid for I/O entitled memory statistics reset operations and
memory set operations for AIX and Linux partitions. This option
is also valid for memory add, remove, and move operations for
IBM i partitions, and when changing the additional VLAN IDs for
a virtual ethernet adapter assigned to a VIOS partition.
-d The level of detail to be displayed upon return of an operation.
Valid values are 0 (none) through 5 (highest).
If this option is not specified, a default value of 0 is used.
This option is valid for all add, remove, and move operations
for AIX, Linux, and VIOS partitions. In addition, this option
is valid for I/O entitled memory statistics reset operations and
memory set operations for AIX and Linux partitions. This option
is also valid when changing the additional VLAN IDs for a vir-
tual ethernet adapter assigned to a VIOS partition.
This option allows you to force a remove or move operation to be
performed for a physical I/O slot that is currently in use (var-
ied on) by an IBM i partition.
This option also allows you to force an add, remove, move, or
memory set operation to be performed for an AIX, Linux, or VIOS
partition that does not have an RMC connection to the HMC. If
this command completes successfully, you will need to restart
your operating system for the change to take affect. You should
only use this option if you intentionally configured your LAN to
isolate the HMC from the operating system of your partition.
This option also allows you to force the additional VLAN IDs for
a virtual ethernet adapter to be changed for a VIOS partition
that does not have an RMC connection to the HMC.
-a The configuration data for the command. The configuration data
consists of attribute name/value pairs, which are in comma sepa-
rated value (CSV) format. The configuration data must be
enclosed in double quotes.
The format of the configuration data is as follows:
Note that certain attributes accept a comma separated list of
values, as follows:
When a list of values is specified, the attribute name/value
pair must be enclosed in double quotes. Depending on the shell
being used, nested double quote characters may need to be pre-
ceded by an escape character, which is usually a '\' character.
If '+=' is used in the attribute name/value pair instead of '=',
then the specified value is added to the existing value for the
attribute if the attribute is numerical. If the attribute is a
list, then the specified value(s) is added to the existing list.
If '-=' is used in the attribute name/value pair instead of '=',
then the specified value is subtracted from the existing value
for the attribute if the attribute is numerical. If the
attribute is a list, then the specified value(s) is deleted from
the existing list.
Valid attribute names for attributes that can be set when
adding, removing, or moving a physical I/O slot:
Valid attribute names for setting I/O pool attributes:
comma separated
Valid attribute names for setting tagged I/O resources (IBM i
partitions only):
DRC index of I/O slot or virtual slot number
DRC index of I/O slot, DRC index of HEA logical
port, or virtual slot number
DRC index of I/O slot, DRC index of HEA logical
port, virtual slot number, or the value hmc
DRC index of I/O slot
DRC index of I/O slot
Valid attribute names for adding a virtual ethernet adapter:
Valid values:
0 - not IEEE 802.1Q compatible
1 - IEEE 802.1Q compatible
Valid values:
0 - no
1 - yes
Valid values are integers between 1
and 15, inclusive
Required for a trunk adapter
12 hexadecimal characters
If not specified, a unique MAC address will be
automatically generated for the adapter. It is
highly recommended that you use an automatically
generated MAC address.
1 to 4 comma separated MAC addresses, each specified
as 12 hexadecimal characters. Other valid values:
all - all OS defined MAC addresses are allowed
none - no OS defined MAC addresses are allowed
Valid values are none and integers between 0 and 7,
Valid attribute names for adding a virtual fibre channel
Valid values are client or server
remote_lpar_id | remote_lpar_name
One of these attributes is required
Optional for a client adapter, and not valid for
a server adapter. If this attribute is not
specified, WWPNs will be automatically generated for
a client adapter. It is highly recommended that
you do not specify WWPNs so that they will be
automatically generated. If you do specify WWPNs,
you must specify exactly two, and they must be comma
Valid attribute names for adding a virtual SCSI adapter:
Valid values are client or server
remote_lpar_id | remote_lpar_name
One of these attributes is required for a
client adapter
Required for a client adapter
Valid attribute names for adding a virtual serial adapter:
Valid values are client or server
remote_lpar_id | remote_lpar_name
One of these attributes is required for a
client adapter
Required for a client adapter
The only valid value is 0 for no.
