---Software Installation and Maintenance [install]
|---Install and Update Software [install_update]
| |---Install Software [install_latest]
| |---Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All) [update_all]
| |---Install Software Bundle [install_bundle]
| |---Update Software by Fix (APAR) [update_by_fix]
| |---Install and Update from ALL Available Software [install_all]
|---List Software and Related Information [list_software]
| |---List Installed Software and Related Information [list_installed]
| | |---List Installed Software [list_installed_sw]
| | |---List Installed Software by Bundle [list_installed_sw_bnd]
| | |---List Applied but Not Committed Software Updates [list_applied_sw]
| | |---Show Software Installation History [show_history]
| | |---Show Fix (APAR) Installation Status [show_apar_stat]
| | |---List Fileset Requisites [list_requisites]
| | |---List Fileset Dependents [list_dependents]
| | |---List Files Included in a Fileset [list_files]
| | |---List Fileset Containing File [what_fileset]
| | |---Show Installed License Agreements [installed_license]
| |---List Software on Media and Related Information [list_media]
| | |---List Filesets in a Bundle [list_bundle]
| | |---List Software on Installation Media [list_media_sw]
| | |---List Software Fixes (APARs) on Installation Media [list_media_fixes]
| | |---List Supplemental Fileset Information on Installation Media [list_media_info]
| | |---Show License Agreements on Installation Media [license_on_media]
|---Software Maintenance and Utilities [maintain_software]
| |---Commit Applied Software Updates (Remove Saved Files) [commit]
| |---Reject Applied Software Updates (Use Previous Version) [reject]
| |---Remove Installed Software [remove]
| |---
| |---Rename Software Images in Repository [rename_software]
| |---Clean Up Software Images in Repository [cleanup_software]
| |---
| |---Copy Software to Hard Disk for Future Installation [bffcreate]
| |---Copy Software Bundle to Hard Disk for Future Installation [copy_bundle]
| |---
| |---Check Software File Sizes After Installation [check_files]
| |---Verify Software Installation and Requisites [verify_install]
| |---
| |---Clean Up After Failed or Interrupted Installation [cleanup]
| |---
| |---Service Update Management Assistant (SUMA) [suma]
| | |---Download Updates Now (Easy) [suma_easy]
| | | |---Download Maintenance Level or Technology Level [suma_easy_ml]
| | | |---Download Service Pack [suma_easy_sp]
| | | |---Download All Latest Fixes [suma_easy_all_latest]
| | |---Custom/Automated Downloads (Advanced) [suma_task]
| | | |---Create a New SUMA Task [suma_task_new]
| | | |---View/Change an Existing SUMA Task [suma_task_edit]
| | | |---Remove a SUMA Task [suma_task_delete]
| | | |---View All SUMA Tasks [suma_task_viewall]
| | | |---View/Change SUMA Task Defaults [suma_task_defaults]
| | |---Configure SUMA [suma_config]
| | | |---Base Configuration [suma_config_base]
| | | |---Task Defaults [suma_task_defaults]
| | | |---Saved Email Addresses [suma_notify]
| | | | |---View All Saved Email Addresses [suma_notify_viewall]
| | | | |---Remove a Saved Email Address [suma_notify_remove]
|---Software Service Management [service_software]
| |---Service Update Management Assistant (SUMA) [suma]
| | |---Download Updates Now (Easy) [suma_easy]
| | | |---Download Maintenance Level or Technology Level [suma_easy_ml]
| | | |---Download Service Pack [suma_easy_sp]
| | | |---Download All Latest Fixes [suma_easy_all_latest]
| | |---Custom/Automated Downloads (Advanced) [suma_task]
| | | |---Create a New SUMA Task [suma_task_new]
| | | |---View/Change an Existing SUMA Task [suma_task_edit]
| | | |---Remove a SUMA Task [suma_task_delete]
| | | |---View All SUMA Tasks [suma_task_viewall]
| | | |---View/Change SUMA Task Defaults [suma_task_defaults]
| | |---Configure SUMA [suma_config]
| | | |---Base Configuration [suma_config_base]
| | | |---Task Defaults [suma_task_defaults]
| | | |---Saved Email Addresses [suma_notify]
| | | | |---View All Saved Email Addresses [suma_notify_viewall]
| | | | |---Remove a Saved Email Address [suma_notify_remove]
| |---Comparison Reports [compare_software]
| | |---Compare Installed Software to Fix Repository [instofix_compare]
| | |---Compare Installed Software to List of Available Updates [instolist_compare]
| | |---Compare Fix Repository to List of Available Updates [fixtolist_compare]
| |---Rename Software Images in Repository [rename_software]
| |---Clean Up Software Images in Repository [cleanup_software]
|---Relocatable Software Installation and Maintenance [relocatable]
| |---Install Software [install_latest_r]
| |---List Installed Software and Related Information [list_installed_r]
| | |---List Installed Software [list_installed_sw_r]
| | |---List Applied but Not Committed Software Updates [list_applied_sw_r]
| | |---Show Software Installation History [show_history_r]
| | |---List Fileset Requisites [list_requisites_r]
| | |---List Fileset Dependents [list_dependents_r]
| | |---List Files Included in a Fileset [list_files_r]
| | |---List Fileset Containing File [what_fileset_r]
| | |---Show Installed License Agreements [installed_license_r]
| |---Software Maintenance and Utilities [maintain_software_r]
| | |---Commit Applied Software Updates (Remove Saved Files) [commit_r]
| | |---Reject Applied Software Updates (Use Previous Version) [reject_r]
| | |---Remove Installed Software [remove_r]
| | |---
| | |---Check Software File Sizes After Installation [check_files_r]
| | |---Verify Software Installation and Requisites [verify_install_r]
| | |---
| | |---Clean Up After Failed or Interrupted Installation [cleanup_r]
|---Network Installation Management [nim_client]
| |---Configure Network Installation Management Client Fileset [niminit]
| |---Install and Update Software [nim_client_inst]
| | |---Install Software [nim_c_inst_latest]
| | |---Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All) [nim_c_update_all]
| | |---Install Software Bundle [nim_c_inst_bundle]
| | |---Update Software by Fix (APAR) [nim_c_updt_by_fix]
| | |---Install and Update from ALL Available Software [nim_c_inst_all]
| | |---Reinstall the Base Operating System [nim_c_bosinst]
| |---List Software on Media and Related Information [nim_client_list]
| | |---List Filesets in a Bundle [nim_c_list_bundle]
| | |---List Software on Installation Media [nim_c_list_sw]
| | |---List Software Fixes (APARs) on Installation Media [nim_c_list_fixes]
| | |---List Supplemental Fileset Information on Installation Media [nim_c_list_info]
| |---Manage Network Install Permissions [nim_perms]
| |---Manage Network Install Resource Allocation [nim_c_mac_res]
| | |---Show the Contents of a Resource [nim_c_showres]
| | |---List Allocated Network Install Resources [nim_c_lsalloc]
| | |---Allocate Network Install Resources [nim_c_alloc]
| | |---Deallocate Network Install Resources [nim_c_dealloc]
| |---Perform a NIM Client Operation [nim_client_op]
| |---Configure Client Communication Services [nim_config_services]
| |---Thin Server Maintenance [tscosi_client]
| | |---Make a Common OS Image [mkcosi]
| | |---Switch Thin Server to New Common OS Image [swts_client]
| | |---Get Thin Server Status [lsts]
| | |---Get Common OS Image Status [lscosi]
| | |---Debug Boot Thin Server [dbts_client]
| |---Configure Client as Master for Virtual I/O Server and Integrated Virtualization Manager Installation [nim_client_node_inst]
|---EZ NIM (Easy NIM Tool) [eznim_chooser]
| |---Configure as a NIM Master [eznim_master_panel]
| | |---Setup the NIM Master environment [setup_eznim_master]
| | |---Enable Cryptographic Authentication [nim_ssl]
| | |---Add fixes to the NIM Master environment [update_eznim_master]
| | |---Add client to the NIM environment [nim_mkmac]
| | |---
| | |---Update clients [update_client_eznim]
| | |---Backup a client [backup_client_eznim]
| | |---Reinstall clients [reinstall_client_eznim]
| | |---Reset clients [reset_client_eznim]
| | |---
| | |---Show the NIM environment [show_eznim]
| | |---Verify the NIM environment [nim_verify_res]
| | |---Remove NIM environment [remove_nim_env_eznim]
| |---Configure as a NIM Client [eznim_client_panel]
| | |---Add this system to a NIM environment [setup_eznim_client]
| | |---Configure Client Communication Services [nim_config_services]
| | |---Update this system [update_client]
| | |---Reinstall this system [reinstall_eznim_client]
| | |---Reset this system [reset_eznim_client]
| | |---Show the NIM environment [show_eznim_client]
|---System Workload Partition Software Maintenance [installwpar_sys]
| |---Synchronize Workload Partition Software with System Software [syncwpar_sys]
|---System Backup Manager [backsys]
| |---Back Up the System [sysbackup]
| | |---Back Up This System to Tape/File or UDFS capable media [mksysb]
| | |---Back Up This System to CD [mkcd]
| | |---Back Up This System to DVD [mkdvd]
| |---Preview Information about a Backup [lsbackupinfo]
| |---Verify the Readability of a Backup (Tape only) [verify_tape]
| |---View the Backup Log [lsbackuplog]
| |---List Information about Filesets in a System Image [lslppbackup]
| |---List Files in a System Image [lsmksysb]
| |---Restore Files in a System Image [restmksysb]
|---Alternate Disk Installation [alt_install]
| |---Install mksysb on an Alternate Disk [alt_mksysb]
| |---Clone the rootvg to an Alternate Disk [alt_clone]
| |---NIM Alternate Disk Migration [nimadm]
| | |---Perform NIM Alternate Disk Migration [nimadm_migrate]
| | |---Clean up NIM Alternate Disk Migration [nimadm_clean]
| | |---Synchronize Alternate Disk Migration Software [nimadm_sync]
|---EFIX Management [emgr]
| |---List EFIXES and Related Information [emgr_list]
| |---Install EFIX Packages [emgr_install]
| |---Remove Installed EFIXES [emgr_remove]
| |---Check Installed EFIXES [emgr_check]
|---Thin Server Maintenance [tscosi_client]
| |---Make a Common OS Image [mkcosi]
| |---Switch Thin Server to New Common OS Image [swts_client]
| |---Get Thin Server Status [lsts]
| |---Get Common OS Image Status [lscosi]
| |---Debug Boot Thin Server [dbts_client]
---Software License Management [licenses]
|---Show License Agreements [show_license_agree]
| |---Show Installed License Agreements [installed_license]
| |---Show License Agreements on Installation Media [license_on_media]
---Manage Editions [editions]
|---List Current Edition [list_edition]
|---Change Edition [change_edition]
---Devices [dev]
|---Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL [cfgmgr]
|---Printer/Plotter [printer]
| |---Printer/Plotter Devices [pdp]
| | |---List All Defined Printers/Plotters [lsdprt]
| | |---List All Supported Printers/Plotters [lssprt]
| | |---Add a Printer/Plotter [makprt]
| | |---Move a Printer/Plotter to Another Port [movprt]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Printer/Plotter [chgprt]
| | |---Remove a Printer/Plotter [rmvprt]
| | |---Configure a Defined Printer/Plotter [cfgprt]
| | |---Install Additional Printer/Plotter Software [printerinst]
| | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace a Printer/Plotter [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---Print Spooling [print]
| | |--- [spooler]
| | | |---Start a Print Job [qprt]
| | | |---Manage Print Jobs [jobs]
| | | | |---Cancel a Print Job [qcan]
| | | | |---Show the Status of Print Jobs [qchk]
| | | | |---Prioritize a Print Job [qpri]
| | | | |---Hold / Release a Print Job [qhld]
| | | | |---Move a Job Between Print Queues [qmov]
| | | |---List All Print Queues [lspq]
| | | |---Manage Print Queues [pqmanage]
| | | | |---Show Status of Print Queues [qstatus]
| | | | |---Stop a Print Queue [qstop]
| | | | |---Start a Print Queue [qstart]
| | | | |---Set the System's Default Print Queue [qdefault]
| | | | |---Printer Intervention Selection [printer_intervention]
| | | | | |---Run Script [run_script]
| | | | | |---Send Mail [send_mail_recovery]
| | | | | |---Retry [retry_recovery]
| | | |---Add a Print Queue [mkpq]
| | | |---Add an Additional Printer to an Existing Print Queue [mkpqprt]
| | | |---Change / Show Print Queue Characteristics [chpq]
| | | |---Change / Show Printer Connection Characteristics [chprtcom]
| | | |---Remove a Print Queue [rmpq]
| | | |---Manage Print Server [server]
| | | | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | | | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | | | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | | | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | | | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | | | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| | | |--- [pqtools]
| | | | |---Change / Show Printer Attribute Database (Virtual Printers) [ps_lsvirprt]
| | | | |---Change / Show Pre-processing Filters [pqfilters]
| | | | |---Local Print Devices [pq_pdp]
| | | | | |--- [pdp]
| | | | | | |---List All Defined Printers/Plotters [lsdprt]
| | | | | | |---List All Supported Printers/Plotters [lssprt]
| | | | | | |---Add a Printer/Plotter [makprt]
| | | | | | |---Move a Printer/Plotter to Another Port [movprt]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Printer/Plotter [chgprt]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Printer/Plotter [rmvprt]
| | | | | | |---Configure a Defined Printer/Plotter [cfgprt]
| | | | | | |---Install Additional Printer/Plotter Software [printerinst]
| | | | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | | | |---Trace a Printer/Plotter [trace_link]
| | | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | | |---Queues and Queue Devices [pq_lprint]
| | | | | |---Queues [pq_lq]
| | | | | | |---List All Queues [pq_lsallq]
| | | | | | |---Add a Queue [pq_mklque]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Queue [pq_chque]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Queue [pq_rmque]
| | | | | |---Queue Devices [pq_lqdev]
| | | | | | |---List All Queue Devices [pq_lsallqdev]
| | | | | | |---Add a Queue Device to an Existing Queue [pq_mkquedev]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Queue Device [pq_chquedev]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Queue Device [pq_rmquedev]
| | | |---Change / Show Current Print Subsystem [chprtsubsystem]
|---TTY [tty]
| |---List All Defined TTYs [lsdtty]
| |---Add a TTY [maktty]
| |---Move a TTY to Another Port [movtty]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a TTY [chgtty]
| |---Remove a TTY [rmvtty]
| |---Configure a Defined TTY [cfgtty]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace a TTY [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---Asynchronous Adapters [ttyadapters]
| |---Native 2-Port Asynchronous EIA-232 PCI Adapter [exar2async]
| | |---List Native 2-Port EIA-232 PCI Adapters [lsdexar2async]
| | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Native 2-Port EIA-232 PCI Adapter [chgexar2async]
| |---PCIe 2-port Async EIA-232 Adapter [bell2pcieasync]
| | |---List PCIe 2-port Async EIA-232 Adapter [lsdbell2pcieasync]
| | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a PCIe 2-port Async EIA-232 Adapter [chgbell2pcieasync]
| |---IBM 128-Port Async (PCI) Adapter [cxpasync]
| | |---List 128-Port PCI Async Adapters [lsdcxpasync]
| | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a IBM 128-Port Async, EIA-232 (PCI) Adapter [chgcxpasync]
| | |---Monitor Async Adapters [mon128psync]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace an Async Adapter [t128psync]
| | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
|---PTY [pty]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY [chgpty]
| |---Remove the PTY; Keep Definition [rmvpty]
| |---Configure the Defined PTY [cfgpty]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace the PTY [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---Console [console]
| |---Assign the Console [chcons]
| |---Redirect Console Output [swcons]
| |---Show the Console Log File [conslog]
|---MPIO Management [mpio]
| |---MPIO Path Management [mpiopath]
| | |---List/Export Paths [mpiopath_list]
| | | |---List/Export All Paths [mpiopath_list_all]
| | | |---List All Paths for a Device [mpiopath_list_dev]
| | | |---List All Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_list_par]
| | |---Enable Paths [mpiopath_enable]
| | | |---Enable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_enable_all]
| | | |---Enable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_enable_dev]
| | | |---Enable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_enable_parent]
| | |---Configure Paths [mpiopath_cfg]
| | | |---Configure Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_cfg_all]
| | | |---Configure Paths for a Device [mpiopath_cfg_dev]
| | | |---Configure Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_cfg_parent]
| | |---Add a Path [mpiopath_add]
| | |---Change/Show Path Characteristics [mpiopath_chg]
| | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path]
| | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Device's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_dev]
| | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Parent's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_par]
| | |---Disable Paths [mpiopath_disable]
| | | |---Disable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_disable_all]
| | | |---Disable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_disable_dev]
| | | |---Disable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_disable_parent]
| | |---Remove Paths [mpiopath_remove]
| | | |---Remove a Path [mpiopath_remove_path]
| | | |---Remove a Path for a Device [mpiopath_remove_dev]
| | | |---Remove Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_remove_parent]
| |---MPIO Device Management [mpiodev]
| | |---List All MPIO Devices [mpiodev_list_all]
| | |---List MPIO Devices under a Parent [mpiodev_list_dev]
| | |---List Parents for an MPIO Device [mpiodev_list_par]
| | |---Change/Show MPIO Device Characteristics [mpiodev_chg_pcm_char]
| | |---Configure an MPIO Device [mpiodev_cfg]
| | |---Remove an MPIO Device [mpiodev_rem]
| | |---Path Management for an MPIO Device [mpiopath]
| | | |---List/Export Paths [mpiopath_list]
| | | | |---List/Export All Paths [mpiopath_list_all]
| | | | |---List All Paths for a Device [mpiopath_list_dev]
| | | | |---List All Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_list_par]
| | | |---Enable Paths [mpiopath_enable]
| | | | |---Enable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_enable_all]
| | | | |---Enable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_enable_dev]
| | | | |---Enable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_enable_parent]
| | | |---Configure Paths [mpiopath_cfg]
| | | | |---Configure Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_cfg_all]
| | | | |---Configure Paths for a Device [mpiopath_cfg_dev]
| | | | |---Configure Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_cfg_parent]
| | | |---Add a Path [mpiopath_add]
| | | |---Change/Show Path Characteristics [mpiopath_chg]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Device's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_dev]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Parent's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_par]
| | | |---Disable Paths [mpiopath_disable]
| | | | |---Disable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_disable_all]
| | | | |---Disable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_disable_dev]
| | | | |---Disable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_disable_parent]
| | | |---Remove Paths [mpiopath_remove]
| | | | |---Remove a Path [mpiopath_remove_path]
| | | | |---Remove a Path for a Device [mpiopath_remove_dev]
| | | | |---Remove Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_remove_parent]
| | |---Reservation Tool [devrsrv]
| | | |---Query Reservation Status [devrsrv_query]
| | | |---Query Persistent Reservation Values [devrsrv_query_pr]
| | | |---Release a single path or persistent reservation [devrsrv_release]
| |---MPIO Parent Management [mpioparent]
| | |---List All Parents for All MPIO Devices [mpioparent_list_all]
| | |---List Parents for an MPIO Device [mpiodev_list_par]
| | |---List MPIO Devices under a Parent [mpiodev_list_dev]
| | |---Path Management for a Parent [mpiopath]
| | | |---List/Export Paths [mpiopath_list]
| | | | |---List/Export All Paths [mpiopath_list_all]
| | | | |---List All Paths for a Device [mpiopath_list_dev]
| | | | |---List All Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_list_par]
| | | |---Enable Paths [mpiopath_enable]
| | | | |---Enable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_enable_all]
| | | | |---Enable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_enable_dev]
| | | | |---Enable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_enable_parent]
| | | |---Configure Paths [mpiopath_cfg]
| | | | |---Configure Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_cfg_all]
| | | | |---Configure Paths for a Device [mpiopath_cfg_dev]
| | | | |---Configure Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_cfg_parent]
| | | |---Add a Path [mpiopath_add]
| | | |---Change/Show Path Characteristics [mpiopath_chg]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Device's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_dev]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Parent's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_par]
| | | |---Disable Paths [mpiopath_disable]
| | | | |---Disable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_disable_all]
| | | | |---Disable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_disable_dev]
| | | | |---Disable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_disable_parent]
| | | |---Remove Paths [mpiopath_remove]
| | | | |---Remove a Path [mpiopath_remove_path]
| | | | |---Remove a Path for a Device [mpiopath_remove_dev]
| | | | |---Remove Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_remove_parent]
|---Fixed Disk [disk]
| |---List All Defined Disks [lsddsk]
| |---List All Supported Disks [lssdsk]
| |---Add a Disk [makdsk]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Disk [chgdsk]
| |---Remove a Disk [rmvdsk]
| |---Configure a Defined Disk [cfgdsk]
| |---MPIO Management [mpio]
| | |---MPIO Path Management [mpiopath]
| | | |---List/Export Paths [mpiopath_list]
| | | | |---List/Export All Paths [mpiopath_list_all]
| | | | |---List All Paths for a Device [mpiopath_list_dev]
| | | | |---List All Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_list_par]
| | | |---Enable Paths [mpiopath_enable]
| | | | |---Enable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_enable_all]
| | | | |---Enable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_enable_dev]
| | | | |---Enable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_enable_parent]
| | | |---Configure Paths [mpiopath_cfg]
| | | | |---Configure Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_cfg_all]
| | | | |---Configure Paths for a Device [mpiopath_cfg_dev]
| | | | |---Configure Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_cfg_parent]
| | | |---Add a Path [mpiopath_add]
| | | |---Change/Show Path Characteristics [mpiopath_chg]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Device's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_dev]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Parent's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_par]
| | | |---Disable Paths [mpiopath_disable]
| | | | |---Disable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_disable_all]
| | | | |---Disable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_disable_dev]
| | | | |---Disable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_disable_parent]
| | | |---Remove Paths [mpiopath_remove]
| | | | |---Remove a Path [mpiopath_remove_path]
| | | | |---Remove a Path for a Device [mpiopath_remove_dev]
| | | | |---Remove Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_remove_parent]
| | |---MPIO Device Management [mpiodev]
| | | |---List All MPIO Devices [mpiodev_list_all]
| | | |---List MPIO Devices under a Parent [mpiodev_list_dev]
| | | |---List Parents for an MPIO Device [mpiodev_list_par]
| | | |---Change/Show MPIO Device Characteristics [mpiodev_chg_pcm_char]
| | | |---Configure an MPIO Device [mpiodev_cfg]
| | | |---Remove an MPIO Device [mpiodev_rem]
| | | |---Path Management for an MPIO Device [mpiopath]
| | | | |---List/Export Paths [mpiopath_list]
| | | | | |---List/Export All Paths [mpiopath_list_all]
| | | | | |---List All Paths for a Device [mpiopath_list_dev]
| | | | | |---List All Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_list_par]
| | | | |---Enable Paths [mpiopath_enable]
| | | | | |---Enable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_enable_all]
| | | | | |---Enable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_enable_dev]
| | | | | |---Enable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_enable_parent]
| | | | |---Configure Paths [mpiopath_cfg]
| | | | | |---Configure Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_cfg_all]
| | | | | |---Configure Paths for a Device [mpiopath_cfg_dev]
| | | | | |---Configure Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_cfg_parent]
| | | | |---Add a Path [mpiopath_add]
| | | | |---Change/Show Path Characteristics [mpiopath_chg]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Device's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_dev]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Parent's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_par]
| | | | |---Disable Paths [mpiopath_disable]
| | | | | |---Disable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_disable_all]
| | | | | |---Disable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_disable_dev]
| | | | | |---Disable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_disable_parent]
| | | | |---Remove Paths [mpiopath_remove]
| | | | | |---Remove a Path [mpiopath_remove_path]
| | | | | |---Remove a Path for a Device [mpiopath_remove_dev]
| | | | | |---Remove Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_remove_parent]
| | | |---Reservation Tool [devrsrv]
| | | | |---Query Reservation Status [devrsrv_query]
| | | | |---Query Persistent Reservation Values [devrsrv_query_pr]
| | | | |---Release a single path or persistent reservation [devrsrv_release]
| | |---MPIO Parent Management [mpioparent]
| | | |---List All Parents for All MPIO Devices [mpioparent_list_all]
| | | |---List Parents for an MPIO Device [mpiodev_list_par]
| | | |---List MPIO Devices under a Parent [mpiodev_list_dev]
| | | |---Path Management for a Parent [mpiopath]
| | | | |---List/Export Paths [mpiopath_list]
| | | | | |---List/Export All Paths [mpiopath_list_all]
| | | | | |---List All Paths for a Device [mpiopath_list_dev]
| | | | | |---List All Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_list_par]
| | | | |---Enable Paths [mpiopath_enable]
| | | | | |---Enable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_enable_all]
| | | | | |---Enable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_enable_dev]
| | | | | |---Enable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_enable_parent]
| | | | |---Configure Paths [mpiopath_cfg]
| | | | | |---Configure Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_cfg_all]
| | | | | |---Configure Paths for a Device [mpiopath_cfg_dev]
| | | | | |---Configure Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_cfg_parent]
| | | | |---Add a Path [mpiopath_add]
| | | | |---Change/Show Path Characteristics [mpiopath_chg]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Device's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_dev]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics for a Parent's Path [mpiopath_chg_pcm_path_par]
| | | | |---Disable Paths [mpiopath_disable]
| | | | | |---Disable Selected or All Paths [mpiopath_disable_all]
| | | | | |---Disable Paths for a Device [mpiopath_disable_dev]
| | | | | |---Disable Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_disable_parent]
| | | | |---Remove Paths [mpiopath_remove]
| | | | | |---Remove a Path [mpiopath_remove_path]
| | | | | |---Remove a Path for a Device [mpiopath_remove_dev]
| | | | | |---Remove Paths under a Parent [mpiopath_remove_parent]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace a Disk [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---Disk Array [disk_array]
| |---IBM PCI-X SCSI Disk Array [rm_raid_menu]
| | |---PCI-X SCSI Disk Array Manager [rm_ary_mgr_menu]
| | | |---List PCI-X SCSI Disk Array Configuration [rm_list_ary_cfg]
| | | |---Create an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 522 Byte Sectors [rm_prepare_devices]
| | | |---Create a PCI-X SCSI Disk Array [rm_create_array]
| | | |---Delete a PCI-X SCSI Disk Array [rm_delete_array]
| | | |---Add Disks to an Existing PCI-X SCSI Disk Array [rm_add_device]
| | | |---Configure a Defined PCI-X SCSI Disk Array [rm_cfg_defined_array]
| | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a PCI-X SCSI Disk Array [rm_change_array]
| | | |---Reconstruct a PCI-X SCSI Disk Array [rm_reconst_array]
| | | |---Change/Show PCI-X SCSI pdisk Status [rm_chg_pdisk_submenu]
| | | | |---Change/Show PCI-X SCSI pdisk [rm_chg_show_pdisk]
| | | | |---Create a Hot Spare [rm_create_hs]
| | | | |---Delete a Hot Spare [rm_del_hs]
| | | | |---Create an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 522 Byte Sectors [rm_prepare_devices]
| | | | |---Delete an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 512 Byte Sectors [rm_fmt_jbod]
| | | | |---Display pdisk Vital Product Data [rm_disp_vpd]
| | | |---Diagnostics and Recovery Options [rm_diag_submenu]
| | | | |---Certify Physical Disk Media [rm_certify_media]
