La commande en ligne à utiliser pour afficher les espaces libres sur une HMC est la suivante :
# monhmc -r disk
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 16121184 7772828 7529444 51% /
tmpfs 2047848 220 2047628 1% /dev
tmpfs 2047848 0 2047848 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda3 6040320 414748 5318732 8% /var
/dev/dm-1 10321208 324980 9471940 4% /home
/dev/dm-3 8256952 2975892 4861632 38% /var/hsc/log
/dev/dm-0 123854820 196736 117366628 1% /dump
/dev/dm-2 20642428 176088 19417764 1% /extra
/dev/dm-5 227067260 200404 215332520 1% /data
/dev/sda2 16121184 7772828 7529444 51% /
tmpfs 2047848 220 2047628 1% /dev
tmpfs 2047848 0 2047848 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda3 6040320 414748 5318732 8% /var
/dev/dm-1 10321208 324980 9471940 4% /home
/dev/dm-3 8256952 2975892 4861632 38% /var/hsc/log
/dev/dm-0 123854820 196736 117366628 1% /dump
/dev/dm-2 20642428 176088 19417764 1% /extra
/dev/dm-5 227067260 200404 215332520 1% /data
La syntaxe détaillée est donnée ci-dessous :
Usage: monhmc -s { hmcsvr | rmc } [-n <interval count>]
Usage: monhmc -r { disk | proc | mem | swap } [-n <interval count>]
Usage: monhmc --help
Monitor HMC memory, processor, and disk usage. The -s and -r flags are mutually exclusive.
-s The type of subsystems to monitor. Options are:
hmcsvr: HMC server subsystems.
rmc: RMC subsystems.
-r The type of resource to monitor. Options are:
disk: Disk usage.
proc: Processor usage.
mem: System Memory usage.
swap: Swap space usage.
-n The interval in seconds, default is 4.
If 0 is specfied, the output will be displayed once.
--help Prints this help message.
Pour nettoyer le système de fichier(/var notamment), utiliser la commande 'chhmcfs'
chhmcfs -o f {-d days | -h hours | -s size}
[-f file-system] [--help]
The -o indicates the operation to perform, which in this case is f to free up file system disk space. (At the current release of HMC V7R7.2 this is the only valid value for -o). The -d indicates the number of days to keep before today's date, so -d 0 says get rid of the lot of 'em.
# chhmcfs -o f -d 0 # Retire tous les fichiers temporaires de la HMC.