Valid attribute names for changing a virtual ethernet adapter
assigned to a running partition:
Valid values:
0 - not IEEE 802.1Q compatible
1 - IEEE 802.1Q compatible
Valid values are none and integers between 0 and 7,
To remove a VSI profile, specify none
To remove a VSI profile, specify none
To remove a VSI profile, specify none
Valid attribute names for setting virtual ethernet attributes
for the managed-system:
Valid attribute names for setting HSL OptiConnect attributes
(IBM i partitions only):
Valid values are:
0 - HSL OptiConnect is disabled
1 - HSL OptiConnect is enabled
Valid attribute names for setting virtual OptiConnect attributes
(IBM i partitions only):
Valid values are:
0 - virtual OptiConnect is disabled
1 - virtual OptiConnect is enabled
Valid attribute names for adding a virtual network:
Valid values are:
0 - do not use IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging
1 - use IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging
Valid attribute names for setting virtual network attributes:
Valid attribute names for setting virtual switch attributes:
Valid values are:
VEB - Virtual Ethernet Bridge mode
VEPA - Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator mode
Valid attribute names for setting memory attributes for the man-
Valid values are:
none - disable memory mirroring
sys_firmware_only - enable memory mirroring for system
firmware memory only
Memory region size of the managed-system after it is
restarted. The valid values for the managed-system
are returned by the lshwres -m managed-system -r mem
--level sys -F possible_mem_region_sizes command.
Valid attribute names for setting memory attributes for a parti-
Valid values are from 1.00 to 10.00
Valid values are:
0 - disable hardware-accelerated encryption
1 - enable hardware-accelerated encryption
Valid values are:
0 - disable hardware-accelerated Active Memory
1 - enable hardware-accelerated Active Memory
Valid attribute names for creating the shared memory pool or
setting shared memory pool attributes:
paging_vios_names | paging_vios_ids
specify one or two VIOS partitions
Valid values are:
0 - disable Active Memory Deduplication
1 - enable Active Memory Deduplication
Ratio of the deduplication table size to the maximum
memory for the pool. Valid values are displayed
by the lshwres -r mem -m managed-system --level sys
-F possible_dedup_table_ratios command.
Valid attribute names for creating the reserved storage device
pool or setting reserved storage device pool attributes:
vios_names | vios_ids
specify one or two VIOS partitions
Valid attribute names for setting processing attributes for the
The valid values for the managed-system are returned
by the lshwres -r proc --level sys -m managed-system
-F possible_max_curr_procs_per_lpar command.
Valid attribute names for setting processing attributes for a
Valid values for partitions using
dedicated processors are:
keep_idle_procs - never share
share_idle_procs - share processors only
when partition is inactive
share_idle_procs_active - share
processors only when partition
is active
share_idle_procs_always - always share
Valid values for partitions using shared
processors are:
cap - capped
uncap - uncapped
Valid attribute names for setting shared processor pool
Valid attribute names for setting shared processor pool
attributes for a partition:
shared_proc_pool_name | shared_proc_pool_id
Valid attribute names when adding an HEA logical port:
comma separated
Comma separated list of Logical Host
Ethernet adapter (LHEA) capabilities,
with each capability having one of the
following formats:
where ieq (interruptible event queues),
nieq (non-interruptible event queues),
qp (queue pairs), cq (completion
queues), and mr (memory regions) each
specify the resource amount in addition
to the base minimum.
Valid values for capability:
0 - base minimum
1 - low
2 - medium
3 - high
4 - dedicated
For example:
1 to 4 comma separated MAC addresses, each specified
as 12 hexadecimal characters. Other valid values:
all - all OS defined MAC addresses are allowed
none - no OS defined MAC addresses are allowed
Valid attribute names for setting HEA physical port attributes:
Valid values are:
auto - system selects automatically
10 - 10 Mbps
100 - 100 Mbps
1000 - 1 Gbps
10000 - 10 Gbps
Valid values are:
auto - system selects automatically
full - full duplex
Valid values are:
1500 - 1500 bytes per frame (non-jumbo)
9000 - 9000 bytes per frame (jumbo)
Valid values are:
0 - disable flow control
1 - enable flow control
promisc_lpar_name | promisc_lpar_id
Valid attribute names for setting HEA port group attributes:
Valid attribute names for switching an SR-IOV adapter to shared
Valid values are:
1 - 32, inclusive
If the adapter ID is not specified, the next available
adapter ID will be assigned.