| | | | |---Download Microcode to a Physical Disk [rm_dl_microcode]
| | | | |---Format Physical Disk Media (pdisk) [rm_recovery_fmt_pdisk]
| | | | |---Format Physical Disk Media (hdisk) [rm_recovery_fmt_hdisk]
| | | | |---Display pdisk Vital Product Data [rm_disp_vpd]
| | | | |---Display Physical Disk Microcode Level [rm_disp_mcode_level]
| | | | |---SCSI and SCSI RAID Hot Swap Manager [rm_hotplug_submenu]
| | | | |---Reclaim Controller Cache Storage [rm_reclaim_cache]
| | | | |---Controller Rechargeable Battery Maintenance [rm_battery_menu]
| | | | | |---Display Controller Rechargeable Battery Information [rm_battery_Display]
| | | | | |---Force Controller Rechargeable Battery Error [rm_battery_Force]
| | | | | |---Start Adapter Cache [rm_battery_restart]
| | | | |---Configure a Defined PCI-X SCSI RAID Controller [rm_cfg_defd_adapter_menu]
| | | | |---Unconfigure an Available PCI-X SCSI RAID Controller [rm_ucfg_adapter_menu]
| | |---Configure a Defined PCI-X SCSI RAID Controller [rm_cfg_defd_adapter_menu]
| | |---Unconfigure an Available PCI-X SCSI RAID Controller [rm_ucfg_adapter_menu]
| | |---Change/Show PCI-X SCSI RAID Controller Bus [rm_chg_adapter]
| | |---Change/Show PCI-X SCSI RAID Controller [rm_chg_controller]
| | |---Download Microcode to a PCI-X SCSI RAID Controller [rm_dl_mcode_adapter]
| |---IBM PCI SCSI Disk Array [scarray_menu]
| | |---PCI SCSI Disk Array Manager [ibmscraid]
| | | |---List PCI SCSI Disk Arrays [list_create_scraid]
| | | |---Create a PCI SCSI Disk Array [create_scraid]
| | | |---Delete a PCI SCSI Disk Array [delete_scraid]
| | | |---Configure a Defined PCI SCSI Disk Array [hdisk_configdev]
| | | |---Change/Show a PCI SCSI Disk Array [modify_scraid]
| | | |---Reconstruct a PCI SCSI Disk Array [sclun_select]
| | | |---Revive a FAILED Drive in a PCI SCSI Disk Array [revive_dead_select]
| | | |---Fail a Drive in a PCI SCSI Disk Array [fail_select]
| | | |---Change/Show PCI SCSI RAID Drive Status [drive_mgmt_menu]
| | | | |---List all PCI SCSI RAID Drives [list_all_drives]
| | | | |---Remove a Spare Drive [list_spare_select]
| | | | |---Add a Spare Drive [list_non_hs_select]
| | | | |---Add a Hot Spare Drive [list_spare_select_hs]
| | | | |---Identify a Drive [id_and_rm_opt_menu]
| | | | | |---Normal [normal_select]
| | | | | |---Identify [identify_select]
| | | | |---Remove a FAILED Drive [rm_failed_select]
| | | | |---Display Vital Product Data [get_vpd]
| | | |---Perform Consistency Check [consistency_chk]
| | | |---Display Status of Adapter Write Cache [display_cache_status]
| | | |---Recovery Options [recovery_opt_menu]
| | | | |---Resolve PCI SCSI RAID Adapter Configuration [resolve_opt_menu]
| | | | | |---Display/Accept Configuration Changes [config_changes]
| | | | | |---Accept Configuration on Drives [drive_config]
| | | | | |---Retry Current Configuration [retry_config]
| | | | |---Clear PCI SCSI RAID Adapter Configuration [clear_config]
| | |---Configure a Defined PCI SCSI RAID Adapter [adptr_configdev]
| | |---Change/Show PCI SCSI RAID Adapter [scraid_chgdev]
| |---IBM SAS Disk Array [sas_raid_menu]
| | |---IBM SAS Disk Array Manager [sas_ary_mgr_menu]
| | | |---List SAS Disk Array Configuration [sas_list_ary_cfg]
| | | |---Create an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 528 Byte Sectors [sas_prepare_devices]
| | | |---Create a SAS Disk Array [sas_create_array]
| | | |---Delete a SAS Disk Array [sas_delete_array]
| | | |---Add Disks to an Existing SAS Disk Array [sas_add_device]
| | | |---Migrate an Existing SAS Disk Array to a New RAID Level [sas_migrate_device]
| | | |---Configure a Defined SAS Disk Array [sas_cfg_defined_array]
| | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a SAS Disk Array [sas_change_array]
| | | |---Manage HA Access Characteristics of a SAS Disk Array [sas_ha_access_adapter]
| | | |---Reconstruct a SAS Disk Array [sas_reconst_array]
| | | |---Change/Show SAS pdisk Status [sas_chg_pdisk_submenu]
| | | | |---Change/Show SAS pdisk [sas_chg_show_pdisk]
| | | | |---Create a Hot Spare [sas_create_hs]
| | | | |---Delete a Hot Spare [sas_del_hs]
| | | | |---Create an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 528 Byte Sectors [sas_prepare_devices]
| | | | |---Delete an Array Candidate pdisk and Format to 512 Byte Sectors [sas_fmt_jbod]
| | | | |---Display pdisk Vital Product Data [sas_disp_vpd]
| | | |---Diagnostics and Recovery Options [sas_diag_submenu]
| | | | |---Certify Physical Disk Media [sas_certify_media]
| | | | |---Download Microcode to a Physical Disk [sas_dl_microcode]
| | | | |---Format Physical Disk Media (pdisk) [sas_recovery_fmt_pdisk]
| | | | |---Format Physical Disk Media (hdisk) [sas_recovery_fmt_hdisk]
| | | | |---Display pdisk Vital Product Data [sas_disp_vpd]
| | | | |---Display Physical Disk Microcode Level [sas_disp_mcode_level]
| | | | |---SCSI and SCSI RAID Hot Plug Manager [sas_hotplug_submenu]
| | | | |---Reclaim Controller Cache Storage [sas_reclaim_cache]
| | | | |---Controller Rechargeable Battery Maintenance [sas_battery_menu]
| | | | | |---Display Controller Rechargeable Battery Information [sas_battery_Display]
| | | | | |---Force Controller Rechargeable Battery Error [sas_battery_Force]
| | | | | |---Start Adapter Cache [sas_battery_restart]
| | | | |---Configure a Defined SAS RAID Controller [sas_cfg_defd_adapter_menu]
| | | | |---Unconfigure an Available SAS RAID Controller [sas_ucfg_adapter_menu]
| | | | |---Change/Show SAS RAID Controller [sas_chg_controller]
| | | | |---Show SAS Controller Physical Resources [sas_show_controller_menu]
| | | | | |---Show Physical Resource Locations [sas_show_controller_dialog1]
| | | | | |---Show Physical Resource Information [sas_show_controller_dialog2]
| | | | | |---Show Fabric Path Graphical View [sas_show_controller_dialog3]
| | | | | |---Show Fabric Path Data View [sas_show_controller_dialog4]
| | | | | |---Show Controller SAS Address [sas_show_controller_dialog5]
| | |---Configure a Defined SAS Controller [sas_cfg_defd_adapter_menu]
| | |---Unconfigure an Available SAS RAID Controller [sas_ucfg_adapter_menu]
| | |---Download Microcode to a SAS Controller [sas_dl_mcode_adapter]
| |---FC SCSI RAIDiant Disk Array [fcparray_menu]
| | |---Disk Array Router Configuration [fdar_menu]
| | | |---List Disk Array Router Configuration [fdar_listdev.dialog]
| | | |---Change/Show a Disk Array Router [fdar_chgdev]
| | |---Disk Array Controller Configuration [fdacc_menu]
| | | |---List All Disk Array Controllers [fdacc_listdev.dialog]
| | | |---Configure Disk Array Controllers added since IPL [fdacc_adddev]
| | | |---Remove a Disk Array Subsystem [fdacc_remdev]
| | | |---Configure a Defined Disk Array Controller [fdacc_configdev]
| | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Disk Array Controller [fdacc_chg]
| | | |---Change/Show Disk Array Ownership [fdacc_chgdev]
| | |---Parity Check/Repair [fApc]
| | |---RAIDiant Disk Array Manager [fibmraid]
| | | |---List all SCSI RAID Arrays [flist_create_raid]
| | | |---Create a RAID Array [fcreate_raid_menu]
| | | | |---Create a RAID Array [fcreate_raid]
| | | | |---Create a Sub RAID Array [fsublun_raid]
| | | |---Change/Show RAID Array [fmodify_raid]
| | | |---Delete a RAID Array [fdelete_raid]
| | | |---Change/Show Drive Status [flun_select]
|---CD ROM Drive [cdrom]
| |---List All Defined CD ROM Drives [lsdcdr]
| |---List All Supported CD ROM Drives [lsscdr]
| |---Add a CD ROM Drive [makcdr]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of CD ROM Drive [chgcdr]
| |---Remove a CD ROM Drive [rmvcdr]
| |---Configure a Defined CD ROM Drive [cfgcdr]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace a CD ROM Drive [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---Read/Write Optical Drive [rwopt]
| |---List All Defined R/W Optical Drives [lsdomd]
| |---List All Supported R/W Optical Drives [lssomd]
| |---Add a R/W Optical Drive [makomd]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of R/W Optical Drive [chgomd]
| |---Remove a R/W Optical Drive [rmvomd]
| |---Configure a Defined R/W Optical Drive [cfgomd]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace a R/W Optical Drive [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---Diskette Drive [diskette]
| |---List All Defined Diskette Drives [lsddskt]
| |---Add a Diskette Drive [makdskt]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Diskette Drive [chgdskt]
| |---Remove a Diskette Drive [rmvdskt]
| |---Configure a Defined Diskette Drive [cfgdskt]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace a Diskette Drive [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---Tape Drive [tape]
| |---List All Defined Tape Drives [lsdtpe]
| |---List All Supported Tape Drives [lsstpe]
| |---Add a Tape Drive [maktpe]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Tape Drive [chgtpe]
| |---Remove a Tape Drive [rmvtpe]
| |---Configure a Defined Tape Drive [cfgtpe]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace a Tape Drive [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---Communications [commodev]
| |---Ethernet [ethernet]
| | |---Adapter [eadap]
| | | |---List All Ethernet Adapters [lsdenet]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an Ethernet Adapter [chgenet]
| | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | |---Trace an Ethernet Adapter [trace_link]
| | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | |---Services [eserv]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface Driver [chif]
| | |---User Applications [enapps]
| | | |---TCP/IP [tcpipen]
| | | | |---Hostname [to_hostname]
| | | | | |--- [hostname]
| | | | | | |---Set the Hostname [mkhostname]
| | | | | | |---Show the Hostname [lshostname]
| | | | |---Static Routes [NetStat]
| | | | | |--- [route]
| | | | | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | | | | |---Add a Static Route [mkroute]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Static Route [rmroute]
| | | | |---Network Interfaces [ineten]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Drivers [chifen]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Selection [ifselecten]
| | | | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsineten]
| | | | | | |---Add a Network Interface [mkineten]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface [chen]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rmen]
| | | | |---Client Network Services [to_clientnet]
| | | | | |--- [clientnet]
| | | | | | |---Services (/etc/services) [inetserv]
| | | | | | | |---List All Services [lsservices]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Service [mkservices]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Service [chservices]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Service [rmservices]
| | | | | | |---Syslog (information only)
| | | | | | |---Protocols (information only)
| | | | |---Server Network Services [ruser]
| | | | | |---Remote Access [rmtaccess]
| | | | | | |---Host Access (/etc/host.equiv) [hostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---List All Remote Hosts [lshostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Remote Host [mkhostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Remote Host [rmhostsequiv]
| | | | | | |---Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers) [ftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Show All Restricted Users [lsftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Restricted User [mkftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Restricted User [rmftpusers]
| | | | | |---Other Available Services [otherserv]
| | | | | | |---Super Daemon (inetd) [inetd]
| | | | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | | | | | |---inetd Subservers [inetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---List All inetd Subservers [lsinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Add an inetd Subserver [mkinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver [chinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove an inetd Subserver [rminetdconf]
| | | | | | |---syslogd Subsystem [syslogd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the syslogd Subsystem [stsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd Subsystem [chsyslogd]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem [spsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | |---routed Subsystem [routed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the routed Subsystem [strouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [strouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of routed Subsystem [chrouted]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the routed Subsystem [sprouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprouted_both]
| | | | | | |---gated Subsystem [gated]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the gated Subsystem [stgated]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stgated_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stgated_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the gated Subsystem [spgated]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spgated_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spgated_both]
| | | | | | |---named Subsystem [named]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the named Subsystem [stnamed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stnamed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of named Subsystem [chnamed]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the named Subsystem [spnamed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spnamed_both]
| | | | | | |---rwhod Subsystem [rwhod]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the rwhod Subsystem [strwhod]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [strwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strwhod_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem [sprwhod]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprwhod_both]
| | | | | | |---timed Subsystem [timed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the timed Subsystem [sttimed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sttimed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sttimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sttimed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of timed Subsystem [chtimed]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the timed Subsystem [sptimed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sptimed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sptimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sptimed_both]
| | | | | | |---portmap Subsystem (information only)
| | | | | | |---snmpd Subsystem [snmpd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the snmpd Subsystem [stsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the snmpd Subsystem [spsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcpsd Subsystem [dhcpsd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [stdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [spdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcpcd Subsystem [dhcpcd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [stdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [spdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcprd Subsystem [dhcprd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcprd Subsystem [stdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcprd Subsystem [spdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | |---xntpd Subsystem [xntpd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the xntpd Subsystem [stxntpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stxntpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the xntpd Subsystem [spxntpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spxntpd_both]
| | | | | | |---mrouted Subsystem [mrouted]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the mrouted Subsystem [stmrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stmrouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the mrouted Subsystem [spmrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spmrouted_both]
| | | | | | |---pxed Subsystem [pxed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the pxed Subsystem [stpxed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stpxed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stpxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stpxed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the pxed Subsystem [sppxed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sppxed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sppxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sppxed_both]
| | | | | | |---binld Subsystem [binld]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the binld Subsystem [stbinld]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stbinld_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the binld Subsystem [spbinld]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spbinld_both]
| | | | | |---PTYs [ruser_pty]
| | | | | | |--- [pty]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY [chgpty]
| | | | | | | |---Remove the PTY; Keep Definition [rmvpty]
| | | | | | | |---Configure the Defined PTY [cfgpty]
| | | | | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | | | | |---Trace the PTY [trace_link]
| | | | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | | | |---Routing (information only)
| | | | | |---Nameserver (information only) [nameserver]
| | | | | |---Arp Tables (information only) [arp]
| | | | |---Manage Print Server [print_server]
| | | | | |--- [server]
| | | | | | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| |---Token Ring [token]
| | |---Adapter [tradap]
| | | |---List All Token Ring Adapters [lsdtok]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Token Ring Adapter [chgtok]
| | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | |---Trace a Token Ring Adapter [trace_link]
| | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | |---Services [trserv]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface Driver [chif]
| | |---User Applications [trapps]
| | | |---TCP/IP [tcpiptr]
| | | | |---Hostname [to_hostname]
| | | | | |--- [hostname]
| | | | | | |---Set the Hostname [mkhostname]
| | | | | | |---Show the Hostname [lshostname]
| | | | |---Static Routes [NetStat]
| | | | | |--- [route]
| | | | | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | | | | |---Add a Static Route [mkroute]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Static Route [rmroute]
| | | | |---Network Interfaces [inettr]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Drivers [chiftr]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Selection [ifselecttr]
| | | | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinettr]
| | | | | | |---Add a Network Interface [mkinettr]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface [chtr]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rmtr]
| | | | |---Client Network Services [to_clientnet]
| | | | | |--- [clientnet]
| | | | | | |---Services (/etc/services) [inetserv]
| | | | | | | |---List All Services [lsservices]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Service [mkservices]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Service [chservices]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Service [rmservices]
| | | | | | |---Syslog (information only)
| | | | | | |---Protocols (information only)
| | | | |---Server Network Services [ruser]
| | | | | |---Remote Access [rmtaccess]
| | | | | | |---Host Access (/etc/host.equiv) [hostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---List All Remote Hosts [lshostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Remote Host [mkhostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Remote Host [rmhostsequiv]
| | | | | | |---Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers) [ftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Show All Restricted Users [lsftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Restricted User [mkftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Restricted User [rmftpusers]
| | | | | |---Other Available Services [otherserv]
| | | | | | |---Super Daemon (inetd) [inetd]
| | | | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | | | | | |---inetd Subservers [inetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---List All inetd Subservers [lsinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Add an inetd Subserver [mkinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver [chinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove an inetd Subserver [rminetdconf]
| | | | | | |---syslogd Subsystem [syslogd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the syslogd Subsystem [stsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd Subsystem [chsyslogd]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem [spsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | |---routed Subsystem [routed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the routed Subsystem [strouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [strouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of routed Subsystem [chrouted]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the routed Subsystem [sprouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprouted_both]
| | | | | | |---gated Subsystem [gated]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the gated Subsystem [stgated]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stgated_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stgated_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the gated Subsystem [spgated]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spgated_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spgated_both]
| | | | | | |---named Subsystem [named]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the named Subsystem [stnamed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stnamed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of named Subsystem [chnamed]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the named Subsystem [spnamed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spnamed_both]
| | | | | | |---rwhod Subsystem [rwhod]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the rwhod Subsystem [strwhod]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [strwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strwhod_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem [sprwhod]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprwhod_both]
| | | | | | |---timed Subsystem [timed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the timed Subsystem [sttimed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sttimed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sttimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sttimed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of timed Subsystem [chtimed]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the timed Subsystem [sptimed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sptimed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sptimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sptimed_both]
| | | | | | |---portmap Subsystem (information only)
| | | | | | |---snmpd Subsystem [snmpd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the snmpd Subsystem [stsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the snmpd Subsystem [spsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcpsd Subsystem [dhcpsd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [stdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [spdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcpcd Subsystem [dhcpcd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [stdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [spdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcprd Subsystem [dhcprd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcprd Subsystem [stdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcprd Subsystem [spdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | |---xntpd Subsystem [xntpd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the xntpd Subsystem [stxntpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stxntpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the xntpd Subsystem [spxntpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spxntpd_both]
| | | | | | |---mrouted Subsystem [mrouted]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the mrouted Subsystem [stmrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stmrouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the mrouted Subsystem [spmrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spmrouted_both]
| | | | | | |---pxed Subsystem [pxed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the pxed Subsystem [stpxed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stpxed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stpxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stpxed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the pxed Subsystem [sppxed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sppxed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sppxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sppxed_both]
| | | | | | |---binld Subsystem [binld]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the binld Subsystem [stbinld]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stbinld_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the binld Subsystem [spbinld]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spbinld_both]
| | | | | |---PTYs [ruser_pty]
| | | | | | |--- [pty]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY [chgpty]
| | | | | | | |---Remove the PTY; Keep Definition [rmvpty]
| | | | | | | |---Configure the Defined PTY [cfgpty]
| | | | | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | | | | |---Trace the PTY [trace_link]
| | | | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | | | |---Routing (information only)
| | | | | |---Nameserver (information only) [nameserver]
| | | | | |---Arp Tables (information only) [arp]
| | | | |---Manage Print Server [print_server]
| | | | | |--- [server]
| | | | | | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| |---IBM 2-Port Multiprotocol Adapter [331121b9]
| | |---Adapter [dpmpa]
| | | |---List All 2-Port Multiprotocol Adapters [331121b9_ls]
| | | |---Manage Device Drivers for 2-Port Multiprotocol Adapter [331121b9_dd]
| | | | |---Manage HDLC Device Driver [dpmphdlc_dd]
| | | | | |---Manage Additional Protocols/Emulators [dpmphdlc_ls]
| | | | | | |---Manage SDLC COMIO Device Driver Emulator [sciesdlc_dd]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Device Driver [mksdlcsciedd]
| | | | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of an SDLC Device Driver [chsdlcsciedd]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Device Driver [rmsdlcsciedd]
| | | | | | | |---Configure a Defined Device Driver [cfgsdlcsciedd]
| | | | | |---Add a Device Driver [mkhdlcdpmpdd]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of an HDLC Device Driver [chhdlcdpmpdd]
| | | | | |---Remove a Device Driver [rmhdlcdpmpdd]
| | | | | |---Configure a Defined Device Driver [cfghdlcdpmpdd]
| | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | |---Trace a 2-Port Multiprotocol Adapter [trace_link]
| | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | |---Services [multiserv]
| | |---User Applications [multiapps]
| |---IBM ARTIC960HX PCI Adapter [riciophx]
| | |---Adapter [riciophx_opts]
| | | |---List All IBM ARTIC960HX PCI Adapters [riciophx_ls]
| | | |---Manage Device Drivers for IBM ARTIC960HX PCI [ddriciophx_dd]
| | | | |---Manage MPQP COMIO Emulation Device Driver [tsdd_dd]
| | | | | |---Manage MPQP COMIO Emulation Ports [tsdd_ports]
| | | | | | |---Add a Port [mktsdports]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of an MPQP COMIO Emulation Port [chtsdports]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Port [rmtsdports]
| | | | | | |---Configure a Defined Port [cfgtsdports]
| | | | | |---Add a Device Driver [mktsdd]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of an MPQP COMIO Emulation Device Driver [chtsdd]
| | | | | |---Remove a Device Driver [rmtsdd]
| | | | | |---Configure a Defined Device Driver [cfgtsdd]
| | | | | |---Trace the MPQP COMIO Emulation Driver [trace_link]
| | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | |---Trace an IBM ARTIC960HX PCI Adapter [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | |---Services [riciophxserv]
| | |---User Applications [multiapps]
| |---Multilink [ibm-ml]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of Multilink Device [chmlt]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of Multilink Interface [chml]
| |---Fibre Channel [fc]
| | |---Adapter [fcsdd]
| | | |---List All FC Adapters [lsdfcs]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a FC Adapter [chgfcs]
| | | |---Generate Error Report [errpt]
| | | |---Trace a FC Adapter [trace_link]
| | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | |---Services [fcs_serv]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface Driver [chif]
| | |---User Applications [fcs_apps]
| | | |---TCP/IP [tcpipfc]
| | | | |---Hostname [to_hostname]
| | | | | |--- [hostname]
| | | | | | |---Set the Hostname [mkhostname]
| | | | | | |---Show the Hostname [lshostname]
| | | | |---Static Routes [NetStat]
| | | | | |--- [route]
| | | | | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | | | | |---Add a Static Route [mkroute]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Static Route [rmroute]
| | | | |---Network Interfaces [inetfc]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Drivers [chiffc]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Selection [ifselectfc]
| | | | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinetfc]
| | | | | | |---Add a Network Interface [mkinet1fc]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface [chfc]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rmfc]
| | | | |---Client Network Services [to_clientnet]
| | | | | |--- [clientnet]
| | | | | | |---Services (/etc/services) [inetserv]
| | | | | | | |---List All Services [lsservices]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Service [mkservices]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Service [chservices]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Service [rmservices]
| | | | | | |---Syslog (information only)
| | | | | | |---Protocols (information only)
| | | | |---Server Network Services [servernet]
| | | | | |--- [ruser]
| | | | | | |---Remote Access [rmtaccess]
| | | | | | | |---Host Access (/etc/host.equiv) [hostsequiv]
| | | | | | | | |---List All Remote Hosts [lshostsequiv]
| | | | | | | | |---Add a Remote Host [mkhostsequiv]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove a Remote Host [rmhostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers) [ftpusers]
| | | | | | | | |---Show All Restricted Users [lsftpusers]
| | | | | | | | |---Add a Restricted User [mkftpusers]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove a Restricted User [rmftpusers]
| | | | | | |---Other Available Services [otherserv]
| | | | | | | |---Super Daemon (inetd) [inetd]
| | | | | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---inetd Subservers [inetdconf]
| | | | | | | | | |---List All inetd Subservers [lsinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an inetd Subserver [mkinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver [chinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove an inetd Subserver [rminetdconf]
| | | | | | | |---syslogd Subsystem [syslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the syslogd Subsystem [stsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd Subsystem [chsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem [spsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | | |---routed Subsystem [routed]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the routed Subsystem [strouted]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [strouted_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strouted_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of routed Subsystem [chrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the routed Subsystem [sprouted]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprouted_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---gated Subsystem [gated]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the gated Subsystem [stgated]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stgated_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stgated_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the gated Subsystem [spgated]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spgated_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spgated_both]
| | | | | | | |---named Subsystem [named]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the named Subsystem [stnamed]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stnamed_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of named Subsystem [chnamed]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the named Subsystem [spnamed]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spnamed_both]
| | | | | | | |---rwhod Subsystem [rwhod]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the rwhod Subsystem [strwhod]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [strwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strwhod_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem [sprwhod]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprwhod_both]
| | | | | | | |---timed Subsystem [timed]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the timed Subsystem [sttimed]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sttimed_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sttimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sttimed_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of timed Subsystem [chtimed]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the timed Subsystem [sptimed]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sptimed_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sptimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sptimed_both]
| | | | | | | |---portmap Subsystem (information only)
| | | | | | | |---snmpd Subsystem [snmpd]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the snmpd Subsystem [stsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the snmpd Subsystem [spsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---dhcpsd Subsystem [dhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [stdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [spdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | | |---dhcpcd Subsystem [dhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [stdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [spdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | | |---dhcprd Subsystem [dhcprd]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcprd Subsystem [stdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcprd Subsystem [spdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | | |---xntpd Subsystem [xntpd]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the xntpd Subsystem [stxntpd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stxntpd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the xntpd Subsystem [spxntpd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spxntpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---mrouted Subsystem [mrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the mrouted Subsystem [stmrouted]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stmrouted_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the mrouted Subsystem [spmrouted]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spmrouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---pxed Subsystem [pxed]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the pxed Subsystem [stpxed]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stpxed_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stpxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stpxed_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the pxed Subsystem [sppxed]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sppxed_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sppxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sppxed_both]
| | | | | | | |---binld Subsystem [binld]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the binld Subsystem [stbinld]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stbinld_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the binld Subsystem [spbinld]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spbinld_both]
| | | | | | |---PTYs [ruser_pty]
| | | | | | | |--- [pty]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY [chgpty]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove the PTY; Keep Definition [rmvpty]
| | | | | | | | |---Configure the Defined PTY [cfgpty]
| | | | | | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | | | | | |---Trace the PTY [trace_link]
| | | | | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | | | | |---Routing (information only)
| | | | | | |---Nameserver (information only) [nameserver]
| | | | | | |---Arp Tables (information only) [arp]
| | | | |---Remote Printer Subsystem [_rprint_]
| | | | | |--- [server]
| | | | | | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| |---ATM Adapter [atm]
| | |---Adapter [atm_adpt]
| | | |---List All ATM Adapters [ls_atm]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an ATM Adapter [chg_atm]
| | | |---Generate Error Report [errpt]
| | | |---Trace an ATM Adapter [trace_link]
| | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | |---Services [atserv]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface Driver [chif]
| | |---User Applications [atapps]
| | | |---TCP/IP [tcpipat]
| | | | |---Hostname [to_hostname]
| | | | | |--- [hostname]
| | | | | | |---Set the Hostname [mkhostname]
| | | | | | |---Show the Hostname [lshostname]
| | | | |---Static Routes [NetStat]
| | | | | |--- [route]
| | | | | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | | | | |---Add a Static Route [mkroute]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Static Route [rmroute]
| | | | |---Network Interfaces [inetat]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Selection [inet]
| | | | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinet]
| | | | | | |---Add a Network Interface [mkinet]
| | | | | | | |---Add an IB Network Interface [mkinetib]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Standard Ethernet Network Interface [mkinet1en]
| | | | | | | |---Add an IEEE 802.3 Network Interface [mkinet1et]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Token-Ring Network Interface [mkinet1tr]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Cluster Pseudo Network Interface [mkinet1cl]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Serial Line INTERNET Network Interface [mkinet1sl]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Serial Optical Network Interface [mkinet1so]
| | | | | | | |---Add a FDDI Network Interface [mkinet1fi]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Virtual IP Address Interface [mkinetvi]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Fibre Channel Network Interface [mkinet1fc]
| | | | | | | |---Add a HF Network Interface [mkinethf]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface [chinet]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rminet]
| | | | | | |---PVCs for IP over an ATM Network [atmpvc]
| | | | | | | |---List All PVCs for IP Over an ATM Network [lsatmpvc]
| | | | | | | |---Add a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [mkatmpvc]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [chatmpvc]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [rmatmpvc]
| | | | | | |---Configure Aliases [inetalias]
| | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Alias [mkinet6al]
| | | | | | | |---Add an IPV4 Network Alias [mkinet4al]
| | | | | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Network Alias [rminet6al]
| | | | | | | |---Remove an IPV4 Network Alias [rminet4al]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Drivers [chif]
| | | | |---Client Network Services [to_clientnet]
| | | | | |--- [clientnet]
| | | | | | |---Services (/etc/services) [inetserv]
| | | | | | | |---List All Services [lsservices]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Service [mkservices]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Service [chservices]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Service [rmservices]
| | | | | | |---Syslog (information only)
| | | | | | |---Protocols (information only)
| | | | |---Server Network Services [ruser]
| | | | | |---Remote Access [rmtaccess]
| | | | | | |---Host Access (/etc/host.equiv) [hostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---List All Remote Hosts [lshostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Remote Host [mkhostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Remote Host [rmhostsequiv]
| | | | | | |---Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers) [ftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Show All Restricted Users [lsftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Restricted User [mkftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Restricted User [rmftpusers]
| | | | | |---Other Available Services [otherserv]
| | | | | | |---Super Daemon (inetd) [inetd]
| | | | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | | | | | |---inetd Subservers [inetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---List All inetd Subservers [lsinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Add an inetd Subserver [mkinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver [chinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove an inetd Subserver [rminetdconf]
| | | | | | |---syslogd Subsystem [syslogd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the syslogd Subsystem [stsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd Subsystem [chsyslogd]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem [spsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | |---routed Subsystem [routed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the routed Subsystem [strouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [strouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of routed Subsystem [chrouted]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the routed Subsystem [sprouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprouted_both]
| | | | | | |---gated Subsystem [gated]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the gated Subsystem [stgated]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stgated_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stgated_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the gated Subsystem [spgated]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spgated_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spgated_both]
| | | | | | |---named Subsystem [named]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the named Subsystem [stnamed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stnamed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of named Subsystem [chnamed]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the named Subsystem [spnamed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spnamed_both]
| | | | | | |---rwhod Subsystem [rwhod]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the rwhod Subsystem [strwhod]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [strwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strwhod_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem [sprwhod]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprwhod_both]
| | | | | | |---timed Subsystem [timed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the timed Subsystem [sttimed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sttimed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sttimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sttimed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of timed Subsystem [chtimed]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the timed Subsystem [sptimed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sptimed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sptimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sptimed_both]
| | | | | | |---portmap Subsystem (information only)
| | | | | | |---snmpd Subsystem [snmpd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the snmpd Subsystem [stsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the snmpd Subsystem [spsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcpsd Subsystem [dhcpsd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [stdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [spdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcpcd Subsystem [dhcpcd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [stdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [spdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcprd Subsystem [dhcprd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcprd Subsystem [stdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcprd Subsystem [spdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | |---xntpd Subsystem [xntpd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the xntpd Subsystem [stxntpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stxntpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the xntpd Subsystem [spxntpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spxntpd_both]
| | | | | | |---mrouted Subsystem [mrouted]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the mrouted Subsystem [stmrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stmrouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the mrouted Subsystem [spmrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spmrouted_both]
| | | | | | |---pxed Subsystem [pxed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the pxed Subsystem [stpxed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stpxed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stpxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stpxed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the pxed Subsystem [sppxed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sppxed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sppxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sppxed_both]
| | | | | | |---binld Subsystem [binld]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the binld Subsystem [stbinld]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stbinld_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the binld Subsystem [spbinld]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spbinld_both]
| | | | | |---PTYs [ruser_pty]
| | | | | | |--- [pty]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY [chgpty]
| | | | | | | |---Remove the PTY; Keep Definition [rmvpty]
| | | | | | | |---Configure the Defined PTY [cfgpty]
| | | | | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | | | | |---Trace the PTY [trace_link]
| | | | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | | | |---Routing (information only)
| | | | | |---Nameserver (information only) [nameserver]
| | | | | |---Arp Tables (information only) [arp]
| | | | |---Manage Print Server [print_server]
| | | | | |--- [server]
| | | | | | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| |---EtherChannel / IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation [etherchannel]
| | |---List All EtherChannels / Link Aggregations [lsethch]
| | |---Add An EtherChannel / Link Aggregation [addethch1]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an EtherChannel / Link Aggregation [chgethch]
| | |---Remove An EtherChannel / Link Aggregation [delethch]
| | |---Force A Failover In An EtherChannel / Link Aggregation [frcflvrethch]
| |---VLAN [vlan]
| | |---List All VLANs [lsvlan]
| | |---Add A VLAN [addvlan]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a VLAN [chvlan]
| | |---Remove A VLAN [rmvlan]
| |---Infiniband [ibserv]
| | |---Infiniband Communication Manager [icm]
| | | |---List All Defined IB Communication Managers [listall_icm]
| | | |---Add an Infiniband Communication Manager [mk_icm]
| | | | |---Add an Infiniband Communication Manager [namehdr_mk_icm]
| | | |---Change / Show an Infiniband Connection Manager [name_chg_icm]
| | | |---Remove an Infiniband Communications Manager [cmd_Icmrm]
| | | |---Configure a Defined Infiniband Communication Manager [cfgicm]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface Driver [chif]
|---Graphic Displays [g_display]
| |---List All Graphics Adapters Available [g_lsdisp]
| |---Select the Display Size [chdispsz]
| |---Select the Display Type [chdisptype]
| |---Display Power Management [display_pm_select]
| |---Select the Display Resolution and Refresh Rate [chres_refrt]
|---Graphic Input Devices [input]
| |---Keyboard [keyboard]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the Keyboard [chgkbd]
| | |---Work With LFT Software Keyboard [keymap]
| | | |---List Current Software Keyboard Map for LFT [lskbd]
| | | |---Change the Keyboard Map for the Next System Restart [chkbd]
| | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace the Keyboard [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---Mouse [mouse]
| | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace the Mouse [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---Tablet [tablet]
| | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace the Tablet [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---Dials/LPFKeys [dials]
| | |---List All Defined Dials/LPFKeys [lsdials]
| | |---Add a Dials/LPFKeys [makdials]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Dials/LPFKeys [chdials]
| | |---Remove a Dials/LPFKeys [rmdials]
| | |---Configure a Defined Dials/LPFKeys [cfgdials]
| | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace a Dials/LPFKeys [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---Spaceball(TM) [spaceball]
| | |---Add Spaceball [mksball]
| | |---Remove Spaceball [rmsball]
| |---Wacom (TM) Serial Tablet [wacom_tablet]
| | |---Add Wacom Serial Tablet [mkwacom]
| | |---Remove Wacom Serial Tablet [rmwacom]
| |---6093 Serial Tablet [6093_tablet]
| | |---Add 6093 Serial Tablet [mk6093]
| | |---Remove 6093 Serial Tablet [rm6093]
|---Low Function Terminal (LFT) [lft]
| |---Software Keyboard [keymap]
| | |---List Current Software Keyboard Map for LFT [lskbd]
| | |---Change the Keyboard Map for the Next System Restart [chkbd]
| |---Displays [display]
| | |---List All Displays Available to the LFT [lsdisp]
| | |---Move the LFT to Another Display [chdisp]
| | |---Display Power Management [display_pm_select]
| | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace a Display [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---Fonts [font]
| | |---List All Fonts in the System [lsfont]
| | |---Select the Active Font for Next System Restart [chfont]
| | |---Add a Font to the System [mkfont]
|---Target Mode Initiator Device [scsiid]
| |---List All Defined Target Mode Initiator Devices [lsdtmscsi]
| |---List All Supported Target Mode Initiator Devices [lsstmscsi]
| |---Add a Target Mode Initiator Device [maktmscsi]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Target Mode Initiator Device [chgtmscsi]
| |---Remove a Target Mode Initiator Device [rmvtmscsi]
| |---Configure a Defined Target Mode Initiator Device [cfgtmscsi]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace a Target Mode Initiator Device [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---SCSI Adapter [scsia]
| |---List All SCSI Adapters [lsdscsi]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a SCSI Adapter [chgscsi]
| |---Generate Error Report [errpt]
| |---Trace a SCSI Adapter [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---FC Adapter [fcsa]
| |---FC Adapter [fcsdd]
| | |---List All FC Adapters [lsdfcs]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a FC Adapter [chgfcs]
| | |---Generate Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace a FC Adapter [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---FC SCSI Protocol Device [fscsidd]
| | |---List All FC SCSI Adapters [lsdfscsi]
| | |---Enable a FC SCSI Protocol Device [enfscsi]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a FC SCSI Device [chgfscsi]
| | |---Disable a FC SCSI Protocol Device [disfscsi]
| | |---Generate Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace a FC SCSI Adapter [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---FC Network Protocol Device [fcnpd]
| | |---Enable a FC Network Device [enablefcnd]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of FC Network Device [fcndcsc]
| | |---Disable a FC Network Device [disablefcnd]
|---iSCSI [iscsi]
| |---iSCSI Adapter [iscsi_adap]
| | |---List All iSCSI Adapters [iscsi_list_adap]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an iSCSI Adapter [iscsi_chgadap]
| | |---Generate Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace iSCSI Adapter [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---iSCSI Protocol Device [iscsi_proto]
| | |---List All iSCSI Protocol Devices [iscsi_list_dev]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an iSCSI Protocol Device [chgiscsisw]
| | |---Generate Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace iSCSI Protocol Device [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | |---Remove iSCSI Protocol Device [rmiscsidd]
| |---iSCSI Target Device Parameters in ODM [iscsi_target_odm]
| | |---List All iSCSI Target Devices in ODM [iscsi_list_target]
| | |---Add an iSCSI Target Device in ODM [iscsi_add_target]
| | | |---Add a Statically Discovered iSCSI Target Device in ODM [iscsi_add_static_target]
| | | |---Add iSCSI Target Device(s) into ODM from a File [iscsi_add_target_file]
| | | |---Add Authentication Data for an Automatically Discovered iSCSI Target Device [iscsi_add_target_auth]
| | |---Delete an iSCSI Target Device from ODM [iscsi_delete_target]
| | |---Change existing iSCSI Target Device in ODM [iscsi_change_target]
| |---iSNS Discovery Configuration [isns_conf]
| | |---Change / Show iSNS Configuration [isns_conf_change]
|---Virtual SCSI Adapters [vscsi]
| |---List All Virtual SCSI Adapters [lstvscsi]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Virtual SCSI Adapter [chgvscsi]
|---I/O Completion Ports [iocp]
| |---Change/Show Characteristics of I/O Completion Ports [chgiocp]
| |---Configure Defined I/O Completion Ports [cfgiocp]
|---Multimedia [mm]
| |---Audio [audio]
| | |---List All Audio Capture & Playback Adapters [lsacpa]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an ACPA [chacpa]
| | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace an ACPA [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---List Devices [lsattr]
| |---List All Supported Devices [lssdev]
| |---List All Defined Devices [lsddev]
| |---Show Characteristics of a Supported Device [lsattrs]
| |---Show Characteristics of a Defined Device [lsattrd]
|---Configure/Unconfigure Devices [devcfg]
| |---Unconfigure a Device [devcfg_ucfg]
| |---Configure a Defined Device [devcfg_cfg]
| |---Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL [cfgmgr]
|---Install Additional Device Software [devinst]
|---PCI Hot Plug Manager [devdrpci]
| |---List PCI Hot Plug Slots [lsdrpci]
| |---Add a PCI Hot Plug Adapter [adddrpci]
| |---Replace/Remove a PCI Hot Plug Adapter [repdrpci]
| |---Identify a PCI Hot Plug Slot [iddrpci]
| |---Unconfigure a Device [devcfg_ucfg]
| |---Configure a Defined Device [devcfg_cfg]
| |---Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL [cfgmgr]
|---SAS Adapter [sas]
| |---SAS Adapter [sasadap]
| | |---List All SAS Adapters [lssasadap]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a SAS Adapter [chgsasadap]
| | |---Generate Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace a SAS Adapter [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| |---SAS SCSI Protocol Device [sasproto]
| | |---List All SAS SCSI Protocol Devices [lssasproto]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a SAS SCSI Protocol Device [chgsasproto]
| | |---Generate Error Report [errpt]
| | |---Trace a SAS SCSI Protocol Device [trace_link]
| | | |--- [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
---System Storage Management (Physical & Logical Storage) [storage]
|---Logical Volume Manager [lvm]
| |---Volume Groups [vg]
| | |---List All Volume Groups [lsvg2]
| | |---Add a Volume Group [mkvg]
| | | |---Add an Original Volume Group [_mkovg]
| | | |---Add a Big Volume Group [_mkbvg]
| | | |---Add a Scalable Volume Group [_mksvg]
| | |---Set Characteristics of a Volume Group [vgsc]
| | | |---Change a Volume Group [chvg]
| | | |---Add a Physical Volume to a Volume Group [extendvg]
| | | |---Remove a Physical Volume from a Volume Group [reducevg1]
| | | |---Reorganize a Volume Group [reorgvg]
| | |---List Contents of a Volume Group [lsvg1]
| | |---Remove a Volume Group [reducevg2]
| | |---Activate a Volume Group [varyonvg]
| | |---Deactivate a Volume Group [varyoffvg]
| | |---Import a Volume Group [importvg]
| | |---Export a Volume Group [exportvg]
| | |---Mirror a Volume Group [mirrorvg]
| | |---Unmirror a Volume Group [unmirrorvg]
| | |---Synchronize LVM Mirrors [syncvg]
| | | |---Synchronize by Volume Group [syncvg_vg]
| | | |---Synchronize by Logical Volume [syncvg_lv]
| | | |---Synchronize by Physical Volume [syncvg_pv]
| | |---Back Up a Volume Group [vgbackup]
| | | |---Back Up a Volume Group to Tape/File or UDFS capable media [savevg]
| | | |---Back Up a Volume Group to CD [savevgcd]
| | | |---Back Up a Volume Group to DVD [savevgdvd]
| | |---Remake a Volume Group [restvg]
| | |---Preview Information about a Backup [lsbackupinfo]
| | |---Verify the Readability of a Backup (Tape only) [verify_tape]
| | |---View the Backup Log [lsbackuplog]
| | |---List Files in a Volume Group Backup [lsbackvg]
| | |---Restore Files in a Volume Group Backup [restsavevg]
| |---Logical Volumes [lv]
| | |---List All Logical Volumes by Volume Group [lslv2]
| | |---Add a Logical Volume [mklv]
| | |---Set Characteristic of a Logical Volume [lvsc]
| | | |---Change a Logical Volume [chlv1]
| | | |---Rename a Logical Volume [chlv2]
| | | |---Increase the Size of a Logical Volume [extendlv]
| | | |---Add a Copy to a Logical Volume [mklvcopy]
| | | |---Remove a Copy from a Logical Volume [rmlvcopy]
| | |---Show Characteristics of a Logical Volume [lslv]
| | |---Remove a Logical Volume [rmlv]
| | |---Copy a Logical Volume [cplv]
| | | |---Copy over an existing logical volume [cplv_pre]
| | | |---Copy to a user created logical volume [cplv_user]
| | | |---Copy to system created logical volume [cplv_sys]
| |---Physical Volumes [pv]
| | |---List All Physical Volumes in System [lspv2]
| | |---Add a Disk [makdsk]
| | |---Change Characteristics of a Physical Volume [chpv]
| | |---List Contents of a Physical Volume [lspv]
| | |---Move Contents of a Physical Volume [migratepv]
| |---Paging Space [pgsp]