Valid attribute names for switching an SR-IOV adapter to dedi-
cated mode:
Valid attribute names for moving the configuration of an SR-IOV
DRC index of the I/O slot of the failed SR-IOV adapter
DRC index of the I/O slot of the new SR-IOV adapter
Valid attribute names for changing an SR-IOV physical port:
Warning! When an attribute for an SR-IOV physical port
is changed, a short network interruption may occur for
all partitions that share the physical port.
Possible valid values are:
10 - 10 Mbps
100 - 100 Mbps
1000 - 1 Gbps
10000 - 10 Gbps
40000 - 40 Gpbs
100000 - 100 Gbps
An integer value less than or equal to the maximum
number of Ethernet logical ports allowed on any
physical port on the adapter
Valid values are:
1500 - 1500 bytes
9000 - 9000 bytes (Jumbo frames)
1-16 characters
Specify none to clear the physical port label
1-8 charaters
Specify none to clear the physical port sublabel
Valid values are:
0 - disable
1 - enable
Valid values are:
0 - disable
1 - enable
Valid values are:
0 - disable Virtual Ethernet Bridge mode
1 - enable Virtual Ethernet Bridge mode
Valid values are:
0 - disable Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator mode
1 - enable Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator mode
Valid attribute names for adding an SR-IOV logical port:
Valid values are:
eth - ethernet logical port
Comma separated list of MAC addresses, each specified
as 12 hexadecimal characters. Other valid values are:
all - all OS defined MAC addresses are allowed
(default value)
none - no OS defined MAC addresses are allowed
Comma separated list of integers between 0 and 7,
inclusive, or one of the following values:
all - all supported priorities are allowed
none - no priorities are allowed (default value)
Comma separated list of VLAN IDs, or one of the
following values:
all - all VLAN IDs are allowed (default value)
none - no VLAN IDs are allowed
Must be a multiple of min_eth_capacity_granularity
of the physical port, which is displayed by the
lshwres -m managed-system -r sriov
--rsubtype physport --level {eth | ethc}
-F min_eth_capacity_granularity command.
The minimum value and the default value is the
value of min_eth_capacity_granularity, the maximum
value is 100.
If not specified, the management console will assign
the next available value.
Valid values are:
0 - disable (default value)
1 - enable
Warning! If diagnostics mode is enabled, no other
logical port may be attached to the physical port.
If logical ports are already in use on the physical
port, you will have to power off partitions or use
Dynamic Logical Partitioning (DLPAR) to remove the
logical ports that are attached to the physical port.
Valid values are:
0 - disable (default value)
1 - enable
DRC index of an SR-IOV logical port. If not
specified, an SR-IOV logical port will be
automatically assigned.
12 hexadecimal characters
If not specified, a unique MAC address will be
automatically generated for the logical port. It
is highly recommended that you use an automatically
generated MAC address.
Port VLAN ID or 0 to disable VLAN tag insertions
for untagged frames (default value)
Valid values are:
0 - disable (default value)
1 - enable
Valid values are:
An integer between 0 and 7, inclusive.
Default value is 0.
Valid attribute names for changing an SR-IOV logical port:
Comma separated list of MAC addresses, each specified
as 12 hexadecimal characters. Other valid values are:
all - all OS defined MAC addresses are allowed
none - no OS defined MAC addresses are allowed
Comma separated list of integers between 0 and 7,
inclusive, or one of the following values:
all - all supported priorities are allowed
none - no priorities are allowed
Comma separated list of VLAN IDs, or one of the
following values:
all - all VLAN IDs are allowed
none - no VLAN IDs are allowed
Valid values are:
0 - disable (default value)
1 - enable
Warning! If diagnostics mode is enabled, no other
logical port may be attached to the physical port.