| | |---List All Paging Spaces [lsps]
| | |---Add Another Paging Space [mkps]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Paging Space [chps]
| | |---Remove a Paging Space [rmps]
| | |---Activate a Paging Space [swapon]
| | |---Deactivate a Paging Space [swapoff]
|---File Systems [fs]
| |---List All File Systems [lsfs]
| |---List All Mounted File Systems [lsmount]
| |---Add / Change / Show / Delete File Systems [manfs]
| | |---Enhanced Journaled File Systems [jfs2]
| | | |---Add an Enhanced Journaled File System [crjfs2std]
| | | |---Add an Enhanced Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical Volume [crjfs2lvstd]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an Enhanced Journaled File System [chjfs2]
| | | |---Remove an Enhanced Journaled File System [rmjfs2]
| | | |---Manage Quotas for an Enhanced Journaled File System [j2fsquotas]
| | | | |---Enable / Disable Quota Management [j2enablequotas]
| | | | |---Stop / Restart Quota Limits Enforcement [j2enforcequotas]
| | | | |---List Quota Usage [j2repquota]
| | | | |---Recalculate Current Disk Block and File Usage Statistics [j2quotacheck]
| | | | |---Add a Limits Class [j2addlimit]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Limits Class [j2changelimit]
| | | | |---Make a Limits Class the Default Limits for a File System [j2defaultlimit]
| | | | |---Assign a User or Group to a Limits Class [j2assignlimit]
| | | | |---List Limits Classes for a File System [j2listlimits]
| | | | |---Remove a Limits Class [j2removelimit]
| | | |---Defragment an Enhanced Journaled File System [dejfs2]
| | | |---List Snapshots for an Enhanced Journaled File System [lssnap]
| | | |---Create Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System [crsnap]
| | | | |---Create Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System in File System [crintsnapj2]
| | | | |---Create Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System in New Logical Volume [crsnapj2]
| | | | |---Create Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical Volume [crsnapj2lv]
| | | |---Mount Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System [mntsnap]
| | | |---Remove Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System [rmsnap]
| | | | |---Remove Internal Snapshot of an Enhanced Journaled File System [rmintsnap]
| | | | |---Remove External Snapshot of an Enhanced Journaled File System [rmextsnap]
| | | |---Unmount Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System [unmntsnap]
| | | |---Change Snapshot for an Enhanced Journaled File System [chsnap]
| | | |---Rollback an Enhanced Journaled File System to a Snapshot [rollbacksnap]
| | | | |---Rollback an Enhanced Journaled File System to an Internal Snapshot [rbackintsnap]
| | | | |---Rollback an Enhanced Journaled File System to an External Snapshot [rbackextsnap]
| | |---Journaled File Systems [jfs]
| | | |---Add a Journaled File System [crjfs]
| | | | |---Add a Standard Journaled File System [crjfsstd]
| | | | |---Add a Compressed Journaled File System [crjfscomp]
| | | | |---Add a Large File Enabled Journaled File System [crjfsbf]
| | | |---Add a Journaled File System on a Previously Defined Logical Volume [crjfslv]
| | | | |---Add a Standard Journaled File System [crjfslvstd]
| | | | |---Add a Compressed Journaled File System [crjfslvcomp]
| | | | |---Add a Large File Enabled Journaled File System [crjfslvbf]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Journaled File System [chjfs]
| | | |---Remove a Journaled File System [rmjfs]
| | | |---Defragment a Journaled File System [dejfs]
| | |---CDROM File Systems [cdrfs]
| | | |---Add a CDROM File System [crcdrfs]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a CDROM File System [chcdrfs]
| | | |---Remove a CDROM File System [rmcdrfs]
| | |---Network File System (NFS) [manfs_to_nfs]
| | | |---NFS [nfs_menus]
| | | | |---Configure TCP/IP (If Not Already Configured) [nfs_to_tcpip]
| | | | | |---Configure TCP/IP (If Not Already Configured) [tcpip]
| | | | | | |---Minimum Configuration & Startup [mktcpip]
| | | | | | |---Further Configuration [configtcp]
| | | | | | | |---Hostname [hostname]
| | | | | | | | |---Set the Hostname [mkhostname]
| | | | | | | | |---Show the Hostname [lshostname]
| | | | | | | |---Static Routes [route]
| | | | | | | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | | | | | | |---Add a Static Route [mkroute]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove a Static Route [rmroute]
| | | | | | | |---Network Interfaces [netinterface]
| | | | | | | | |---Network Interface Selection [inet]
| | | | | | | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinet]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add a Network Interface [mkinet]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add an IB Network Interface [mkinetib]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a Standard Ethernet Network Interface [mkinet1en]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add an IEEE 802.3 Network Interface [mkinet1et]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a Token-Ring Network Interface [mkinet1tr]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a Cluster Pseudo Network Interface [mkinet1cl]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a Serial Line INTERNET Network Interface [mkinet1sl]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a Serial Optical Network Interface [mkinet1so]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a FDDI Network Interface [mkinet1fi]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a Virtual IP Address Interface [mkinetvi]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a Fibre Channel Network Interface [mkinet1fc]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a HF Network Interface [mkinethf]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface [chinet]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rminet]
| | | | | | | | | |---PVCs for IP over an ATM Network [atmpvc]
| | | | | | | | | | |---List All PVCs for IP Over an ATM Network [lsatmpvc]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [mkatmpvc]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [chatmpvc]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [rmatmpvc]
| | | | | | | | | |---Configure Aliases [inetalias]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Alias [mkinet6al]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV4 Network Alias [mkinet4al]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Network Alias [rminet6al]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove an IPV4 Network Alias [rminet4al]
| | | | | | | | |---Network Interface Drivers [chif]
| | | | | | | |---Name Resolution [namerslv]
| | | | | | | | |---Domain Nameserver (/etc/resolv.conf) [resolv.conf]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the Nameserver [stnamerslv]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Restore a Copy of /etc/resolv.conf File [stnamerslv1]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Create a New /etc/resolv.conf File [stnamerslv2]
| | | | | | | | | |---List All Nameservers [lsnamerslv]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add a Nameserver [mknamerslv]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove a Nameserver [rmnamerslv]
| | | | | | | | | |--- [spnamerslv]
| | | | | | | | | |---Set / Show the Domain [mkdomain]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove the Domain [rmdomain]
| | | | | | | | | |---Set / Show the Domain Search List [domainsearch]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove the Domain Search List [rmsearch]
| | | | | | | | |---Hosts Table (/etc/hosts) [hostent]
| | | | | | | | | |---List All Hosts [lshostent]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add a Host [mkhostent]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Host [chhostent]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove a Host [rmhostent]
| | | | | | | |---Client Network Services [clientnet]
| | | | | | | | |---Services (/etc/services) [inetserv]
| | | | | | | | | |---List All Services [lsservices]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add a Service [mkservices]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Service [chservices]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove a Service [rmservices]
| | | | | | | | |---Syslog (information only)
| | | | | | | | |---Protocols (information only)
| | | | | | | |---Server Network Services [ruser]
| | | | | | | | |---Remote Access [rmtaccess]
| | | | | | | | | |---Host Access (/etc/host.equiv) [hostsequiv]
| | | | | | | | | | |---List All Remote Hosts [lshostsequiv]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a Remote Host [mkhostsequiv]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove a Remote Host [rmhostsequiv]
| | | | | | | | | |---Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers) [ftpusers]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Show All Restricted Users [lsftpusers]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add a Restricted User [mkftpusers]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove a Restricted User [rmftpusers]
| | | | | | | | |---Other Available Services [otherserv]
| | | | | | | | | |---Super Daemon (inetd) [inetd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---inetd Subservers [inetdconf]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---List All inetd Subservers [lsinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Add an inetd Subserver [mkinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver [chinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Remove an inetd Subserver [rminetdconf]
| | | | | | | | | |---syslogd Subsystem [syslogd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the syslogd Subsystem [stsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd Subsystem [chsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem [spsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---routed Subsystem [routed]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the routed Subsystem [strouted]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [strouted_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strouted_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of routed Subsystem [chrouted]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the routed Subsystem [sprouted]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprouted_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprouted_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---gated Subsystem [gated]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the gated Subsystem [stgated]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stgated_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stgated_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the gated Subsystem [spgated]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spgated_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spgated_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---named Subsystem [named]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the named Subsystem [stnamed]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stnamed_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of named Subsystem [chnamed]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the named Subsystem [spnamed]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spnamed_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---rwhod Subsystem [rwhod]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the rwhod Subsystem [strwhod]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [strwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strwhod_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem [sprwhod]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprwhod_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---timed Subsystem [timed]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the timed Subsystem [sttimed]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sttimed_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sttimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sttimed_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of timed Subsystem [chtimed]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the timed Subsystem [sptimed]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sptimed_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sptimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sptimed_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---portmap Subsystem (information only)
| | | | | | | | | |---snmpd Subsystem [snmpd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the snmpd Subsystem [stsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the snmpd Subsystem [spsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---dhcpsd Subsystem [dhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [stdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [spdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---dhcpcd Subsystem [dhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [stdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [spdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---dhcprd Subsystem [dhcprd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcprd Subsystem [stdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcprd Subsystem [spdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---xntpd Subsystem [xntpd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the xntpd Subsystem [stxntpd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stxntpd_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the xntpd Subsystem [spxntpd]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spxntpd_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---mrouted Subsystem [mrouted]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the mrouted Subsystem [stmrouted]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stmrouted_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the mrouted Subsystem [spmrouted]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spmrouted_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---pxed Subsystem [pxed]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the pxed Subsystem [stpxed]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stpxed_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stpxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stpxed_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the pxed Subsystem [sppxed]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [sppxed_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sppxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sppxed_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---binld Subsystem [binld]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the binld Subsystem [stbinld]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stbinld_both]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the binld Subsystem [spbinld]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [spbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spbinld_both]
| | | | | | | | |---PTYs [ruser_pty]
| | | | | | | | | |--- [pty]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY [chgpty]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove the PTY; Keep Definition [rmvpty]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Configure the Defined PTY [cfgpty]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Trace the PTY [trace_link]
| | | | | | | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | | | | | | |---Routing (information only)
| | | | | | | | |---Nameserver (information only) [nameserver]
| | | | | | | | |---Arp Tables (information only) [arp]
| | | | | | | |---Manage Print Server [print_server]
| | | | | | | | |--- [server]
| | | | | | | | | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | | | | | | | | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| | | | | | | |---Select BSD style rc Configuration [setbootup_option]
| | | | | | | |---Start Configured TCPIP Daemons [start_tcpip]
| | | | | | | |---Stop TCPIP Daemons [stop_tcpip]
| | | | | | | |---Authentication Configuration [auth_config]
| | | | | | | | |---List Authentication Methods [auth_list]
| | | | | | | | |---Set Authentication Methods [auth_set]
| | | | | | |---Use DHCP for TCPIP Configuration & Startup [usedhcp]
| | | | | | |---IPV6 Configuration [configtcp6]
| | | | | | | |---IPV6 Static Routes [route6]
| | | | | | | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Static Route [mkroute6]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Static Route [rmroute6]
| | | | | | | |---IPV6 Network Interfaces [inet6]
| | | | | | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinet]
| | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Interface [mkinet6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Standard Ethernet Network Interface [mkinet1en6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 IEEE 802.3 Network Interface [mkinet1et6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Token-Ring Network Interface [mkinet1tr6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 FDDI Network Interface [mkinet1fi6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Virtual IP Address Interface [mkinetvi6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 InfinBand Network Interface [mkinetib]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an IPV6 Network Interface [chinet6]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rminet]
| | | | | | | | |---Configure Tunnel Interface [ctinet6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 in IPV4 Tunnel Interface [addinetct6]
| | | | | | | | |---Configure Aliases [inetalias]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Alias [mkinet6al]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IPV4 Network Alias [mkinet4al]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Network Alias [rminet6al]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove an IPV4 Network Alias [rminet4al]
| | | | | | | |---IPV6 Daemon/Process Configuration [daemon6]
| | | | | | | | |---Autoconf6 Process [auto6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the Autoconf6 Process [_stauto6]
| | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stauto6_now]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stauto6_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stauto6_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of Autoconf6 Process [chauto6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the Autoconf6 Process at Next System RESTART [stopauto6]
| | | | | | | | |---Ndpd-host Subsystem [stndpd6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the Ndpd-host Subsystem [_stndpd6]
| | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stndpd6_now]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stndpd6_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stndpd6_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the Ndpd-host Subsystem [stopndpd6]
| | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stopndpd6_now]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stopndpd6_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stopndpd6_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Ndpd-router Subsystem [stndpdrtr6]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the Ndpd-router Subsystem [_stndpdrtr6]
| | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stndpdrtr_now]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stndpdrtr_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stndpdrtr_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the Ndpd-router Subsystem [stopndpdrtr6]
| | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [stopndpdrtr_now]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stopndpdrtr_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stopndpdrtr_both]
| | | | | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | | | | |---Quality of Service Configuration & Startup [configqos]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the QoS Subsystem [startqos]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [startqos_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [startqos_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [startqos_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the QoS Subsystem [stopqos]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stopqos_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stopqos_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stopqos_both]
| | | | | | |---Configure IP Security (IPv4) [ipsec4]
| | | | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security [ips4_start_stop]
| | | | | | | | |---Start IP Security [ips4_start]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop IP Security [ips4_stop]
| | | | | | | |---Basic IP Security Configuration [ips4_basic]
| | | | | | | | |---Use Internet Key Exchange Refresh Method (IKE Tunnel) [ike4]
| | | | | | | | | |---List IKE Entries [ips_list_ike_entries]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IKE Tunnel [ips_add_ike_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change/Remove IKE Entries [ips_change_ike_entries]
| | | | | | | | | |---Import Linux IKE Tunnels [ips_import_linux]
| | | | | | | | | |---Activate IKE Tunnels [ips_activate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | | | | |---Deactivate IKE Tunnels [ips_deactivate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | | | | |---Export IKE Tunnels [ips_export_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | | | | |---Import AIX IKE Tunnels [ips_import_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | | | |---Use Manual Session Key Refresh Method (Manual Tunnel) [ips4_manual]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_add_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Host-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh_ah]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh_ahesp]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh_esp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ah]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ahesp]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh_esp]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_chg_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Host-Host [ips4_chg_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host [ips4_chg_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | | | | |---List Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_list_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_remove_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Export Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_export_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Import Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_import_man_tunnel_nmhdr]
| | | | | | | | | |---Activate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_act_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Deactivate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_deact_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | |---Advanced IP Security Configuration [ips4_advanced]
| | | | | | | | |---Configure IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_conf_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---List IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_list_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IP Security Filter Rule [ips4_add_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_chg_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Move IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_move_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Export IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_export_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Import IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_import_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Delete IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_delete_filter]
| | | | | | | | |---List Active IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_list_active_filter]
| | | | | | | | |---Activate/Update/Deactivate IP Security Filter Rule [ips4_upd_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Activate / Update [ips4_act_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Deactivate [ips4_deact_filter]
| | | | | | | | |---List Encryption Modules [ips4_list_encryption]
| | | | | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Filter Rule Log [ips4_filter_log]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Filter Logging [ips4_start_filter_log]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Filter Logging [ips4_stop_filter_log]
| | | | | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Tracing [ips4_tracing]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start IP Security Tracing [ips4_start_tracing]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop IP Security Tracing [ips4_stop_tracing]
| | | | | | | | |---Backup IKE Database [ips_backupDB]
| | | | | | | | |---Restore IKE Database [ips_restoreDB]
| | | | | | | | |---Initialize IKE Database [ips_initDB]
| | | | | | | | |---View IKE XML DTD [ips_viewDTD]
| | | | | | |---Configure IP Security (IPv6) [ipsec6]
| | | | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security [ips6_start_stop]
| | | | | | | | |---Start IP Security [ips6_start]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop IP Security [ips6_stop]
| | | | | | | |---Basic IP Security Configuration [ips6_basic]
| | | | | | | | |---Use Internet Key Exchange Refresh Method (IKE Tunnel) [ike6]
| | | | | | | | | |---List IKE Entries [ips_list_ike_entries]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IKE Tunnel [ips_add_ike_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change/Remove IKE Entries [ips_change_ike_entries]
| | | | | | | | | |---Import Linux IKE Tunnels [ips_import_linux]
| | | | | | | | | |---Activate IKE Tunnels [ips_activate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | | | | |---Deactivate IKE Tunnels [ips_deactivate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | | | | |---Export IKE Tunnels [ips_export_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | | | | |---Import AIX IKE Tunnels [ips_import_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | | | |---Use Manual Session Key Refresh Method (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_manual]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_add_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Host-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh_ah]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh_ahesp]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh_esp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ah]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ahesp]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh_esp]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_chg_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Use Manual Session Key Refresh Method (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_chg_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Host-Host [ips6_chg_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | | | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host [ips6_chg_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | | | | |---List Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_list_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_remove_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Export Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_export_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Import Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_import_tunnel_nmhdr]
| | | | | | | | | |---Activate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_act_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | | |---Deactivate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_deact_tunnel]
| | | | | | | |---Advanced IP Security Configuration [ips6_advanced]
| | | | | | | | |---Configure IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_conf_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---List IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_list_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add an IP Security Filter Rule [ips6_add_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Change IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_chg_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Move IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_move_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Export IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_export_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Import IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_import_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Delete IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_delete_filter]
| | | | | | | | |---List Active IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_list_active_filter]
| | | | | | | | |---Activate/Update/Deactivate IP Security Filter Rule [ips6_upd_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Activate / Update [ips6_act_filter]
| | | | | | | | | |---Deactivate [ips6_deact_filter]
| | | | | | | | |---List Encryption Modules [ips6_list_encryption]
| | | | | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Filter Rule Log [ips6_filter_log]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Filter Logging [ips6_start_filter_log]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Filter Logging [ips6_stop_filter_log]
| | | | | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Tracing [ips6_tracing]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start IP Security Tracing [ips6_start_tracing]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop IP Security Tracing [ips6_stop_tracing]
| | | | | | | | |---Backup IKE Database [ips_backupDB]
| | | | | | | | |---Restore IKE Database [ips_restoreDB]
| | | | | | | | |---Initialize IKE Database [ips_initDB]
| | | | | | | | |---View IKE XML DTD [ips_viewDTD]
| | | | |---Network File System (NFS) [_nfs]
| | | | | |---Configure NFS on This System [nfsconfigure]
| | | | | | |---Start NFS [mknfs]
| | | | | | |---Stop NFS [rmnfs]
| | | | | | |---Change Number of nfsd, biod, and lockd Daemons [chnfs]
| | | | | | |---Change Version 4 Server Root Node [chrootfh]
| | | | | | |---Change Version 4 Server Public Node [chpubfh]
| | | | | | |---Start Automounter [mkautomnt]
| | | | | | |---Stop Automounter [rmautomnt]
| | | | | | |---Enable RPCSEC_GSS [addsecurity]
| | | | | | |---Disable RPCSEC_GSS [remsecurity]
| | | | | | |---Configure NFS Local Domain [chnfsdom]
| | | | | | | |---Display Current NFS Local Domain [chnfsdom.print]
| | | | | | | |---Change NFS Local Domain [chnfsdom.change]
| | | | | | |---Configure NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping [chnfsim]
| | | | | | | |---Configure NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping [chnfsim.conf.new]
| | | | | | | | |---Display Current NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping Configuration [chnfsim.conf.print]
| | | | | | | | |---Configure NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping [chnfsim.conf.menu]
| | | | | | | | | |---Add Server Entry [chnfsim.conf.setup.new]
| | | | | | | | | |---Remove Server Entry [chnfsim.rem.server]
| | | | | | | | | |---List Server Entry [chnfsim.list.server]
| | | | | | | | |---Set HeartBeatInterval for nfsrgyd [heartBeatInt]
| | | | | | | |---Configure User Mappings [chnfsim.user]
| | | | | | | | |---Add a New User Mapping Identity [chnfsim.user.id]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove a User Mapping Identity [chnfsim.user.rid]
| | | | | | | | |---Add a New Foreign User Identity Mapping [chnfsim.user.map]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove a Foreign User Identity Mapping [chnfsim.user.rmap]
| | | | | | | | |---List Identity Mappings of a User Mapping Identity [chnfsim.user.list]
| | | | | | | | |---Search for a User Mapping Identity [chnfsim.user.search]
| | | | | | | |---Configure Group Mappings [chnfsim.group]
| | | | | | | | |---Add a New Group Mapping Identity [chnfsim.group.id]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove a Group Mapping Identity [chnfsim.group.rid]
| | | | | | | | |---Add a New Foreign Group Identity Mapping [chnfsim.group.map]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove a Foreign Group Identity Mapping [chnfsim.group.rmap]
| | | | | | | | |---List Identity Mappings of a Group Mapping Identity [chnfsim.group.list]
| | | | | | | | |---Search for a Group Mapping Identity [chnfsim.group.search]
| | | | | | | |---Configure Realm to Domain Mappings [chnfsim.rtd]
| | | | | | | | |---Add a New Realm to Domain Mapping [chnfsim.rtd.new]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove a Realm to Domain Mapping [chnfsim.rtd.rem]
| | | | | | |---Configure Local Realm Mapping [chnfsrtd]
| | | | | | | |---Display Current Local Realm Mappings [chnfsrtd.print]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Local Realm Mapping [chnfsrtd.add]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Local Realm Mapping [chnfsrtd.remove]
| | | | | | |---Configure NFS Default Security [chnfssec]
| | | | | | | |---Display Current Default Client Security [chnfssec.print]
| | | | | | | |---Change Default Client Security List [chnfssec.change]
| | | | | | | |---Remove Security From List [chnfssec.remove]
| | | | | | |---Change Version 4 Server Lease Time [chlease]
| | | | | | |---Configure Version 4 Replication [chreplication]
| | | | | | |---Configure Version 4 Server Delegation [nfsservdeleg]
| | | | | | |---Configure Version 4 Client Delegation [nfsclntdeleg]
| | | | | | |---Configure Version 4 Grace Period [nfsgrcperiod]
| | | | | |---Add a Directory to Exports List [mknfsexp]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Attributes of an Exported Directory [chnfsexp]
| | | | | |---Remove a Directory from Exports List [rmnfsexp]
| | | | | |---Add a File System for Mounting [mknfsmnt]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Attributes of an NFS File System [chnfsmnt]
| | | | | |---Remove an NFS File System [rmnfsmnt]
| | | | | |---Flush NFS V4 Translation Cache [flushV4cache]
| | | | | |---Add NFSv4 File System FSID Options [mknfs4cl]
| | | | | |---Change / Show NFSv4 File System FSID Options [chnfs4cl]
| | | | | |---Reset NFSv4 File System FSID Options [resetnfs4cl]
| | | | |---Network Information Service (NIS) [yp]
| | | | | |---Change NIS Domain Name of this Host [chypdom]
| | | | | |---Configure / Modify NIS [ypconfigure]
| | | | | | |---Change NIS Domain Name of this Host [chypdom]
| | | | | | |---Configure this Host as a NIS Client [mkclient]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of Client Configuration [chclient]
| | | | | | |---Remove NIS Client Configuration from this Host [rmypclient]
| | | | | |---Start / Stop Configured NIS Daemons [ypstartstop]
| | | | | | |---Start the Client Daemon, ypbind [ypstartclient]
| | | | | | |---Bind Client to a Server [ypbindclient]
| | | | | | |---Stop the Client Daemon, ypbind [ypstopclient]
| | | | |---Configure Secure NFS & NIS [rpc]
| | | | | |---Start Keyserv Daemon [mkkeyserv]
| | | | | |---Stop Keyserv Daemon [rmkeyserv]
| | | | | |---Add / Change Keys for Users [newkey]
| |---Mount a File System [mountfs]
| |---Mount a Group of File Systems [mountg]
| |---Unmount a File System [umountfs]
| |---Unmount a Group of File Systems [umountg]
| |---Verify a File System [fsck]
| |---Backup a File System [backfilesys]
| |---Restore a File System [restfilesys]
| |---List Contents of a Backup [listtoc]
| |---Create and back up a snapshot [backsnap]
| | |---Create and backup an Internal snapshot [intbacksnap]
| | | |---Create and back up a snapshot by name [intbacksnapnm]
| | | |---Create and back up a snapshot by inode [intbacksnapsys]
| | |---Create and backup an External snapshot [extbacksnap]
| | | |---Create and back up a snapshot by name [backsnapnm]
| | | |---Create and back up a snapshot by inode [backsnapsys]
|---Files & Directories [filemgr]
| |---Backup a File or Directory [backfile]
| |---Restore a File or Directory [restfile]
| |---List Contents of a Backup [listtoc]
|---System Backup Manager [backsys]
| |---Back Up the System [sysbackup]
| | |---Back Up This System to Tape/File or UDFS capable media [mksysb]
| | |---Back Up This System to CD [mkcd]
| | |---Back Up This System to DVD [mkdvd]
| |---Preview Information about a Backup [lsbackupinfo]
| |---Verify the Readability of a Backup (Tape only) [verify_tape]
| |---View the Backup Log [lsbackuplog]
| |---List Information about Filesets in a System Image [lslppbackup]
| |---List Files in a System Image [lsmksysb]
| |---Restore Files in a System Image [restmksysb]
---Security & Users [security]
|---Users [users]
| |---Add a User [mkuser]
| |---Change a User's Password [passwd]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a User [chuser]
| |---Lock / Unlock a User's Account [lockuser]
| |---Reset User's Failed Login Count [failed_logins]
| |---Remove a User [rmuser]
| |---List All Users [lsuser]
|---Groups [groups]
| |---List All Groups [lsgroup]
| |---Add a Group [mkgroup]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Group [chgroup]
| |---Remove a Group [rmgroup]
|---Passwords [passwords]
| |---System Password Policy [sys_pwd]
| |---Change a User's Password [passwd]
| |---Change / Show Password Attributes for a User [passwdattrs]
|---Login Controls [logins]
| |---Change / Show Login Attributes for a User [login_user]
| |---Change / Show Login Attributes for a Port [login_port]
|---PKI [pki]
| |---Add a Certificate Authority [pkiCAAddHdr]
| |---Change / Show a Certificate Authority [pkiCAChgHdr]
| |---Change / Show CA Account [pkiCAAcctCfgHdr]
| |---Add / Change / Show an LDAP Account [pkiLDAPAcctCfgHdr]
| |---Change / Show the Policy [pkiPolicyCfgHdr]
| |---Start the Client Daemon [pkiCDStartHdr]
| |---Stop the Client Daemon [pkiCDStopHdr]
|---LDAP [ldap]
| |---LDAP Client [ldapClient]
| | |---Configure this Host as a LDAP Client [ldapClientCFGHdr]
| | |---List Status of Client Daemon [ldapClientList]
| | |---Empty the Client Daemon Cache [ldapClientFlush]
| | |---Restart the Client Daemon [ldapClientRestart]
| | |---Start the Client Daemon [ldapClientStart]
| | |---Stop the Client Daemon [ldapClientStop]
| |---LDAP Server [ldapServer]
| | |---Configure this Host as a LDAP Server [ldapServerCFGHdr]
| | |---Start the LDAP Server [ldapServerStart]
| | |---Stop the LDAP Server [ldapServerStop]
|---Role Based Access Control (RBAC) [rbac]
| |---Authorizations [authorizations]
| | |---Add an Authorization [mkauth]
| | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a User-Defined Authorization [chauth]
| | |---List ALL Authorizations [lsauth]
| | |---Remove a User-Defined Authorization [rmauth]
| |---Roles [roles]
| | |---Add a Role [mkrole]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Role [chrole]
| | |---Remove a Role [rmrole]
| | |---List All Roles [lsrole]
| |---Privileged Commands [privcmds]
| | |---Add a command to Privileged Command Database [setsecattr_cmdadd]
| | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Privileged Command [setsecattr_cmdmod]
| | |---List All Privileged Commands [lssecattr]
| | |---Remove a Command from Privileged Command database [rmsecattr]
| |---Privileged Devices [privdevs]
| | |---Add a Device to Privileged Device Database [setsecattr_devadd]
| | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Privileged Device [setsecattr_devmod]
| | |---List All Privileged Devices [lssecattr_dev]
| | |---Remove a Device from Privileged Device database [rmsecattr_dev]
| |---Privileged Files [privfiles]
| | |---Add a File to Privileged Files Database [setsecattr_fileadd]
| | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Privileged File [setsecattr_filemod]
| | |---List All Privileged Files [lssecattr_file]
| | |---Remove a File from Privileged File database [rmsecattr_file]
| |---Process privileges [procprivs]
| | |---Change/Show Privileges of a Process [setsecattr_procmod]
|---Trusted Execution [trustchk]
| |---Change/Show characteristics of Trusted Execution [te_policy]
| | |---Change/Show Current Policy Status [te_show_policy]
| | |---Change/Show Trusted Paths [te_tppol_hdr]
| |---Manage Trusted Signature Database [te_tsd]
| | |---Add a new Trusted File to TSD [te_tsd_add]
| | |---Delete a Trusted File from TSD [te_tsd_delete]
|---Cluster Security [clustsec]
| |---Cluster Security Level [clustsec_lvl]
| |---Advanced Cluster Security Configuration [clustsec_adv]
| | |---Setup Node Configuration Setup [clustsec_adv_sec_mech]
| | |---Choose Security Mechanism [clustsec_adv_nodesec]
---Communications Applications and Services [commo]
|---TCP/IP [tcpip]
| |---Minimum Configuration & Startup [mktcpip]
| |---Further Configuration [configtcp]
| | |---Hostname [hostname]
| | | |---Set the Hostname [mkhostname]
| | | |---Show the Hostname [lshostname]
| | |---Static Routes [route]
| | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | |---Add a Static Route [mkroute]
| | | |---Remove a Static Route [rmroute]
| | |---Network Interfaces [netinterface]
| | | |---Network Interface Selection [inet]
| | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinet]
| | | | |---Add a Network Interface [mkinet]
| | | | | |---Add an IB Network Interface [mkinetib]
| | | | | |---Add a Standard Ethernet Network Interface [mkinet1en]
| | | | | |---Add an IEEE 802.3 Network Interface [mkinet1et]
| | | | | |---Add a Token-Ring Network Interface [mkinet1tr]
| | | | | |---Add a Cluster Pseudo Network Interface [mkinet1cl]
| | | | | |---Add a Serial Line INTERNET Network Interface [mkinet1sl]
| | | | | |---Add a Serial Optical Network Interface [mkinet1so]
| | | | | |---Add a FDDI Network Interface [mkinet1fi]
| | | | | |---Add a Virtual IP Address Interface [mkinetvi]
| | | | | |---Add a Fibre Channel Network Interface [mkinet1fc]
| | | | | |---Add a HF Network Interface [mkinethf]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface [chinet]
| | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rminet]
| | | | |---PVCs for IP over an ATM Network [atmpvc]
| | | | | |---List All PVCs for IP Over an ATM Network [lsatmpvc]
| | | | | |---Add a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [mkatmpvc]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [chatmpvc]
| | | | | |---Remove a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [rmatmpvc]
| | | | |---Configure Aliases [inetalias]
| | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Alias [mkinet6al]
| | | | | |---Add an IPV4 Network Alias [mkinet4al]
| | | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Network Alias [rminet6al]
| | | | | |---Remove an IPV4 Network Alias [rminet4al]
| | | |---Network Interface Drivers [chif]
| | |---Name Resolution [namerslv]
| | | |---Domain Nameserver (/etc/resolv.conf) [resolv.conf]
| | | | |---Start Using the Nameserver [stnamerslv]
| | | | | |---Restore a Copy of /etc/resolv.conf File [stnamerslv1]
| | | | | |---Create a New /etc/resolv.conf File [stnamerslv2]
| | | | |---List All Nameservers [lsnamerslv]
| | | | |---Add a Nameserver [mknamerslv]
| | | | |---Remove a Nameserver [rmnamerslv]
| | | | |--- [spnamerslv]
| | | | |---Set / Show the Domain [mkdomain]
| | | | |---Remove the Domain [rmdomain]
| | | | |---Set / Show the Domain Search List [domainsearch]
| | | | |---Remove the Domain Search List [rmsearch]
| | | |---Hosts Table (/etc/hosts) [hostent]
| | | | |---List All Hosts [lshostent]
| | | | |---Add a Host [mkhostent]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Host [chhostent]
| | | | |---Remove a Host [rmhostent]
| | |---Client Network Services [clientnet]
| | | |---Services (/etc/services) [inetserv]
| | | | |---List All Services [lsservices]
| | | | |---Add a Service [mkservices]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Service [chservices]
| | | | |---Remove a Service [rmservices]
| | | |---Syslog (information only)
| | | |---Protocols (information only)
| | |---Server Network Services [ruser]
| | | |---Remote Access [rmtaccess]
| | | | |---Host Access (/etc/host.equiv) [hostsequiv]
| | | | | |---List All Remote Hosts [lshostsequiv]
| | | | | |---Add a Remote Host [mkhostsequiv]
| | | | | |---Remove a Remote Host [rmhostsequiv]
| | | | |---Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers) [ftpusers]
| | | | | |---Show All Restricted Users [lsftpusers]
| | | | | |---Add a Restricted User [mkftpusers]
| | | | | |---Remove a Restricted User [rmftpusers]
| | | |---Other Available Services [otherserv]
| | | | |---Super Daemon (inetd) [inetd]
| | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | | | |---inetd Subservers [inetdconf]
| | | | | | |---List All inetd Subservers [lsinetdconf]
| | | | | | |---Add an inetd Subserver [mkinetdconf]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver [chinetdconf]
| | | | | | |---Remove an inetd Subserver [rminetdconf]
| | | | |---syslogd Subsystem [syslogd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the syslogd Subsystem [stsyslogd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stsyslogd_both]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd Subsystem [chsyslogd]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem [spsyslogd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spsyslogd_both]
| | | | |---routed Subsystem [routed]
| | | | | |---Start Using the routed Subsystem [strouted]
| | | | | | |---NOW [strouted_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strouted_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [strouted_both]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of routed Subsystem [chrouted]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the routed Subsystem [sprouted]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sprouted_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprouted_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sprouted_both]
| | | | |---gated Subsystem [gated]
| | | | | |---Start Using the gated Subsystem [stgated]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stgated_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stgated_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stgated_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the gated Subsystem [spgated]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spgated_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spgated_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spgated_both]
| | | | |---named Subsystem [named]
| | | | | |---Start Using the named Subsystem [stnamed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stnamed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stnamed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stnamed_both]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of named Subsystem [chnamed]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the named Subsystem [spnamed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spnamed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spnamed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spnamed_both]
| | | | |---rwhod Subsystem [rwhod]
| | | | | |---Start Using the rwhod Subsystem [strwhod]
| | | | | | |---NOW [strwhod_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strwhod_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [strwhod_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem [sprwhod]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sprwhod_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprwhod_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sprwhod_both]
| | | | |---timed Subsystem [timed]
| | | | | |---Start Using the timed Subsystem [sttimed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sttimed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sttimed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sttimed_both]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of timed Subsystem [chtimed]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the timed Subsystem [sptimed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sptimed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sptimed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sptimed_both]
| | | | |---portmap Subsystem (information only)
| | | | |---snmpd Subsystem [snmpd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the snmpd Subsystem [stsnmpd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stsnmpd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the snmpd Subsystem [spsnmpd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spsnmpd_both]
| | | | |---dhcpsd Subsystem [dhcpsd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [stdhcpsd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [spdhcpsd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpsd_both]
| | | | |---dhcpcd Subsystem [dhcpcd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [stdhcpcd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [spdhcpcd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpcd_both]
| | | | |---dhcprd Subsystem [dhcprd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the dhcprd Subsystem [stdhcprd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcprd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcprd Subsystem [spdhcprd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcprd_both]
| | | | |---xntpd Subsystem [xntpd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the xntpd Subsystem [stxntpd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stxntpd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stxntpd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the xntpd Subsystem [spxntpd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spxntpd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spxntpd_both]
| | | | |---mrouted Subsystem [mrouted]
| | | | | |---Start Using the mrouted Subsystem [stmrouted]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stmrouted_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stmrouted_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the mrouted Subsystem [spmrouted]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spmrouted_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spmrouted_both]
| | | | |---pxed Subsystem [pxed]
| | | | | |---Start Using the pxed Subsystem [stpxed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stpxed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stpxed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stpxed_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the pxed Subsystem [sppxed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sppxed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sppxed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sppxed_both]
| | | | |---binld Subsystem [binld]
| | | | | |---Start Using the binld Subsystem [stbinld]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stbinld_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stbinld_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stbinld_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the binld Subsystem [spbinld]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spbinld_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spbinld_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spbinld_both]
| | | |---PTYs [ruser_pty]
| | | | |--- [pty]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY [chgpty]
| | | | | |---Remove the PTY; Keep Definition [rmvpty]
| | | | | |---Configure the Defined PTY [cfgpty]
| | | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | | |---Trace the PTY [trace_link]
| | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | |---Routing (information only)
| | | |---Nameserver (information only) [nameserver]
| | | |---Arp Tables (information only) [arp]
| | |---Manage Print Server [print_server]
| | | |--- [server]
| | | | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | | | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | | | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | | | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | | | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | | | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| | |---Select BSD style rc Configuration [setbootup_option]
| | |---Start Configured TCPIP Daemons [start_tcpip]
| | |---Stop TCPIP Daemons [stop_tcpip]
| | |---Authentication Configuration [auth_config]
| | | |---List Authentication Methods [auth_list]
| | | |---Set Authentication Methods [auth_set]
| |---Use DHCP for TCPIP Configuration & Startup [usedhcp]
| |---IPV6 Configuration [configtcp6]
| | |---IPV6 Static Routes [route6]
| | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | |---Add an IPV6 Static Route [mkroute6]
| | | |---Remove an IPV6 Static Route [rmroute6]
| | |---IPV6 Network Interfaces [inet6]
| | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinet]
| | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Interface [mkinet6]
| | | | |---Add an IPV6 Standard Ethernet Network Interface [mkinet1en6]
| | | | |---Add an IPV6 IEEE 802.3 Network Interface [mkinet1et6]
| | | | |---Add an IPV6 Token-Ring Network Interface [mkinet1tr6]
| | | | |---Add an IPV6 FDDI Network Interface [mkinet1fi6]
| | | | |---Add an IPV6 Virtual IP Address Interface [mkinetvi6]
| | | | |---Add an IPV6 InfinBand Network Interface [mkinetib]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an IPV6 Network Interface [chinet6]
| | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rminet]
| | | |---Configure Tunnel Interface [ctinet6]
| | | | |---Add an IPV6 in IPV4 Tunnel Interface [addinetct6]
| | | |---Configure Aliases [inetalias]
| | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Alias [mkinet6al]
| | | | |---Add an IPV4 Network Alias [mkinet4al]
| | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Network Alias [rminet6al]
| | | | |---Remove an IPV4 Network Alias [rminet4al]
| | |---IPV6 Daemon/Process Configuration [daemon6]
| | | |---Autoconf6 Process [auto6]
| | | | |---Start Using the Autoconf6 Process [_stauto6]
| | | | | |---NOW [stauto6_now]
| | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stauto6_boot]
| | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stauto6_both]
| | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of Autoconf6 Process [chauto6]
| | | | |---Stop Using the Autoconf6 Process at Next System RESTART [stopauto6]
| | | |---Ndpd-host Subsystem [stndpd6]
| | | | |---Start Using the Ndpd-host Subsystem [_stndpd6]
| | | | | |---NOW [stndpd6_now]
| | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stndpd6_boot]
| | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stndpd6_both]
| | | | |---Stop Using the Ndpd-host Subsystem [stopndpd6]
| | | | | |---NOW [stopndpd6_now]
| | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stopndpd6_boot]
| | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stopndpd6_both]
| | | |---Ndpd-router Subsystem [stndpdrtr6]
| | | | |---Start Using the Ndpd-router Subsystem [_stndpdrtr6]
| | | | | |---NOW [stndpdrtr_now]
| | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stndpdrtr_boot]
| | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stndpdrtr_both]
| | | | |---Stop Using the Ndpd-router Subsystem [stopndpdrtr6]
| | | | | |---NOW [stopndpdrtr_now]
| | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stopndpdrtr_boot]
| | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stopndpdrtr_both]
| | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| |---Quality of Service Configuration & Startup [configqos]
| | |---Start Using the QoS Subsystem [startqos]
| | | |---NOW [startqos_now]
| | | |---Next System RESTART [startqos_boot]
| | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [startqos_both]
| | |---Stop Using the QoS Subsystem [stopqos]
| | | |---NOW [stopqos_now]
| | | |---Next System RESTART [stopqos_boot]
| | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stopqos_both]
| |---Configure IP Security (IPv4) [ipsec4]
| | |---Start/Stop IP Security [ips4_start_stop]
| | | |---Start IP Security [ips4_start]
| | | |---Stop IP Security [ips4_stop]
| | |---Basic IP Security Configuration [ips4_basic]
| | | |---Use Internet Key Exchange Refresh Method (IKE Tunnel) [ike4]
| | | | |---List IKE Entries [ips_list_ike_entries]
| | | | |---Add an IKE Tunnel [ips_add_ike_tunnel]
| | | | |---Change/Remove IKE Entries [ips_change_ike_entries]
| | | | |---Import Linux IKE Tunnels [ips_import_linux]
| | | | |---Activate IKE Tunnels [ips_activate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | |---Deactivate IKE Tunnels [ips_deactivate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | |---Export IKE Tunnels [ips_export_ike_tunnels]
| | | | |---Import AIX IKE Tunnels [ips_import_ike_tunnels]
| | | |---Use Manual Session Key Refresh Method (Manual Tunnel) [ips4_manual]
| | | | |---Add Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_add_man_tunnel]
| | | | | |---Host-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh_ah]
| | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh_ahesp]
| | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh_esp]
| | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ah]
| | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ahesp]
| | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh_esp]
| | | | |---Change Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_chg_man_tunnel]
| | | | | |---Host-Host [ips4_chg_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host [ips4_chg_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | |---List Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_list_man_tunnel]
| | | | |---Remove Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_remove_man_tunnel]
| | | | |---Export Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_export_man_tunnel]
| | | | |---Import Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_import_man_tunnel_nmhdr]
| | | | |---Activate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_act_man_tunnel]
| | | | |---Deactivate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_deact_man_tunnel]
| | |---Advanced IP Security Configuration [ips4_advanced]
| | | |---Configure IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_conf_filter]
| | | | |---List IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_list_filter]
| | | | |---Add an IP Security Filter Rule [ips4_add_filter]
| | | | |---Change IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_chg_filter]
| | | | |---Move IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_move_filter]
| | | | |---Export IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_export_filter]
| | | | |---Import IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_import_filter]
| | | | |---Delete IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_delete_filter]
| | | |---List Active IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_list_active_filter]
| | | |---Activate/Update/Deactivate IP Security Filter Rule [ips4_upd_filter]
| | | | |---Activate / Update [ips4_act_filter]
| | | | |---Deactivate [ips4_deact_filter]
| | | |---List Encryption Modules [ips4_list_encryption]
| | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Filter Rule Log [ips4_filter_log]
| | | | |---Start Filter Logging [ips4_start_filter_log]
| | | | |---Stop Filter Logging [ips4_stop_filter_log]
| | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Tracing [ips4_tracing]
| | | | |---Start IP Security Tracing [ips4_start_tracing]
| | | | |---Stop IP Security Tracing [ips4_stop_tracing]
| | | |---Backup IKE Database [ips_backupDB]
| | | |---Restore IKE Database [ips_restoreDB]
| | | |---Initialize IKE Database [ips_initDB]
| | | |---View IKE XML DTD [ips_viewDTD]
| |---Configure IP Security (IPv6) [ipsec6]
| | |---Start/Stop IP Security [ips6_start_stop]
| | | |---Start IP Security [ips6_start]
| | | |---Stop IP Security [ips6_stop]
| | |---Basic IP Security Configuration [ips6_basic]
| | | |---Use Internet Key Exchange Refresh Method (IKE Tunnel) [ike6]
| | | | |---List IKE Entries [ips_list_ike_entries]
| | | | |---Add an IKE Tunnel [ips_add_ike_tunnel]
| | | | |---Change/Remove IKE Entries [ips_change_ike_entries]
| | | | |---Import Linux IKE Tunnels [ips_import_linux]
| | | | |---Activate IKE Tunnels [ips_activate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | |---Deactivate IKE Tunnels [ips_deactivate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | |---Export IKE Tunnels [ips_export_ike_tunnels]
| | | | |---Import AIX IKE Tunnels [ips_import_ike_tunnels]
| | | |---Use Manual Session Key Refresh Method (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_manual]
| | | | |---Add Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_add_man_tunnel]
| | | | | |---Host-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh_ah]
| | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh_ahesp]
| | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh_esp]
| | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ah]
| | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ahesp]
| | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh_esp]
| | | | |---Change Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_chg_tunnel]
| | | | | |---Use Manual Session Key Refresh Method (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_chg_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Host-Host [ips6_chg_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host [ips6_chg_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | |---List Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_list_tunnel]
| | | | |---Remove Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_remove_tunnel]
| | | | |---Export Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_export_tunnel]
| | | | |---Import Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_import_tunnel_nmhdr]
| | | | |---Activate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_act_tunnel]
| | | | |---Deactivate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_deact_tunnel]
| | |---Advanced IP Security Configuration [ips6_advanced]
| | | |---Configure IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_conf_filter]
| | | | |---List IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_list_filter]
| | | | |---Add an IP Security Filter Rule [ips6_add_filter]
| | | | |---Change IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_chg_filter]
| | | | |---Move IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_move_filter]
| | | | |---Export IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_export_filter]
| | | | |---Import IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_import_filter]
| | | | |---Delete IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_delete_filter]
| | | |---List Active IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_list_active_filter]
| | | |---Activate/Update/Deactivate IP Security Filter Rule [ips6_upd_filter]
| | | | |---Activate / Update [ips6_act_filter]
| | | | |---Deactivate [ips6_deact_filter]
| | | |---List Encryption Modules [ips6_list_encryption]
| | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Filter Rule Log [ips6_filter_log]
| | | | |---Start Filter Logging [ips6_start_filter_log]
| | | | |---Stop Filter Logging [ips6_stop_filter_log]
| | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Tracing [ips6_tracing]
| | | | |---Start IP Security Tracing [ips6_start_tracing]
| | | | |---Stop IP Security Tracing [ips6_stop_tracing]
| | | |---Backup IKE Database [ips_backupDB]
| | | |---Restore IKE Database [ips_restoreDB]
| | | |---Initialize IKE Database [ips_initDB]
| | | |---View IKE XML DTD [ips_viewDTD]
|---NFS [nfs_menus]
| |---Configure TCP/IP (If Not Already Configured) [nfs_to_tcpip]
| | |---Configure TCP/IP (If Not Already Configured) [tcpip]
| | | |---Minimum Configuration & Startup [mktcpip]
| | | |---Further Configuration [configtcp]
| | | | |---Hostname [hostname]
| | | | | |---Set the Hostname [mkhostname]
| | | | | |---Show the Hostname [lshostname]
| | | | |---Static Routes [route]
| | | | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | | | |---Add a Static Route [mkroute]
| | | | | |---Remove a Static Route [rmroute]
| | | | |---Network Interfaces [netinterface]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Selection [inet]
| | | | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinet]
| | | | | | |---Add a Network Interface [mkinet]
| | | | | | | |---Add an IB Network Interface [mkinetib]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Standard Ethernet Network Interface [mkinet1en]
| | | | | | | |---Add an IEEE 802.3 Network Interface [mkinet1et]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Token-Ring Network Interface [mkinet1tr]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Cluster Pseudo Network Interface [mkinet1cl]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Serial Line INTERNET Network Interface [mkinet1sl]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Serial Optical Network Interface [mkinet1so]
| | | | | | | |---Add a FDDI Network Interface [mkinet1fi]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Virtual IP Address Interface [mkinetvi]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Fibre Channel Network Interface [mkinet1fc]
| | | | | | | |---Add a HF Network Interface [mkinethf]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface [chinet]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rminet]
| | | | | | |---PVCs for IP over an ATM Network [atmpvc]
| | | | | | | |---List All PVCs for IP Over an ATM Network [lsatmpvc]
| | | | | | | |---Add a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [mkatmpvc]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [chatmpvc]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [rmatmpvc]
| | | | | | |---Configure Aliases [inetalias]
| | | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Alias [mkinet6al]
| | | | | | | |---Add an IPV4 Network Alias [mkinet4al]
| | | | | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Network Alias [rminet6al]
| | | | | | | |---Remove an IPV4 Network Alias [rminet4al]
| | | | | |---Network Interface Drivers [chif]
| | | | |---Name Resolution [namerslv]
| | | | | |---Domain Nameserver (/etc/resolv.conf) [resolv.conf]
| | | | | | |---Start Using the Nameserver [stnamerslv]
| | | | | | | |---Restore a Copy of /etc/resolv.conf File [stnamerslv1]
| | | | | | | |---Create a New /etc/resolv.conf File [stnamerslv2]
| | | | | | |---List All Nameservers [lsnamerslv]
| | | | | | |---Add a Nameserver [mknamerslv]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Nameserver [rmnamerslv]
| | | | | | |--- [spnamerslv]
| | | | | | |---Set / Show the Domain [mkdomain]
| | | | | | |---Remove the Domain [rmdomain]
| | | | | | |---Set / Show the Domain Search List [domainsearch]
| | | | | | |---Remove the Domain Search List [rmsearch]
| | | | | |---Hosts Table (/etc/hosts) [hostent]
| | | | | | |---List All Hosts [lshostent]
| | | | | | |---Add a Host [mkhostent]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Host [chhostent]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Host [rmhostent]
| | | | |---Client Network Services [clientnet]
| | | | | |---Services (/etc/services) [inetserv]
| | | | | | |---List All Services [lsservices]
| | | | | | |---Add a Service [mkservices]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Service [chservices]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Service [rmservices]
| | | | | |---Syslog (information only)
| | | | | |---Protocols (information only)
| | | | |---Server Network Services [ruser]
| | | | | |---Remote Access [rmtaccess]
| | | | | | |---Host Access (/etc/host.equiv) [hostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---List All Remote Hosts [lshostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Remote Host [mkhostsequiv]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Remote Host [rmhostsequiv]
| | | | | | |---Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers) [ftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Show All Restricted Users [lsftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Add a Restricted User [mkftpusers]
| | | | | | | |---Remove a Restricted User [rmftpusers]
| | | | | |---Other Available Services [otherserv]
| | | | | | |---Super Daemon (inetd) [inetd]
| | | | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | | | | | |---inetd Subservers [inetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---List All inetd Subservers [lsinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Add an inetd Subserver [mkinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver [chinetdconf]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove an inetd Subserver [rminetdconf]
| | | | | | |---syslogd Subsystem [syslogd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the syslogd Subsystem [stsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd Subsystem [chsyslogd]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem [spsyslogd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsyslogd_both]
| | | | | | |---routed Subsystem [routed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the routed Subsystem [strouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [strouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of routed Subsystem [chrouted]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the routed Subsystem [sprouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprouted_both]
| | | | | | |---gated Subsystem [gated]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the gated Subsystem [stgated]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stgated_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stgated_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the gated Subsystem [spgated]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spgated_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spgated_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spgated_both]
| | | | | | |---named Subsystem [named]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the named Subsystem [stnamed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stnamed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of named Subsystem [chnamed]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the named Subsystem [spnamed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spnamed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spnamed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spnamed_both]
| | | | | | |---rwhod Subsystem [rwhod]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the rwhod Subsystem [strwhod]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [strwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [strwhod_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem [sprwhod]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sprwhod_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprwhod_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sprwhod_both]
| | | | | | |---timed Subsystem [timed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the timed Subsystem [sttimed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sttimed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sttimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sttimed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of timed Subsystem [chtimed]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the timed Subsystem [sptimed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sptimed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sptimed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sptimed_both]
| | | | | | |---portmap Subsystem (information only)
| | | | | | |---snmpd Subsystem [snmpd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the snmpd Subsystem [stsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the snmpd Subsystem [spsnmpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spsnmpd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcpsd Subsystem [dhcpsd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [stdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [spdhcpsd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcpcd Subsystem [dhcpcd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [stdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [spdhcpcd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | | |---dhcprd Subsystem [dhcprd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the dhcprd Subsystem [stdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcprd Subsystem [spdhcprd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcprd_both]
| | | | | | |---xntpd Subsystem [xntpd]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the xntpd Subsystem [stxntpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stxntpd_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the xntpd Subsystem [spxntpd]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spxntpd_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spxntpd_both]
| | | | | | |---mrouted Subsystem [mrouted]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the mrouted Subsystem [stmrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stmrouted_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the mrouted Subsystem [spmrouted]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spmrouted_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spmrouted_both]
| | | | | | |---pxed Subsystem [pxed]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the pxed Subsystem [stpxed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stpxed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stpxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stpxed_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the pxed Subsystem [sppxed]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [sppxed_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sppxed_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [sppxed_both]
| | | | | | |---binld Subsystem [binld]
| | | | | | | |---Start Using the binld Subsystem [stbinld]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [stbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [stbinld_both]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Using the binld Subsystem [spbinld]
| | | | | | | | |---NOW [spbinld_now]
| | | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spbinld_boot]
| | | | | | | | |---BOTH [spbinld_both]
| | | | | |---PTYs [ruser_pty]
| | | | | | |--- [pty]
| | | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY [chgpty]
| | | | | | | |---Remove the PTY; Keep Definition [rmvpty]
| | | | | | | |---Configure the Defined PTY [cfgpty]
| | | | | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | | | | |---Trace the PTY [trace_link]
| | | | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | | | |---Routing (information only)
| | | | | |---Nameserver (information only) [nameserver]
| | | | | |---Arp Tables (information only) [arp]
| | | | |---Manage Print Server [print_server]
| | | | | |--- [server]
| | | | | | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | | | | | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | | | | | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| | | | |---Select BSD style rc Configuration [setbootup_option]
| | | | |---Start Configured TCPIP Daemons [start_tcpip]
| | | | |---Stop TCPIP Daemons [stop_tcpip]
| | | | |---Authentication Configuration [auth_config]
| | | | | |---List Authentication Methods [auth_list]
| | | | | |---Set Authentication Methods [auth_set]
| | | |---Use DHCP for TCPIP Configuration & Startup [usedhcp]
| | | |---IPV6 Configuration [configtcp6]
| | | | |---IPV6 Static Routes [route6]
| | | | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Static Route [mkroute6]
| | | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Static Route [rmroute6]
| | | | |---IPV6 Network Interfaces [inet6]
| | | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinet]
| | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Interface [mkinet6]
| | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Standard Ethernet Network Interface [mkinet1en6]
| | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 IEEE 802.3 Network Interface [mkinet1et6]
| | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Token-Ring Network Interface [mkinet1tr6]
| | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 FDDI Network Interface [mkinet1fi6]
| | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Virtual IP Address Interface [mkinetvi6]
| | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 InfinBand Network Interface [mkinetib]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an IPV6 Network Interface [chinet6]
| | | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rminet]
| | | | | |---Configure Tunnel Interface [ctinet6]
| | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 in IPV4 Tunnel Interface [addinetct6]
| | | | | |---Configure Aliases [inetalias]
| | | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Alias [mkinet6al]
| | | | | | |---Add an IPV4 Network Alias [mkinet4al]
| | | | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Network Alias [rminet6al]
| | | | | | |---Remove an IPV4 Network Alias [rminet4al]
| | | | |---IPV6 Daemon/Process Configuration [daemon6]
| | | | | |---Autoconf6 Process [auto6]
| | | | | | |---Start Using the Autoconf6 Process [_stauto6]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [stauto6_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stauto6_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stauto6_both]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of Autoconf6 Process [chauto6]
| | | | | | |---Stop Using the Autoconf6 Process at Next System RESTART [stopauto6]
| | | | | |---Ndpd-host Subsystem [stndpd6]
| | | | | | |---Start Using the Ndpd-host Subsystem [_stndpd6]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [stndpd6_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stndpd6_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stndpd6_both]
| | | | | | |---Stop Using the Ndpd-host Subsystem [stopndpd6]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [stopndpd6_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stopndpd6_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stopndpd6_both]
| | | | | |---Ndpd-router Subsystem [stndpdrtr6]
| | | | | | |---Start Using the Ndpd-router Subsystem [_stndpdrtr6]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [stndpdrtr_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stndpdrtr_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stndpdrtr_both]
| | | | | | |---Stop Using the Ndpd-router Subsystem [stopndpdrtr6]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [stopndpdrtr_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stopndpdrtr_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stopndpdrtr_both]
| | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | |---Quality of Service Configuration & Startup [configqos]
| | | | |---Start Using the QoS Subsystem [startqos]
| | | | | |---NOW [startqos_now]
| | | | | |---Next System RESTART [startqos_boot]
| | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [startqos_both]
| | | | |---Stop Using the QoS Subsystem [stopqos]
| | | | | |---NOW [stopqos_now]
| | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stopqos_boot]
| | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [stopqos_both]
| | | |---Configure IP Security (IPv4) [ipsec4]
| | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security [ips4_start_stop]
| | | | | |---Start IP Security [ips4_start]
| | | | | |---Stop IP Security [ips4_stop]
| | | | |---Basic IP Security Configuration [ips4_basic]
| | | | | |---Use Internet Key Exchange Refresh Method (IKE Tunnel) [ike4]
| | | | | | |---List IKE Entries [ips_list_ike_entries]
| | | | | | |---Add an IKE Tunnel [ips_add_ike_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Change/Remove IKE Entries [ips_change_ike_entries]
| | | | | | |---Import Linux IKE Tunnels [ips_import_linux]
| | | | | | |---Activate IKE Tunnels [ips_activate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | |---Deactivate IKE Tunnels [ips_deactivate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | |---Export IKE Tunnels [ips_export_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | |---Import AIX IKE Tunnels [ips_import_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | |---Use Manual Session Key Refresh Method (Manual Tunnel) [ips4_manual]
| | | | | | |---Add Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_add_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | |---Host-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh_ah]
| | | | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh_ahesp]
| | | | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hh_esp]
| | | | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ah]
| | | | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ahesp]
| | | | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips4_add_man_tunnel_hfh_esp]
| | | | | | |---Change Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_chg_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | |---Host-Host [ips4_chg_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host [ips4_chg_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | |---List Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_list_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Remove Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_remove_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Export Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_export_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Import Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_import_man_tunnel_nmhdr]
| | | | | | |---Activate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_act_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Deactivate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips4_deact_man_tunnel]
| | | | |---Advanced IP Security Configuration [ips4_advanced]
| | | | | |---Configure IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_conf_filter]
| | | | | | |---List IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_list_filter]
| | | | | | |---Add an IP Security Filter Rule [ips4_add_filter]
| | | | | | |---Change IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_chg_filter]
| | | | | | |---Move IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_move_filter]
| | | | | | |---Export IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_export_filter]
| | | | | | |---Import IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_import_filter]
| | | | | | |---Delete IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_delete_filter]
| | | | | |---List Active IP Security Filter Rules [ips4_list_active_filter]
| | | | | |---Activate/Update/Deactivate IP Security Filter Rule [ips4_upd_filter]
| | | | | | |---Activate / Update [ips4_act_filter]
| | | | | | |---Deactivate [ips4_deact_filter]
| | | | | |---List Encryption Modules [ips4_list_encryption]
| | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Filter Rule Log [ips4_filter_log]
| | | | | | |---Start Filter Logging [ips4_start_filter_log]
| | | | | | |---Stop Filter Logging [ips4_stop_filter_log]
| | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Tracing [ips4_tracing]
| | | | | | |---Start IP Security Tracing [ips4_start_tracing]
| | | | | | |---Stop IP Security Tracing [ips4_stop_tracing]
| | | | | |---Backup IKE Database [ips_backupDB]
| | | | | |---Restore IKE Database [ips_restoreDB]
| | | | | |---Initialize IKE Database [ips_initDB]
| | | | | |---View IKE XML DTD [ips_viewDTD]
| | | |---Configure IP Security (IPv6) [ipsec6]
| | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security [ips6_start_stop]
| | | | | |---Start IP Security [ips6_start]
| | | | | |---Stop IP Security [ips6_stop]
| | | | |---Basic IP Security Configuration [ips6_basic]
| | | | | |---Use Internet Key Exchange Refresh Method (IKE Tunnel) [ike6]
| | | | | | |---List IKE Entries [ips_list_ike_entries]
| | | | | | |---Add an IKE Tunnel [ips_add_ike_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Change/Remove IKE Entries [ips_change_ike_entries]
| | | | | | |---Import Linux IKE Tunnels [ips_import_linux]
| | | | | | |---Activate IKE Tunnels [ips_activate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | |---Deactivate IKE Tunnels [ips_deactivate_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | |---Export IKE Tunnels [ips_export_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | | |---Import AIX IKE Tunnels [ips_import_ike_tunnels]
| | | | | |---Use Manual Session Key Refresh Method (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_manual]
| | | | | | |---Add Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_add_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | |---Host-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh_ah]
| | | | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh_ahesp]
| | | | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hh_esp]
| | | | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | | | |---Authentication Only (AH) [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ah]
| | | | | | | | |---Authentication with AH, Encryption with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh_ahesp]
| | | | | | | | |---Encryption and Authentication with ESP [ips6_add_man_tunnel_hfh_esp]
| | | | | | |---Change Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_chg_tunnel]
| | | | | | | |---Use Manual Session Key Refresh Method (Manual Tunnel) [ips6_chg_man_tunnel]
| | | | | | | | |---Host-Host [ips6_chg_man_tunnel_hh]
| | | | | | | | |---Host-Firewall-Host [ips6_chg_man_tunnel_hfh]
| | | | | | |---List Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_list_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Remove Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_remove_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Export Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_export_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Import Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_import_tunnel_nmhdr]
| | | | | | |---Activate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_act_tunnel]
| | | | | | |---Deactivate Manual IP Security Tunnel [ips6_deact_tunnel]
| | | | |---Advanced IP Security Configuration [ips6_advanced]
| | | | | |---Configure IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_conf_filter]
| | | | | | |---List IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_list_filter]
| | | | | | |---Add an IP Security Filter Rule [ips6_add_filter]
| | | | | | |---Change IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_chg_filter]
| | | | | | |---Move IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_move_filter]
| | | | | | |---Export IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_export_filter]
| | | | | | |---Import IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_import_filter]
| | | | | | |---Delete IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_delete_filter]
| | | | | |---List Active IP Security Filter Rules [ips6_list_active_filter]
| | | | | |---Activate/Update/Deactivate IP Security Filter Rule [ips6_upd_filter]
| | | | | | |---Activate / Update [ips6_act_filter]
| | | | | | |---Deactivate [ips6_deact_filter]
| | | | | |---List Encryption Modules [ips6_list_encryption]
| | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Filter Rule Log [ips6_filter_log]
| | | | | | |---Start Filter Logging [ips6_start_filter_log]
| | | | | | |---Stop Filter Logging [ips6_stop_filter_log]
| | | | | |---Start/Stop IP Security Tracing [ips6_tracing]
| | | | | | |---Start IP Security Tracing [ips6_start_tracing]
| | | | | | |---Stop IP Security Tracing [ips6_stop_tracing]
| | | | | |---Backup IKE Database [ips_backupDB]
| | | | | |---Restore IKE Database [ips_restoreDB]
| | | | | |---Initialize IKE Database [ips_initDB]
| | | | | |---View IKE XML DTD [ips_viewDTD]
| |---Network File System (NFS) [_nfs]
| | |---Configure NFS on This System [nfsconfigure]
| | | |---Start NFS [mknfs]
| | | |---Stop NFS [rmnfs]
| | | |---Change Number of nfsd, biod, and lockd Daemons [chnfs]
| | | |---Change Version 4 Server Root Node [chrootfh]
| | | |---Change Version 4 Server Public Node [chpubfh]
| | | |---Start Automounter [mkautomnt]
| | | |---Stop Automounter [rmautomnt]
| | | |---Enable RPCSEC_GSS [addsecurity]
| | | |---Disable RPCSEC_GSS [remsecurity]
| | | |---Configure NFS Local Domain [chnfsdom]
| | | | |---Display Current NFS Local Domain [chnfsdom.print]
| | | | |---Change NFS Local Domain [chnfsdom.change]
| | | |---Configure NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping [chnfsim]