If logical ports are already in use on the physical
port, you will have to power off partitions or use
Dynamic Logical Partitioning (DLPAR) to remove the
logical ports that are attached to the physical port.
Port VLAN ID or 0 to disable VLAN tag insertions
for untagged frames
Valid values are:
An integer between 0 and 7, inclusive.
Valid attribute names for removing an SR-IOV logical port:
Valid attribute names for resetting statistics for an SR-IOV
physical port:
Valid attribute names for resetting statistics for an SR-IOV
logical port:
--help Display the help text for this command and exit.
Add the I/O slot with DRC index 21010001 to partition p1 and set the
I/O pool ID for the slot to 3:
chhwres -r io -m sys1 -o a -p p1 -l 21010001
-a "slot_io_pool_id=3"
Add I/O pools 2 and 3 to the I/O pools in which partition p1 is partic-
chhwres -r io --rsubtype iopool -m 9406-520*1234321A -o s
-p p1 -a ""lpar_io_pool_ids+=2,3""
Clear the physical I/O slot with DRC index 21010207 after the physical
I/O adapter in that slot was concurrently removed but not replaced:
chhwres -r io -m sys1 -o c -l 21010207
Add a virtual ethernet adapter to the partition with ID 3:
chhwres -r virtualio -m 9406-520*1234321A -o a --id 3
--rsubtype eth -a "ieee_virtual_eth=1,
Add a virtual fibre channel client adapter to the partition p1:
chhwres -r virtualio -m sys1 -o a -p p1 --rsubtype fc
-a "adapter_type=client,remote_lpar_name=vios,remote_slot_num=16"
Remove the virtual adapter in slot 3 from partition p1:
chhwres -r virtualio -m sys1 -o r -p p1 -s 3
Add an additional VLAN ID to the virtual ethernet adapter in slot 4 of
the partition AIX:
chhwres -r virtualio -m sys1 -o s --rsubtype eth -p AIX -s 4
-a "addl_vlan_ids+=5"
Disable the virtual ethernet adapter in slot 2 of the partition p5:
chhwres -r virtualio -m sys1 -o d --rsubtype eth -p p5 -s 2
Enable HSL OptiConnect for the IBM i partition i_p1:
chhwres -r virtualio -m sys1 -o s -p i_p1
--rsubtype hsl -a "hsl_pool_id=1"
Add the virtual network vnet5:
chhwres -r virtualio --rsubtype vnetwork -m sys1 -o a --vnetwork vnet5
-a "vswitch=ETHERNET0,vlan_id=5,is_tagged=1"
Add the virtual switch vs1:
chhwres -r virtualio --rsubtype vswitch -m sys1 -o a --vswitch vs1
Add 128 MB of memory to the partition with ID 1, and time out after 10
chhwres -r mem -m sys1 -o a --id 1 -q 128 -w 10
Remove 512 MB of memory from the AIX partition aix_p1 and return a
detail level of 5:
chhwres -r mem -m 9406-520*1234321A -o r -p aix_p1 -q 512
-d 5
Remove 128 MB of logical memory and 100 MB of I/O entitled memory from
the partition smp1:
chhwres -r mem -m sys1 -o r -p smp1 -q 128 --entitled 100
Set the partition smp1 to automatic I/O entitled memory management
chhwres -r mem -m sys1 -o a -p smp1 --entitled auto
Reset I/O entitled memory statistics for partition smp1:
chhwres -r mem -m sys1 -o rs -p smp1
Create the shared memory pool with redundant VIOS partitions (on a man-
aged system that supports partition suspend and resume operations, this
command also creates the reserved storage device pool if it does not
already exist):
chhwres -r mempool -m sys1 -o a -a "pool_mem=4096,max_pool_mem=
Increase the size of the shared memory pool by 256 MB:
chhwres -r mempool -m sys1 -o s -a "pool_mem+=256"
Add the device hdisk1 on VIOS partition vios_p1 to the shared memory
pool (on a managed system that supports partition suspend and resume
operations, this command adds the device to the reserved storage device
chhwres -r mempool -m sys1 --rsubtype pgdev -o a -p vios_p1
--device hdisk1
Create the reserved storage device pool with a single VIOS partition:
chhwres -r rspool -m sys1 -o a -a "vios_names=vios_p2"
Add the VIOS partition with ID 1 to the reserved storage device pool:
chhwres -r rspool -m sys1 -o s -a "vios_ids+=1"
Remove the device hdisk1 on VIOS partition vios_p1 from the reserved
storage device pool:
chhwres -r rspool -m sys1 --rsubtype rsdev -o r -p vios_p1
--device hdisk1
Switch over the running shared memory partition smp1 to its redundant
paging VIOS partition:
chhwres -r mem -m sys1 -p smp1 -o so
Set the number of pages of huge page memory requested for the managed
system to 2 (the managed system must be powered off):
chhwres -r mem -m sys1 -o s -a "requested_num_sys_huge_pages=2"
Move 1 processor from partition p1 to partition p2 (both partitions are
using dedicated processors):
chhwres -r proc -m 9406-520*1234321A -o m -p p1 -t p2
--procs 1
Move .5 processing units from the partition with ID 1 to the partition
with ID 2 (both partitions are using shared processors):
chhwres -r proc -m sys1 -o m --id 1 --tid 2 --procunits .5
Add .25 processing units to the IBM i partition i_p1 and add 10 percent
5250 CPW:
chhwres -r proc -m sys1 -o a -p i_p1 --procunits .25
--5250cpwpercent 10
Configure the shared processor pool with ID 1:
chhwres -r procpool -m sys1 -o s --poolid 1 -a "new_name=
Move the partition sharedlpar1 to shared processor pool pool1:
chhwres -r procpool -m sys1 -o s -p sharedlpar1
-a "shared_proc_pool_name=pool1"
Add logical port 4 for physical port 0 belonging to port group 2 of the
HEA with an adapter ID of 23000020 to partition p1. Also set the LHEA
capabilty level to low:
chhwres -r hea -m mySystem -o a -p p1 -l 23000020
--physport 0 -g 2 --logport 4 -a "lhea_capabilities=1"
Remove logical port 1 belonging to port group 2 of the HEA with an
adapter ID of 23000020 from the partition with ID 8:
chhwres -r hea -m 9117-MMA*123432C -o r --id 8 -l 23000020
-g 2 --logport 1
Set physical port attributes for port group 2 of physical port 1 of the
HEA with an adapter ID of 23000020:
chhwres -r hea -m mySystem -o s -l 23000020 -g 2
--physport 1 -a "conn_speed=auto,duplex=auto,
Set port group attributes for port group 1 of the HEA with an adapter
ID of 23000030:
chhwres -r hea -m sys1 -o s -l 23000030 -g 1
-a "pend_port_group_mcs_value=4"
Switch an SR-IOV adapter to shared mode:
chhwres -r sriov -m sys1 --rsubtype adapter -o a -a "slot_id=21010202"
Switch an SR-IOV adapter to dedicated mode:
chhwres -r sriov -m sys1 --rsubtype adapter -o r -a "slot_id=21010202"
Set the connection speed for SR-IOV physical port 0 to 100 Gbps:
chhwres -r sriov -m sys1 --rsubtype physport -o s
-a "adapter_id=1,phys_port_id=0,conn_speed=100000"
Add an SR-IOV ethernet logical port (using defaults) to partition
chhwres -r sriov -m sys1 --rsubtype logport -o a -p lpar1
-a "adapter_id=1,phys_port_id=1,logical_port_type=eth"
Remove an SR-IOV ethernet logical port from partition lpar1:
chhwres -r sriov -m sys1 --rsubtype logport -o r -p lpar1
-a "adapter_id=1,logical_port_id=27004001"
Change the port VLAN ID for an SR-IOV ethernet logical port in parti-
tion lpar1:
chhwres -r sriov -m sys1 --rsubtype logport -o s -p lpar1
-a "adapter_id=1,logical_port_id=27004001,port_vlan_id=2"
Reset the statistics for an SR-IOV physical port:
chhwres -r sriov -m sys1 --rsubtype physport -o rs
-a "adapter_id=1,phys_port_id=0"
IBM Austin
lshwres, rsthwres, chsyscfg, lssyscfg