| | | | |---Configure NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping [chnfsim.conf.new]
| | | | | |---Display Current NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping Configuration [chnfsim.conf.print]
| | | | | |---Configure NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping [chnfsim.conf.menu]
| | | | | | |---Add Server Entry [chnfsim.conf.setup.new]
| | | | | | |---Remove Server Entry [chnfsim.rem.server]
| | | | | | |---List Server Entry [chnfsim.list.server]
| | | | | |---Set HeartBeatInterval for nfsrgyd [heartBeatInt]
| | | | |---Configure User Mappings [chnfsim.user]
| | | | | |---Add a New User Mapping Identity [chnfsim.user.id]
| | | | | |---Remove a User Mapping Identity [chnfsim.user.rid]
| | | | | |---Add a New Foreign User Identity Mapping [chnfsim.user.map]
| | | | | |---Remove a Foreign User Identity Mapping [chnfsim.user.rmap]
| | | | | |---List Identity Mappings of a User Mapping Identity [chnfsim.user.list]
| | | | | |---Search for a User Mapping Identity [chnfsim.user.search]
| | | | |---Configure Group Mappings [chnfsim.group]
| | | | | |---Add a New Group Mapping Identity [chnfsim.group.id]
| | | | | |---Remove a Group Mapping Identity [chnfsim.group.rid]
| | | | | |---Add a New Foreign Group Identity Mapping [chnfsim.group.map]
| | | | | |---Remove a Foreign Group Identity Mapping [chnfsim.group.rmap]
| | | | | |---List Identity Mappings of a Group Mapping Identity [chnfsim.group.list]
| | | | | |---Search for a Group Mapping Identity [chnfsim.group.search]
| | | | |---Configure Realm to Domain Mappings [chnfsim.rtd]
| | | | | |---Add a New Realm to Domain Mapping [chnfsim.rtd.new]
| | | | | |---Remove a Realm to Domain Mapping [chnfsim.rtd.rem]
| | | |---Configure Local Realm Mapping [chnfsrtd]
| | | | |---Display Current Local Realm Mappings [chnfsrtd.print]
| | | | |---Add a Local Realm Mapping [chnfsrtd.add]
| | | | |---Remove a Local Realm Mapping [chnfsrtd.remove]
| | | |---Configure NFS Default Security [chnfssec]
| | | | |---Display Current Default Client Security [chnfssec.print]
| | | | |---Change Default Client Security List [chnfssec.change]
| | | | |---Remove Security From List [chnfssec.remove]
| | | |---Change Version 4 Server Lease Time [chlease]
| | | |---Configure Version 4 Replication [chreplication]
| | | |---Configure Version 4 Server Delegation [nfsservdeleg]
| | | |---Configure Version 4 Client Delegation [nfsclntdeleg]
| | | |---Configure Version 4 Grace Period [nfsgrcperiod]
| | |---Add a Directory to Exports List [mknfsexp]
| | |---Change / Show Attributes of an Exported Directory [chnfsexp]
| | |---Remove a Directory from Exports List [rmnfsexp]
| | |---Add a File System for Mounting [mknfsmnt]
| | |---Change / Show Attributes of an NFS File System [chnfsmnt]
| | |---Remove an NFS File System [rmnfsmnt]
| | |---Flush NFS V4 Translation Cache [flushV4cache]
| | |---Add NFSv4 File System FSID Options [mknfs4cl]
| | |---Change / Show NFSv4 File System FSID Options [chnfs4cl]
| | |---Reset NFSv4 File System FSID Options [resetnfs4cl]
| |---Network Information Service (NIS) [yp]
| | |---Change NIS Domain Name of this Host [chypdom]
| | |---Configure / Modify NIS [ypconfigure]
| | | |---Change NIS Domain Name of this Host [chypdom]
| | | |---Configure this Host as a NIS Client [mkclient]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of Client Configuration [chclient]
| | | |---Remove NIS Client Configuration from this Host [rmypclient]
| | |---Start / Stop Configured NIS Daemons [ypstartstop]
| | | |---Start the Client Daemon, ypbind [ypstartclient]
| | | |---Bind Client to a Server [ypbindclient]
| | | |---Stop the Client Daemon, ypbind [ypstopclient]
| |---Configure Secure NFS & NIS [rpc]
| | |---Start Keyserv Daemon [mkkeyserv]
| | |---Stop Keyserv Daemon [rmkeyserv]
| | |---Add / Change Keys for Users [newkey]
|---PowerHA SystemMirror [cm_hacmp_main_menu_dmn]
| |---Cluster Nodes and Networks [cm_cluster_nodes_networks]
| | |---Standard Cluster Deployment [cm_setup_menu]
| | | |---Setup a Cluster, Nodes and Networks [cm_setup_cluster_nodes_networks]
| | | |---Define Repository Disk and Cluster IP Address [cm_define_repos_ip_addr]
| | | |---
| | | |---Learn more about repository disk and cluster IP address [cm_whatis_repos_ip_addr]
| | |---Multi Site Cluster Deployment [cm_setup_sites_menu]
| | | |---Setup a Cluster, Sites, Nodes and Networks [cm_setup_cluster_sites_nodes_networks]
| | | |---Define Repository Disk and Cluster IP Address [cm_define_sites_repos_ip_addr]
| | | |---
| | | |---Learn more about repository disk and cluster IP address [cm_whatis_repos_ip_addr]
| | |---
| | |---Manage the Cluster [cm_manage_cluster]
| | | |---Display PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration [cm_show_cluster_top]
| | | |---Remove the Cluster Definition [cm_remove_cluster]
| | | |---Snapshot Configuration [cm_cfg_snap_menu]
| | | | |---Create a Snapshot of the Cluster Configuration [cm_add_snap.dialog]
| | | | |---Change/Show a Snapshot of the Cluster Configuration [cm_show_snap.select]
| | | | |---Remove a Snapshot of the Cluster Configuration [cm_rm_snap.select]
| | | | |---Restore the Cluster Configuration From a Snapshot [cm_apply_snap.select]
| | | | |---Configure a Custom Snapshot Method [clsnapshot_custom_menu]
| | | | | |---Add a Custom Snapshot Method [clsnapshot_custom_dialog_add]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a Custom Snapshot Method [clsnapshot_custom_dialog_cha.select]
| | | | | |---Remove a Custom Snapshot Method [clsnapshot_custom_dialog_rem.select]
| | |---Manage Nodes [cm_manage_nodes]
| | | |---Show Topology Information by Node [cllsnode_menu]
| | | | |---Show All Nodes [cllsnode.dialog]
| | | | |---Select a Node to Show [cllsnode_select]
| | | |---Add a Node [cm_add_node]
| | | |---Change/Show a Node [cm_change_show_node]
| | | |---Remove Nodes [cm_remove_node]
| | | |---Configure Persistent Node IP Label/Addresses [cm_persistent_addresses]
| | | | |---Add a Persistent Node IP Label/Address [cm_add_a_persistent_node_ip_label_address_select]
| | | | |---Change/Show a Persistent Node IP Label/Address [cm_change_show_a_persistent_node_ip_label_address_select]
| | | | |---Remove a Persistent Node IP Label/Address [cm_delete_a_persistent_node_ip_label_address_select]
| | | |---
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| | |---Manage Sites [cm_manage_sites]
| | | |---Show Site Topology Information [cllssite.dialog]
| | | |---Add a Site [cm_add_site]
| | | |---Change/Show a Site [cm_change_site.select]
| | | |---Remove Site [cm_remove_site]
| | | |---
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| | |---Manage Networks and Network Interfaces [cm_manage_networks_interfaces]
| | | |---Networks [cm_manage_networks_menu]
| | | | |---Add a Network [cm_add_network]
| | | | |---Change/Show a Network [cm_change_show_network]
| | | | |---Remove a Network [cm_remove_network]
| | | |---Network Interfaces [cm_manage_interfaces_menu]
| | | | |---Add a Network Interface [cm_add_interfaces]
| | | | |---Change/Show a Network Interface [cm_change_show_interfaces]
| | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [cm_remove_interfaces]
| | | |---
| | | |---Show Topology Information by Network [cllsnw_menu]
| | | | |---Show All Networks [cllsnw.dialog]
| | | | |---Select a Network to Show [cllsnw_select]
| | | |---Show Topology Information by Network Interface [cllsif_menu]
| | | | |---Show All Network Interfaces [cllsif.dialog]
| | | | |---Select a Network Interface to Show [cllsif_select]
| | | |---
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| | |---Manage Repository Disks [cm_manage_repository_disks]
| | | |---Add a Repository Disk [cm_add_repository_disk]
| | | |---Remove a Repository disk [cm_rem_repository_disk]
| | | |---Show Repository Disks [cm_show_repository_disk.dialog]
| | | |---
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| | |---
| | |---Discover Network Interfaces and Disks [cm_discover_nw_interfaces_and_disks]
| | |---
| | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| |---Cluster Applications and Resources [cm_apps_resources]
| | |---Make Applications Highly Available (Use Smart Assists) [clsa]
| | | |---Add an Application to the PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration [clsa_add]
| | | |---Change/Show an Application's PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration [clsa_modify]
| | | |---Change/Show the Resources Associated with Your Application [clsa_modify_resources]
| | | |---Remove an Application from the PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration [clsa_remove]
| | | |---
| | | |---Manage Your Applications [clsa_manage]
| | | | |---
| | | |---Test Your Application for Availability [clsa_test]
| | | |---
| | | |---NFS Export Configuration Assistant [clca_nfs]
| | | | |---Add a Resource Group with NFS exports [clca_nfs_add_frontend]
| | | | |---Change/Show a Resource Group with NFS exports [clca_nfs_mod]
| | | | |---Remove a Resource Group with NFS exports [clca_nfs_del]
| | |---Resources [cm_resources_menu]
| | | |---Configure User Applications (Scripts and Monitors) [cm_user_apps]
| | | | |---Application Controller Scripts [cm_app_scripts]
| | | | | |---Add Application Controller Scripts [cm_add_app_scripts]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Application Controller Scripts [cm_change_show_app_scripts]
| | | | | |---Remove Application Controller Scripts [cm_remove_app_scripts]
| | | | | |--- [cm_app_controller_help]
| | | | |---Application Monitors [cm_appmon]
| | | | | |---Configure Process Application Monitors [cm_cfg_process_appmon]
| | | | | | |---Add a Process Application Monitor [cm_add_process_appmon]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Process Application Monitor [cm_change_show_process_appmon]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Process Application Monitor [cm_remove_process_appmon]
| | | | | |---Configure Custom Application Monitors [cm_cfg_custom_appmon]
| | | | | | |---Add a Custom Application Monitor [cm_add_custom_appmon]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Custom Application Monitor [cm_change_show_custom_appmon]
| | | | | | |---Remove a Custom Application Monitor [cm_remove_custom_appmon]
| | | | |---Configure Application for Dynamic LPAR and CoD Resources [cm_cfg_appondemand]
| | | | | |---Configure Communication Path to HMC [cm_cfg_apphmc]
| | | | | | |---Add HMC IP addresses for a node [cladd_apphmc.dialog]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show HMC IP addresses for a node [clch_apphmc.select]
| | | | | | |---Remove HMC IP addresses for a node [clrm_apphmc.select]
| | | | | |---Configure Dynamic LPAR and CoD Resources for Applications [cm_cfg_appdlpar]
| | | | | | |---Add Dynamic LPAR and CoD Resources for Applications [cm_add_appdlpar]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Dynamic LPAR and CoD Resources for Applications [cm_change_show_appdlpar]
| | | | | | |---Remove Dynamic LPAR and CoD Resources for Applications [cm_remove_appdlpar]
| | | | |--- [cldisp.dialog]
| | | |---Configure Service IP Labels/Addresses [cm_service_ip]
| | | | |---Add a Service IP Label/Address [cm_add_a_service_ip_label_address.select_net]
| | | | |---Change/ Show a Service IP Label/Address [cm_change_service_ip.select]
| | | | |---Remove Service IP Label(s)/Address(es) [cm_delete_service_ip.select]
| | | | |---Configure Service IP Label/Address Distribution Preferences [cm_change_show_service_ip_distribution_preference_select]
| | | | |---
| | | | |--- [cm_service_label_help]
| | | |---Configure Tape Resources [cm_cfg_tape]
| | | | |---Add a Tape Resource [cm_add_tape]
| | | | |---Change/Show a Tape Resource [cm_change_tape]
| | | | |---Remove a Tape Resource [cm_remove_tape]
| | | |---
| | | |---
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| | |---Resource Groups [cm_resource_groups]
| | | |---Add a Resource Group [cm_add_resource_group]
| | | |---Change/Show Nodes and Policies for a Resource Group [cm_change_show_rg_nodes_policies]
| | | |---Change/Show Resources and Attributes for a Resource Group [cm_change_show_rg_resources]
| | | |---Remove a Resource Group [cm_remove_resource_group]
| | | |---Configure Resource Group Run-Time Policies [cm_config_resource_group_run-time_policies_menu_dmn]
| | | | |---Configure Dependencies between Resource Groups [cm_rg_dependencies_menu]
| | | | | |---Configure Parent/Child Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies]
| | | | | | |---Add Parent/Child Dependency between Resource Groups [cm_rg_dependencies.add.select]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Parent/Child Dependency between Resource Groups [cm_rg_dependencies.ch.select]
| | | | | | |---Remove Parent/Child Dependency between Resource Groups [cm_rg_dependencies.rm.select]
| | | | | | |---Display All Parent/Child Resource Group Dependencies [cm_rg_dependencies.display.select]
| | | | | |---Configure Start After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies_startafter_main_menu]
| | | | | | |---Add Start After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.add.select.startafter]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Start After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.ch.select.startafter]
| | | | | | |---Remove Start After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.rm.select.startafter]
| | | | | | |---Display Start After Resource Group Dependencies [cm_rg_dependencies.display.select.startafter]
| | | | | |---Configure Stop After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies_stopafter_main_menu]
| | | | | | |---Add Stop After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.add.select.stopafter]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Stop After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.ch.select.stopafter]
| | | | | | |---Remove Stop After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.rm.select.stopafter]
| | | | | | |---Display Stop After Resource Group Dependencies [cm_rg_dependencies.display.select.stopafter]
| | | | | |---Configure Online on the Same Node Dependency [cm_rg_osn_dependencies]
| | | | | | |---Add Online on the Same Node Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_osn_dependencies.add.dialog]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Online on the Same Node Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_osn_dependencies.ch.select]
| | | | | | |---Remove Online on the Same Node Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_osn_dependencies.rm.select]
| | | | | |---Configure Online on Different Nodes Dependency [cm_rg_odn_dependencies.dialog]
| | | | | |---Configure Online on the Same Site Dependency [cm_rg_oss_dependencies]
| | | | | | |---Add Online on the Same Site Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_oss_dependencies.add.dialog]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Online on the Same Site Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_oss_dependencies.ch.select]
| | | | | | |---Remove Online on the Same Site Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_oss_dependencies.rm.select]
| | | | |---Configure Resource Group Processing Ordering [cm_processing_order]
| | | | |---Configure PowerHA SystemMirror Workload Manager Parameters [cm_cfg_wlm_runtime]
| | | | |---Configure Delayed Fallback Timer Policies [cm_timer_menu]
| | | | | |---Add a Delayed Fallback Timer Policy [cm_timer_add.select]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a Delayed Fallback Timer Policy [cm_timer_update.select]
| | | | | |---Remove a Delayed Fallback Timer Policy [cm_timer_remove.select]
| | | | |---Configure Settling Time for Resource Groups [cm_settling_timer_menu]
| | | |---Show All Resources by Node or Resource Group [cm_show_all_resources_by_node_or_resource_group_menu_dmn]
| | | | |---Show Resource Information by Node [cllsres.select]
| | | | |---Show Resource Information by Resource Group [clshowres.select]
| | | | |---Show Current State of Applications and Resource Groups [cm_show_current_state_application_resource_group_menu_dwn]
| | | |---
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| | | |--- [cm_resource_group_help]
| | |---
| | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| |---
| |---System Management (C-SPOC) [cm_system_management_cspoc_menu_dmn]
| | |---Storage [cl_lvm]
| | | |---Volume Groups [cl_vg]
| | | | |---List All Volume Groups [cl_lsvgA]
| | | | |---Create a Volume Group [cl_createvg]
| | | | |---Create a Volume Group with Data Path Devices [cl_createvpathvg]
| | | | |---
| | | | | |---
| | | | |---Set Characteristics of a Volume Group [cl_vgsc]
| | | | | |---Add a Volume to a Volume Group [cl_extendvg]
| | | | | |---Change/Show characteristics of a Volume Group [cl_chshsvg]
| | | | | |---Remove a Volume from a Volume Group [cl_reducevg]
| | | | |---Enable a Volume Group for Fast Disk Takeover or Concurrent Access [cl_vgforfdto]
| | | | |---
| | | | | |---
| | | | |---Import a Volume Group [cl_importvg]
| | | | |---Mirror a Volume Group [cl_mirrorvg]
| | | | |---Unmirror a Volume Group [cl_unmirrorvg]
| | | | |---
| | | | | |---
| | | | |---Manage Critical Volume Groups [cl_manage_critical_vgs]
| | | | | |---Mark a Volume Group as Critical [cl_mark_critical_vg.select]
| | | | | |---Show all Critical volume groups [cl_show_critical_vgs]
| | | | | |---Mark a Volume Group as non-Critical [cl_mark_noncritical_vg.select]
| | | | |---
| | | | | |---
| | | | |---Synchronize LVM Mirrors [cl_syncvg]
| | | | | |---Synchronize by Volume Group [cl_syncvg_vg]
| | | | | |---Synchronize by Logical Volume [cl_syncvg_lv]
| | | | |---Synchronize a Volume Group Definition [cl_updatevg]
| | | | |---
| | | | |---Remove a Volume Group [cl_rmvg]
| | | | |---
| | | | |---Manage Mirror Pools for Volume Groups [cl_mirrorpool_mgt]
| | | | | |---Show all Mirror Pools [cl_show_mirrorpool]
| | | | | |---Show Mirror Pools for a Volume Group [cl_show_vgmps]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Mirror Pool [cl_chsh_mirrorpool]
| | | | | |---
| | | | | |---Add Disks to a Mirror Pool [cl_mp_add_disks]
| | | | | |---Remove Disks from a Mirror Pool [cl_mp_rm_disks]
| | | | | |---Rename a Mirror Pool [cl_ren_mp]
| | | | | |---
| | | | | |---Remove a Mirror Pool [cl_rm_mirrorpool]
| | | |---Logical Volumes [cl_lv]
| | | | |---List All Logical Volumes by Volume Group [cl_lslv0]
| | | | |---Add a Logical Volume [cl_mklv]
| | | | |---Show Characteristics of a Logical Volume [cl_lslv]
| | | | |---Set Characteristics of a Logical Volume [cl_lvsc]
| | | | | |---Rename a Logical Volume [cl_renamelv]
| | | | | |---Increase the Size of a Logical Volume [cl_extendlv]
| | | | | |---Add a Copy to a Logical Volume [cl_mklvcopy]
| | | | | |---Remove a Copy from a Logical Volume [cl_rmlvcopy]
| | | | |---Change a Logical Volume [cl_chlv1]
| | | | |---Remove a Logical Volume [cl_rmlv1]
| | | |---File Systems [cl_fs]
| | | | |---List All File Systems by Volume Group [cl_lsfs]
| | | | |---Add a File System [cl_mkfs]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a File System [cl_chfs]
| | | | |---Remove a File System [cl_rmfs]
| | | |---
| | | | |---
| | | |---Physical Volumes [cl_disk_man]
| | | | |---Remove a Disk From the Cluster [cl_disk_man.rem.nodes]
| | | | |---Cluster Disk Replacement [cl_disk_man.replace]
| | | | |---
| | | | |---Cluster Data Path Device Management [cl_dpath_mgt]
| | | | | |---Display Data Path Device Configuration [cl_dpls_cfg.select]
| | | | | |---Display Data Path Device Status [cl_dp_stat.select]
| | | | | |---Display Data Path Device Adapter Status [cl_dpdadapter_stat.select]
| | | | | |---Define and Configure all Data Path Devices [cl_dpdefcfg_all.select]
| | | | | |---Add Paths to Available Data Path Devices [cl_dpaddpaths.select]
| | | | | |---Configure a Defined Data Path Device [cl_dpconfdef.select]
| | | | | |---Remove a Data Path Device [cl_dprmvp.select]
| | | | | |---Convert ESS hdisk Device Volume Group to an SDD VPATH Device Volume Group [cl_dphd2vp.select]
| | | | | |---Convert SDD VPATH Device Volume Group to an ESS hdisk Device Volume Group [cl_dpvp2hd.select]
| | | | |---
| | | | |---List all shared Physical Volumes [cl_showallpvs]
| | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Physical Volume [cl_chshdisk]
| | | | |---Rename a Physical Volume [cl_rendisk]
| | | | |---Show UUID for a Physical Volume [cl_showdiskuuid]
| | | | |---
| | | | |---Manage Mirror Pools for Volume Groups [cl_mirrorpool_mgt]
| | | | | |---Show all Mirror Pools [cl_show_mirrorpool]
| | | | | |---Show Mirror Pools for a Volume Group [cl_show_vgmps]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Mirror Pool [cl_chsh_mirrorpool]
| | | | | |---
| | | | | |---Add Disks to a Mirror Pool [cl_mp_add_disks]
| | | | | |---Remove Disks from a Mirror Pool [cl_mp_rm_disks]
| | | | | |---Rename a Mirror Pool [cl_ren_mp]
| | | | | |---
| | | | | |---Remove a Mirror Pool [cl_rm_mirrorpool]
| | |---PowerHA SystemMirror Services [cl_cm_startstop_menu]
| | | |---Start Cluster Services [clstart]
| | | |---Stop Cluster Services [clstop]
| | | |---Show Cluster Services [clshowsrv.dialog]
| | | |---Show Cluster Release Level [clhalevel.dialog]
| | |---Communication Interfaces [cm_hacmp_communication_interface_management_menu_dmn]
| | | |---Configure Communication Interfaces/Devices to the Operating System on a Node [cm_config_comm_dev_node.select]
| | | |---Update PowerHA SystemMirror Communication Interface with AIX Settings [cm_update_hacmp_interface_with_aix_settings]
| | | |---Swap IP Addresses between Communication Interfaces [cl_swap_adapter]
| | | |---PCI Hot Plug Replace a Network Interface Card [cl_pcihp]
| | |---Resource Groups and Applications [cm_hacmp_resource_group_and_application_management_menu]
| | | |---Show the Current State of Applications and Resource Groups [cm_show_current_state_application_resource_group_menu_dwn]
| | | |---Bring a Resource Group Online [cl_resgrp_start.select]
| | | |---Bring a Resource Group Offline [cl_resgrp_stop.select]
| | | |---Move Resource Groups to Another Node [cl_resgrp_move_node.select]
| | | |---Move Resource Groups to Another Site [cl_resgrp_move_site.select]
| | | |---
| | | | |---
| | | |---Suspend/Resume Application Monitoring [cm_suspend_resume_menu]
| | | | |---Suspend Application Monitoring [cm_suspend_appmon.select]
| | | | |---Resume Application Monitoring [cm_resume_appmon.select]
| | | |---Application Availability Analysis [cl_app_AAA.dialog]
| | |---PowerHA SystemMirror Logs [cm_hacmp_log_viewing_and_management_menu_dmn]
| | | |---View/Save/Delete PowerHA SystemMirror Event Summaries [cm_dsp_evs]
| | | | |---View Event Summaries [cm_show_evs]
| | | | |---Save Event Summaries to a file [dspevs.dialog]
| | | | |---Delete Event Summary History [cm_del_evs]
| | | |---View Detailed PowerHA SystemMirror Log Files [cm_log_menu]
| | | | |---Scan the PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Scripts log. [cm_scan_scripts_log_select]
| | | | |---Watch the PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Scripts log. [cm_watch_scripts_log.dialog]
| | | | |---Scan the PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX System log. [cm_scan_syslog.dialog]
| | | | |---Watch the PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX System log. [cm_watch_syslog.dialog]
| | | | |---Scan the C-SPOC System Log File [cl_scan_syslog.dialog]
| | | | |---Watch the C-SPOC System Log File [cl_watch_syslog.dialog]
| | | |---Change/Show PowerHA SystemMirror Log File Parameters [cm_run_time.select]
| | | |---Change/Show Cluster Manager Log File Parameters [cluster_manager_log_param]
| | | |---Change/Show a Cluster Log Directory [clusterlog_redir.select]
| | | |---Change All Cluster Logs Directory [clusterlog_redirall_cha]
| | | |---Collect Cluster log files for Problem Reporting [cm_clsnap_dialog]
| | |---File Collections [cm_filecollection_menu]
| | | |---Manage File Collections [cm_filecollection_mgt]
| | | | |---Add a File Collection [cm_filecollection_add]
| | | | |---Change/Show a File Collection [cm_filecollection_ch]
| | | | |---Remove a File Collection [cm_filecollection_rm]
| | | | |---Change/Show Automatic Update Time [cm_filecollection_time]
| | | |---Manage File in File Collections [cm_filesinfilecollection_mgt]
| | | | |---Add Files to a File Collection [cm_filesinfilecollection_add]
| | | | |---Remove Files from a File Collection [cm_filesfromfilecollection_selectfc]
| | | |---Propagate Files in File Collections [cm_filecollection_prop]
| | |---Security and Users [cl_usergroup]
| | | |---PowerHA SystemMirror Cluster Security [clustersec]
| | | |---Users in an PowerHA SystemMirror cluster [cl_users]
| | | | |---Add a User to the Cluster [cl_mkuser_select]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a User in the Cluster [cl_chuser_select]
| | | | |---Remove a User from the Cluster [cl_rmuser_select]
| | | | |---List Users in the Cluster [cl_lsuser.hdr_select]
| | | |---Groups in an PowerHA SystemMirror cluster [cl_groups]
| | | | |---Add a Group to the Cluster [cl_mkgroup_select]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Group in the Cluster [cl_chgroup_select]
| | | | |---Remove a Group from the Cluster [cl_rmgroup_select]
| | | | |---List All Groups in the Cluster [cl_lsgroup.hdr_select]
| | | |---Passwords in an PowerHA SystemMirror cluster [cl_passwd]
| | | | |---Change a User's Password in the Cluster [cl_chpasswd_select]
| | | | |---Change Current Users Password [cl_chuserpasswd]
| | | | |---Manage List of Users Allowed to Change Password [cl_manageusers]
| | | | |---List Users Allowed to Change Password [cl_listmanageusers]
| | | | |---Modify System Password Utility [cl_modpasswdutil]
| | | |---EFS Management [cl_efs]
| | | | |---Enable EFS Keystore [cl_efs_enable_keystore]
| | | | |---Change / Show EFS keystore characteristic [cl_ch_keystore]
| | | | |---Delete EFS Keystore [cl_del_keystore]
| | |---LDAP [cl_ldap]
| | | |---LDAP Server [cl_ldap_server]
| | | | |---Add an existing LDAP server [cl_ldap_server_exist]
| | | | |---Configure a new LDAP server [cl_ldap_server_new]
| | | | |---Show LDAP server configuration [cl_ldap_server_show]
| | | | |---Delete the LDAP server [cl_ldap_server_del]
| | | |---LDAP Client [cl_ldap_client]
| | | | |---Configure LDAP client [cl_ldap_client_config]
| | | | |---Show LDAP client configuration [cl_ldap_client_show]
| | | | |---Delete the LDAP client [cl_ldap_client_del]
| | |---Configure GPFS [cl_gpfs_configure]
| | | |---Configure a GPFS Cluster [configure_gpfs]
| | | |---List All GPFS Filesystems [list_gpfs_fs]
| | | |---Add a GPFS Filesystem [add_gpfs_fs]
| | | |---Remove GPFS Filesystem [remove_gpfs_fs]
| | | |---Remove GPFS Cluster [remove_gpfs]
| | |---
| | | |---
| | |---Open a SMIT Session on a Node [cm_open_a_smit_session_select]
| |---Problem Determination Tools [cm_problem_determination_tools_menu_dmn]
| | |---PowerHA SystemMirror Verification [cm_hacmp_verification_menu_dmn]
| | | |---Verify PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration [clverify.dialog]
| | | |---Configure Custom Verification Method [clverify_custom_menu]
| | | | |---Add a Custom Verification Method [clverify_custom_dialog_add]
| | | | |---Change/Show a Custom Verification Method [clverify_custom_dialog_cha.select]
| | | | |---Remove a Custom Verification Method [clverify_custom_dialog_rem.select]
| | | |---Automatic Cluster Configuration Monitoring [clautover.dialog]
| | |---View Current State [cm_view_current_state_menu_dmn]
| | |---PowerHA SystemMirror Log Viewing and Management [cm_hacmp_log_viewing_and_management_menu_dmn]
| | | |---View/Save/Delete PowerHA SystemMirror Event Summaries [cm_dsp_evs]
| | | | |---View Event Summaries [cm_show_evs]
| | | | |---Save Event Summaries to a file [dspevs.dialog]
| | | | |---Delete Event Summary History [cm_del_evs]
| | | |---View Detailed PowerHA SystemMirror Log Files [cm_log_menu]
| | | | |---Scan the PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Scripts log. [cm_scan_scripts_log_select]
| | | | |---Watch the PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Scripts log. [cm_watch_scripts_log.dialog]
| | | | |---Scan the PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX System log. [cm_scan_syslog.dialog]
| | | | |---Watch the PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX System log. [cm_watch_syslog.dialog]
| | | | |---Scan the C-SPOC System Log File [cl_scan_syslog.dialog]
| | | | |---Watch the C-SPOC System Log File [cl_watch_syslog.dialog]
| | | |---Change/Show PowerHA SystemMirror Log File Parameters [cm_run_time.select]
| | | |---Change/Show Cluster Manager Log File Parameters [cluster_manager_log_param]
| | | |---Change/Show a Cluster Log Directory [clusterlog_redir.select]
| | | |---Change All Cluster Logs Directory [clusterlog_redirall_cha]
| | | |---Collect Cluster log files for Problem Reporting [cm_clsnap_dialog]
| | |---Recover From PowerHA SystemMirror Script Failure [clrecover.dialog.select]
| | |---Restore PowerHA SystemMirror Configuration Database from Active Configuration [cm_copy_acd_2dcd.dialog]
| | |---Release Locks Set By Dynamic Reconfiguration [cldarelock.dialog]
| | |---Cluster Test Tool [hacmp_testtool_menu]
| | | |---Execute Automated Test Procedure [hacmp_testtool_auto_extended]
| | | |---Execute Custom Test Procedure [hacmp_testtool_custom]
| | |---PowerHA SystemMirror Trace Facility [cm_trace_menu]
| | | |---Enable/Disable Tracing of PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX daemons [tracessys]
| | | | |---Start Trace [tracessyson]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [tracessysoff]
| | | |---Start/Stop/Report Tracing of PowerHA SystemMirror for AIX Services [trace]
| | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | |---PowerHA SystemMirror Error Notification [cm_EN_menu]
| | | |---Configure Automatic Error Notification [cm_AEN_menu]
| | | | |---List Error Notify Methods for Cluster Resources [cm_aen_list.dialog]
| | | | |---Add Error Notify Methods for Cluster Resources [cm_aen_add.dialog]
| | | | |---Remove Error Notify Methods for Cluster Resources [cm_aen_delete.dialog]
| | | |---Add a Notify Method [cm_add_notifymeth.dialog]
| | | |---Change/Show a Notify Method [cm_change_notifymeth_select]
| | | |---Remove a Notify Method [cm_del_notifymeth_select]
| | | |---Emulate Error Log Entry [show_err_emulate.select]
| | |---AIX Tracing for Cluster Resources [cm_trc_menu]
| | | |---Enable AIX Tracing for Cluster Resources [cm_trc_enable.select]
| | | |---Disable AIX Tracing for Cluster Resources [cm_trc_disable.dialog]
| | | |---Manage Command Groups for AIX Tracing for Cluster Resources [cm_trc_man_cmdgrp_menu]
| | | | |---List Command Groups for AIX Tracing for Cluster Resources [cm_trc_ls_cmdgrp.dialog]
| | | | |---Add a Command Group for AIX Tracing for Cluster Resources [cm_trc_add_cmdgrp.select]
| | | | |---Change / Show a Command Group for AIX Tracing for Cluster Resources [cm_trc_ch_cmdgrp.select]
| | | | |---Remove Command Groups for AIX Tracing for Cluster Resources [cm_trc_rm_cmdgrp.dialog]
| | |---Compare Active and Default Configurations [cl_dare_compare.dialog]
| | |---
| | |---Replace the Primary Repository Disk [cl_replace_repository_nm]
| | |---
| | |---Open a SMIT Session on a Node [cm_open_a_smit_session_select]
| |---Custom Cluster Configuration [cm_custom_menu]
| | |---Cluster Nodes and Networks [cm_custom_cluster_nodes_networks]
| | | |---Initial Cluster Setup (Custom) [cm_custom_setup_menu]
| | | | |---Cluster [cm_custom_setup_cluster_menu]
| | | | | |---Add/Change/Show a Cluster [cm_add_change_show_cluster]
| | | | | |---Remove the Cluster Definition [cm_remove_cluster]
| | | | |---Nodes [cm_custom_setup_nodes_menu]
| | | | | |---Add a Node [cm_add_node]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a Node [cm_change_show_node]
| | | | | |---Remove a Node [cm_remove_node]
| | | | |---Networks [cm_manage_networks_menu]
| | | | | |---Add a Network [cm_add_network]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a Network [cm_change_show_network]
| | | | | |---Remove a Network [cm_remove_network]
| | | | |---Network Interfaces [cm_manage_interfaces_menu]
| | | | | |---Add a Network Interface [cm_add_interfaces]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a Network Interface [cm_change_show_interfaces]
| | | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [cm_remove_interfaces]
| | | | |---Define Repository Disk and Cluster IP Address [cm_define_repos_ip_addr]
| | | | |---Configure Cluster Split and Merge Policy [cm_cluster_split_merge]
| | | |---Manage the Cluster [cm_custom_mgt_menu]
| | | | |---Cluster Startup Settings [cm_startup_options]
| | | | |---Cluster Heartbeat Settings [cm_chng_tunables]
| | | | |---Reset Cluster Tunables [cm_reset_cluster_tunables]
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration (Advanced) [cm_adv_ver_and_sync]
| | |---Sites [cm_manage_sites]
| | | |---Show Site Topology Information [cllssite.dialog]
| | | |---Add a Site [cm_add_site]
| | | |---Change/Show a Site [cm_change_site.select]
| | | |---Remove Site [cm_remove_site]
| | | |---
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| | |---Resources [cm_custom_apps_resources]
| | | |---Custom Disk Methods [cldisktype_custom_menu]
| | | | |---Add Custom Disk Methods [cldisktype_custom_dialog_add]
| | | | |---Change/Show Custom Disk Methods [cldisktype_custom_dialog_cha.select]
| | | | |---Remove Custom Disk Methods [cldisktype_custom_dialog_rem.select]
| | | |---Custom Volume Group Methods [cm_config_custom_volume_methods_menu_dmn]
| | | | |---Add Custom Volume Group Methods [cm_dialog_add_custom_volume_methods]
| | | | |---Change/Show Custom Volume Group Methods [cm_selector_change_custom_volume_methods]
| | | | |---Remove Custom Volume Group Methods [cm_dialog_delete_custom_volume_methods]
| | | |---Custom File System Methods [cm_config_custom_filesystem_methods_menu_dmn]
| | | | |---Add Custom File System Methods [cm_dialog_add_custom_filesystem_methods]
| | | | |---Change/Show Custom File System Methods [cm_selector_change_custom_filesystem_methods]
| | | | |---Remove Custom File System Methods [cm_dialog_delete_custom_filesystem_methods]
| | | |---
| | | |---Configure User Defined Resources and Types [cm_cludrestype_main_menu]
| | | | |---Configure User Defined Resource Types [cm_cludrestype_sub_menu]
| | | | | |---Add a User Defined Resource Type [cm_cludrestype_add]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a User Defined Resource Type [cm_cludrestype_change]
| | | | | |---Remove a User Defined Resource Type [cm_cludrestype_remove]
| | | | |---Configure User Defined Resources [cm_cludres_sub_menu]
| | | | | |---Add a User Defined Resource [cm_cludres_add]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a User Defined Resource [cm_cludres_change]
| | | | | |---Remove a User Defined Resource [cm_cludres_remove]
| | | | | |--- [cm_cludres_chmonitor]
| | | | |--- [cm_cludrestype_importxml]
| | | |---
| | | |---Customize Resource Recovery [_cm_change_show_resource_action_select]
| | | |---Customize Inter-Site Resource Group Recovery [_cm_change_show_resource_gp_action_dialog]
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration (Advanced) [cm_adv_ver_and_sync]
| | |---Resource Groups [cm_resource_groups]
| | | |---Add a Resource Group [cm_add_resource_group]
| | | |---Change/Show Nodes and Policies for a Resource Group [cm_change_show_rg_nodes_policies]
| | | |---Change/Show Resources and Attributes for a Resource Group [cm_change_show_rg_resources]
| | | |---Remove a Resource Group [cm_remove_resource_group]
| | | |---Configure Resource Group Run-Time Policies [cm_config_resource_group_run-time_policies_menu_dmn]
| | | | |---Configure Dependencies between Resource Groups [cm_rg_dependencies_menu]
| | | | | |---Configure Parent/Child Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies]
| | | | | | |---Add Parent/Child Dependency between Resource Groups [cm_rg_dependencies.add.select]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Parent/Child Dependency between Resource Groups [cm_rg_dependencies.ch.select]
| | | | | | |---Remove Parent/Child Dependency between Resource Groups [cm_rg_dependencies.rm.select]
| | | | | | |---Display All Parent/Child Resource Group Dependencies [cm_rg_dependencies.display.select]
| | | | | |---Configure Start After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies_startafter_main_menu]
| | | | | | |---Add Start After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.add.select.startafter]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Start After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.ch.select.startafter]
| | | | | | |---Remove Start After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.rm.select.startafter]
| | | | | | |---Display Start After Resource Group Dependencies [cm_rg_dependencies.display.select.startafter]
| | | | | |---Configure Stop After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies_stopafter_main_menu]
| | | | | | |---Add Stop After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.add.select.stopafter]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Stop After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.ch.select.stopafter]
| | | | | | |---Remove Stop After Resource Group Dependency [cm_rg_dependencies.rm.select.stopafter]
| | | | | | |---Display Stop After Resource Group Dependencies [cm_rg_dependencies.display.select.stopafter]
| | | | | |---Configure Online on the Same Node Dependency [cm_rg_osn_dependencies]
| | | | | | |---Add Online on the Same Node Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_osn_dependencies.add.dialog]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Online on the Same Node Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_osn_dependencies.ch.select]
| | | | | | |---Remove Online on the Same Node Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_osn_dependencies.rm.select]
| | | | | |---Configure Online on Different Nodes Dependency [cm_rg_odn_dependencies.dialog]
| | | | | |---Configure Online on the Same Site Dependency [cm_rg_oss_dependencies]
| | | | | | |---Add Online on the Same Site Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_oss_dependencies.add.dialog]
| | | | | | |---Change/Show Online on the Same Site Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_oss_dependencies.ch.select]
| | | | | | |---Remove Online on the Same Site Dependency Between Resource Groups [cm_rg_oss_dependencies.rm.select]
| | | | |---Configure Resource Group Processing Ordering [cm_processing_order]
| | | | |---Configure PowerHA SystemMirror Workload Manager Parameters [cm_cfg_wlm_runtime]
| | | | |---Configure Delayed Fallback Timer Policies [cm_timer_menu]
| | | | | |---Add a Delayed Fallback Timer Policy [cm_timer_add.select]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a Delayed Fallback Timer Policy [cm_timer_update.select]
| | | | | |---Remove a Delayed Fallback Timer Policy [cm_timer_remove.select]
| | | | |---Configure Settling Time for Resource Groups [cm_settling_timer_menu]
| | | |---Show All Resources by Node or Resource Group [cm_show_all_resources_by_node_or_resource_group_menu_dmn]
| | | | |---Show Resource Information by Node [cllsres.select]
| | | | |---Show Resource Information by Resource Group [clshowres.select]
| | | | |---Show Current State of Applications and Resource Groups [cm_show_current_state_application_resource_group_menu_dwn]
| | | |---
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration [cm_ver_and_sync]
| | | |--- [cm_resource_group_help]
| | |---Events [cm_events]
| | | |---Cluster Events [cm_cluster_events]
| | | | |---Configure Pre/Post-Event Commands [cm_defevent_menu]
| | | | | |---Add a Custom Cluster Event [cladd_event.dialog]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a Custom Cluster Event [clchsh_event.select]
| | | | | |---Remove a Custom Cluster Event [clrm_event.select]
| | | | |---Change/Show Pre-Defined Events [clcsclev.select]
| | | | |---User-Defined Events [clude_custom_menu]
| | | | | |---Add Custom User-Defined Events [clude_custom_dialog_add]
| | | | | |---Change/Show Custom User-Defined Events [clude_custom_dialog_cha.select]
| | | | | |---Remove Custom User-Defined Events [clude_custom_dialog_rem.select]
| | | | |---Remote Notification Methods [cm_def_cus_pager_menu]
| | | | | |---Configure a Node/Port Pair [define_node_port]
| | | | | |---Remove a Node/Port Pair [remove_node_port]
| | | | | |---Add a Custom Remote Notification Method [cladd_pager_notify.dialog]
| | | | | |---Change/Show a Custom Remote Notification Method [clch_pager_notify]
| | | | | |---Remove a Custom Remote Notification Method [cldel_pager_notify]
| | | | | |---Send a Test Remote Notification [cltest_pager_notify]
| | | | |---Change/Show Time Until Warning [cm_time_before_warning]
| | | |---System Events [cm_system_events]
| | | | |---Change/Show Event Response [cm_change_show_sys_event]
| | | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration (Advanced) [cm_adv_ver_and_sync]
| | |---Verify and Synchronize Cluster Configuration (Advanced) [cm_adv_ver_and_sync]
| |---
| |---Can't find what you are looking for ? [cm_tree]
| |---Not sure where to start ? [cm_getting_started]
|---Create/Change Service Configuration [srv_conn]
| |---Create/Change Service Configuration [create_or_change_service_config_menu]
| | |---Create/Change Primary Service Configuration [configure_primary]
| | |---Create/Change Secondary Service Configuration [configure_secondary]
| | |---Create/Change Tertiary Service Configuration [configure_tertiary]
| |---Restore Default Configuration [restore_default]
| |---Manage the Service and Support Proxy [manage_service_proxy_menu]
| | |---Create/Change the Service and Support Proxy [configure_service_proxy]
| | |---Start the Service and Support Proxy [start_service_proxy]
| | |---Stop the Service and Support Proxy [stop_service_proxy]
---Workload Partition Administration [wpar]
|---List All Workload Partitions [lswpar]
|---Administer SYSTEM Workload Partitions [manage_syswpar]
| |---List System Workload Partitions [lswpar_sys]
| |---Create a System Workload Partition or Specification File [mkwpar]
| | |---Create a System Workload Partition [simplewpar_sys]
| | |---Create a System Workload Partition (Advanced) [advancedwpar_sys]
| | |---Create a Specification File from a System Workload Partition [clonewpar_sys]
| | |---Create a System Workload Partition from a Specification File [frmspecwpar_sys]
| |---Start / Stop / Reboot a System Workload Partition [bootwpar_sys]
| | |---Start a System Workload Partition [startwpar_sys]
| | |---Start a System Workload Partition in Maintenance Mode [startmwpar_sys]
| | |---Stop a System Workload Partition [stopwpar_sys]
| | |---Reboot a System Workload Partition [rebootwpar_sys]
| |---System Workload Partition Software Maintenance [installwpar_sys]
| | |---Synchronize Workload Partition Software with System Software [syncwpar_sys]
| |---Change / Show System Workload Partition Characteristics [cfgwpar_sys]
| | |---Change / Show General Characteristics [chgwpar_sys]
| | |---Change / Show Network Interfaces [netwpar]
| | | |---List All Network Interfaces [netlswpar]
| | | |---Add a Network Interface [netaddwpar]
| | | |---Remove a Network Interface [netrmwpar]
| | |---Change / Show File Systems [fswpar_sys]
| | | |---List All File Systems [fslswpar]
| | | |---List All Mounted File Systems [mntlswpar]
| | | |---Mount a File System [mntwpar]
| | | |---Unmount a File System [umntwpar]
| |---Remove a System Workload Partition [rmwpar_sys]
| |---System Workload Partition Backup Manager [backwpar]
| | |---Back Up a System Workload Partition [savewpar]
| | | |---Back Up A System Workload Partition to Tape/File [savewparfile]
| | | |---Back Up A Workload Partition to CD [savewparcd]
| | | |---Back Up A Workload Partition to DVD [savewpardvd]
| | |---Restore a System Workload Partition [restwpar]
| | |---Preview Information about a Workload Partition Backup [lssavewparinfo]
| | |---List Filesets in a Workload Partition Backup [lssavewparlpp]
| | |---List Files in a Workload Partition Backup [lssavewpar]
| | |---Restore Files in a Workload Partition Backup [restwparfiles]
| | |---Verify the Readability of a Backup (Tape only) [verify_tape]
|---Administer APPLICATION Workload Partitions [manage_appwpar]
| |---List Application Workload Partitions [lswpar_app]
| |---Create an Application Workload Partition or Specification File [wparexec]
| | |---Create an Application Workload Partition [simplewpar_app]
| | |---Create an Application Workload Partition (Advanced) [advancedwpar_app]
| | |---Create a Specification File from an Application Workload Partition [clonewpar_app]
| | |---Create an Application Workload Partition from a Specification File [frmspecwpar_app]
| |---Change / Show Application Workload Partition Characteristics [cfgwpar_app]
| | |---Change / Show General Characteristics [chgwpar_app]
| | |---Change / Show Network Interfaces [netwpar]
| | | |---List All Network Interfaces [netlswpar]
| | | |---Add a Network Interface [netaddwpar]
| | | |---Remove a Network Interface [netrmwpar]
| | |---Change / Show File Systems [fswpar_app]
| | | |---List All File Systems [fslswpar]
| | | |---List All Mounted File Systems [mntlswpar]
| |---Stop and Remove an Application Workload Partition [rmwpar_app]
---Print Spooling [spooler_choice]
|---AIX Print Spooling [spooler]
| |---Start a Print Job [qprt]
| |---Manage Print Jobs [jobs]
| | |---Cancel a Print Job [qcan]
| | |---Show the Status of Print Jobs [qchk]
| | |---Prioritize a Print Job [qpri]
| | |---Hold / Release a Print Job [qhld]
| | |---Move a Job Between Print Queues [qmov]
| |---List All Print Queues [lspq]
| |---Manage Print Queues [pqmanage]
| | |---Show Status of Print Queues [qstatus]
| | |---Stop a Print Queue [qstop]
| | |---Start a Print Queue [qstart]
| | |---Set the System's Default Print Queue [qdefault]
| | |---Printer Intervention Selection [printer_intervention]
| | | |---Run Script [run_script]
| | | |---Send Mail [send_mail_recovery]
| | | |---Retry [retry_recovery]
| |---Add a Print Queue [mkpq]
| |---Add an Additional Printer to an Existing Print Queue [mkpqprt]
| |---Change / Show Print Queue Characteristics [chpq]
| |---Change / Show Printer Connection Characteristics [chprtcom]
| |---Remove a Print Queue [rmpq]
| |---Manage Print Server [server]
| | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| |--- [pqtools]
| | |---Change / Show Printer Attribute Database (Virtual Printers) [ps_lsvirprt]
| | |---Change / Show Pre-processing Filters [pqfilters]
| | |---Local Print Devices [pq_pdp]
| | | |--- [pdp]
| | | | |---List All Defined Printers/Plotters [lsdprt]
| | | | |---List All Supported Printers/Plotters [lssprt]
| | | | |---Add a Printer/Plotter [makprt]
| | | | |---Move a Printer/Plotter to Another Port [movprt]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Printer/Plotter [chgprt]
| | | | |---Remove a Printer/Plotter [rmvprt]
| | | | |---Configure a Defined Printer/Plotter [cfgprt]
| | | | |---Install Additional Printer/Plotter Software [printerinst]
| | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | |---Trace a Printer/Plotter [trace_link]
| | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | |---Queues and Queue Devices [pq_lprint]
| | | |---Queues [pq_lq]
| | | | |---List All Queues [pq_lsallq]
| | | | |---Add a Queue [pq_mklque]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Queue [pq_chque]
| | | | |---Remove a Queue [pq_rmque]
| | | |---Queue Devices [pq_lqdev]
| | | | |---List All Queue Devices [pq_lsallqdev]
| | | | |---Add a Queue Device to an Existing Queue [pq_mkquedev]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Queue Device [pq_chquedev]
| | | | |---Remove a Queue Device [pq_rmquedev]
| |---Change / Show Current Print Subsystem [chprtsubsystem]
---Advanced Accounting [aacct]
|---Manage Accounting Data Files [aacct_files]
| |---Create Data File [create_aacct_file]
| |---Release Data File [release_aacct_file]
| |---Re-use Accounting Data File [reuse_aacct_file]
| |---Show Data File(s) [show_aacct_file]
| | |---List All Registered Files [list_registered]
| | |---List Accounting File Details [list_aacct_file]
| |---Switch Active Data File [switch_acct_file]
|---Manage Project Definitions and Assignments [manage_proj]
| |---Project Definitions [projdefs]
| | |---Upload Project Definitions to LDAP Server [ldap_upload_proj]
| | |---Download Project Definitions from LDAP Server [ldap_download_proj]
| | |---Add Project Definition [add_proj]
| | |---Show/Change Project Definitions [show_chg_proj]
| | |---Remove Project Definitions [remove_proj]
| | |---Load/Re-load Project Definitions [load_proj]
| | |---Unload Active Project Definitions [unload_proj]
| | |---List All Active Project Definitions [list_proj]
| |---Automatic Project Assignment [automatic_assign]
| | |---Work with Admin Policies [work_admin]
| | | |---Upload Admin Policy to LDAP server [ldap_upload_admin]
| | | |---Download Admin Policy from LDAP Server [ldap_download_admin]
| | | |---Create Admin Policy [create_admin]
| | | |---Show/change Current Focus [change_show_focus]
| | | |---Remove Admin Policy [remove_admin]
| | | |---Add Rule [add_admin_rule]
| | | |---Show/change Rule [change_show_admin_rule]
| | | |---Remove Rules [remove_admin_rule]
| | | |---Work with Alias [work_alias]
| | | | |---Add new Alias [add_alias]
| | | | | |---Select from User IDs [add_usr_alias]
| | | | | |---Select from Group IDs [add_grp_alias]
| | | | |---Show/Change Alias [chg_alias]
| | | | | |---Select from User IDs [chg_usr_alias]
| | | | | |---Select from Group IDs [chg_grp_alias]
| | | | |---Remove Alias [remove_alias]
| | | |---Work with Projects [work_project]
| | | | |---Show/Change Project Definitions [show_chg_adm_proj]
| | | | |---Remove Project Definitions [remove_adm_proj]
| | | | |---Merge Project Definitions [merge_proj]
| | | |---Load/Re-load Admin Policy [load_admin]
| | | |---Unload Admin Policy [unload_admin]
| | |---Work with User Policies [work_user]
| | | |---Create Project list for a user [create_user]
| | | |---Show/Change Project list for a user [change_show_user_list]
| | | |---Remove Project list for a user [remove_user]
| | | |---Show Project list for all users [show_user_list]
| | | |---Load/Re-load User Policies [load_users]
| | | |---Unload User Policies [unload_users]
| | |---Work with Group Policies [work_group]
| | | |---Create Project list for a Group [create_group]
| | | |---Show/Change Project list for a Group [change_show_group_list]
| | | |---Remove Project list for a Group [remove_group]
| | | |---Show Project list for all Groups [show_group_list]
| | | |---Load/Re-load Group Policies [load_groups]
| | | |---Unload Group Policies [unload_groups]
| | |---Query Policies [query_policy]
| | | |---Show Loaded Policies [cur_config]
| | | |---Show Auto-load Configuration [boot_config]
| |---Manual Project Assignment [manual_assign]
| | |---Show Project assignment for all processes [show_proj_proc]
| | |---Change Project assignment for a process [chg_proj_proc]
| | |---Show Project assignment for a program [show_proj_pgm]
| | |---Start a program with a project assignment [start_proj_prg]
|---Manage Transactions [manage_transaction]
| |---List defined Transactions [defined_ker_trans]
| |---Enable/Disable Transactions [enabled_ker_trans]
|---Manage Advanced Accounting Subsystem [manage_subsys]
| |---Configure LDAP server and client [configure_ldap]
| | |---LDAP Server Setup [setup_server]
| | |---LDAP Client Setup [setup_client]
| |---Configure Admin Notification [admin_notify]
| |---Manage ACCT Capabilities [acct_cap]
| | |---Enable ACCT Capabilities [enable_cap]
| | |---Disable ACCT Capabilities [disable_cap]
| |---Show/Change process interval [process_interval]
| |---Show/Change system interval [system_interval]
| |---Show/Change Process Aggregation [system_paggr]
| |---Show/Change Kernel Extension Aggregation [system_kaggr]
| |---Show/Change ARM Transaction Aggregation [system_aaggr]
| |---Write Process Accounting Data [dump_aacct_data]
| |---Start Advanced Accounting [start_aacct]
| |---Stop Advanced Accounting [stop_aacct]
| |---Query Advanced Accounting [query_aacct]
| |---Report Advanced Accounting Statistics [report_aacct]
| | |---Process Accounting [report_process]
| | | |---General Accounting Reports [general_process]
| | | |---Filtered Accounting Reports [filter_process]
| | |---LPAR Accounting [report_lpar]
| | |---Transaction Accounting [report_trans]
| |---Show/Change Turbo Mode Accounting [manage_turboacct]
---Problem Determination [problem]
|---Electronic Service Agent [esa_main]
| |---Configure Electronic Service Agent [configure_esa]
| |---Unconfigure Electronic Service Agent [unconfigure_esa]
| |---Configure Service Connectivity [srv_conn]
| | |---Create/Change Service Configuration [create_or_change_service_config_menu]
| | | |---Create/Change Primary Service Configuration [configure_primary]
| | | |---Create/Change Secondary Service Configuration [configure_secondary]
| | | |---Create/Change Tertiary Service Configuration [configure_tertiary]
| | |---Restore Default Configuration [restore_default]
| | |---Manage the Service and Support Proxy [manage_service_proxy_menu]
| | | |---Create/Change the Service and Support Proxy [configure_service_proxy]
| | | |---Start the Service and Support Proxy [start_service_proxy]
| | | |---Stop the Service and Support Proxy [stop_service_proxy]
| |---Start Electronic Service Agent [start_esa]
| |---Stop Electronic Service Agent [stop_esa]
| |---Verify Electronic Service Agent Connectivity [ver_esa_conn]
|---Error Log [error]
| |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of the Error Log [errdemon]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of pureScale logging of the Error Log [pureScale]
| |---Clean the Error Log [errclear]
|---Trace [trace]
| |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---System Dump [dump]
| |---Show Current Dump Devices [dump_show]
| |---Show Information About the Previous System Dump [dump_showprev]
| |---Show Estimated Dump Size [dump_estimate]
| |---Change the Type of Dump [dump_type]
| |---Change the Full Memory Dump Mode [dump_fullmem]
| |---Change the Primary Dump Device [dumpchgp]
| |---Change the Secondary Dump Device [dumpchgs]
| |---Change the Directory to which Dump is Copied on Boot [dump_chgd]
| |---Start a Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_startp]
| | |---Start a System Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_sysstartp]
| | |---Start a Full Memory Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_fullstartp]
| | |---Start a Selective Memory Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_notfullstartp]
| | |---Start a Traditional System Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_tradstartp]
| |---Start a Traditional System Dump to the Secondary Dump Device [dump_tradstarts]
| |---Copy a System Dump from a Dump Device to a File [dump_copy_file]
| |---Always Allow System Dump [dump_allow]
| |---Check Dump Resources Utility [dump_checkr]
| |---Change/Show Global System Dump Properties [dumpctrl_sdmp]
| |---Change/Show Dump Attributes for a Component [dumpctrl_change_1]
| |---Change Dump Attributes for multiple Components [dumpctrl_change_multi]
|---Alog [alog]
| |---Show an Alog File [alog_show]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of an Alog File [alog_change]
|---Change/Show/Reset Core File Copying Directory [corepath]
| |---Reset/Clear Core File copying directory [corepath_clear]
| |---Show the Directory to which Core file copied [corepath_show]
|---Hardware Diagnostics [diag]
| |--- [diagcur]
| |--- [diagshut]
|---Verify Software Requisites and Installations [verify_install]
|---Advanced First Failure Data Capture Features [ffdc]
|---Cluster Data Aggregation Tool [cdat]
| |---Create the Repository [cdat_create]
| |---Discover Nodes [cdat_discover]
| |---Manage Remote Nodes [cdat_nodes]
| | |---List the Remote Nodes [cdat_lnodes]
| | |---Add a Remote Node [cdat_anode]
| | |---Add a Remote Node and Initialize Access [cdat_ainode]
| | |---Initialize Access to Remote Nodes [cdat_inodes]
| | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Remote Node [cdat_cnode]
| | |---Remove a Remote Node [cdat_rnode]
| | |---Remove a Remote Node and Suppress Access [cdat_rsnode]
| | |---Suppress Access to Remote Nodes [cdat_snodes]
| |---List the Collect Types [cdat_list_types]
| |---Collect Data from Remote Nodes [cdat_collect]
| |---Archive Collects [cdat_archive]
| |---Manage Scheduled Collects [cdat_schedule]
| | |---List All Collects Scheduled [cdat_lschedule]
| | |---Schedule a Collect [cdat_aschedule]
| | |---Change/Show Characteristics of a Scheduled Collect [cdat_cschedule]
| | |---Remove a Collect from the Schedule [cdat_rschedule]
| |---Display Repository Contents [cdat_display]
| |---Delete Collects from the Repository [cdat_delete]
| |---Check Consistency of the Repository [cdat_check]
|---Kernel Recovery [krecovery]
| |---Change/Show Kernel Recovery State [cskrecovery]
| | |---Show Kernel Recovery State [showkrecovery]
| | |---Change Next Boot Kernel Recovery State [chgkrecovery]
|---Component / Live Dump [ldmp]
| |---Start a Live Dump [livedumpstart]
| |---List Components that are Dump Aware [dumpctrl_comp_query]
| |---List Live Dumps in the Live Dump Repository [dumpctrl_list_ldmp]
| |---Change/Show Global Live Dump Attributes [dumpctrl_global]
| |---Change/Show Dump Attributes for a Component [dumpctrl_change_1]
| |---Change Dump Attributes for multiple Components [dumpctrl_change_multi]
| |---Refresh the Kernel's List of Live Dumps [dumpctrl_k]
| |---Display Persistent Customizations [dumpctrl_qpersist]
|---Storage Protection Keys [skctl]
| |---Show Storage Protection Keys Settings [skctl_show]
| | |---View Storage Protection Keys Default Settings [skctl_default]
---Manage the AIX Cryptographic Framework [acf]
|---Change/Show Cryptographic Framework Parameters [acf_tunables]
|---Change/Show Cryptographic Framework Tracing [acf_debug]
|---Launch Administration Tool [acf_p11admin]
|---Launch Keystore Management Tool [acf_p11km]
---Performance & Resource Scheduling [performance]
|---Resource Status & Monitors [monitors]
| |---Report System Activity [sar]
| |---Show Process Status [ps_gv]
| |---Show Virtual Memory Statistics [vmstat]
| |---Show Input/Output Statistics [iostat]
|---Analysis Tools [analysis]
| |---Show System Activity While Running a Command [timex]
| |---Trace [trace_link]
| | |--- [trace]
| | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
|---Resource Controls [controls]
| |---Remove a Process [kill]
| |---Set Initial Priority of a Process [nice]
| |---Change Initial Priority of Process [renice]
| |---Set System Run Level [telinit]
|---Schedule Jobs [at]
| |---List All Jobs Scheduled [lsat]
| |---Schedule a Job [sjat]
| |---Remove a Job from the Schedule [rmat]
|---Workload Manager [wlm]
| |---Manage time-based configuration sets [wlmconfset]
| | |---Create a set of time-based configurations [wlmconfset_create]
| | |---Show a set of time-based configurations [wlmconfset_show]
| | |---Change a set of time-based configurations [wlmconfset_change]
| | | |---Add a time-based configuration to a set [wlmconfset_add_conf]
| | | |---Remove a time-based configuration from a set [wlmconfset_del_conf]
| | | |---
| | | |---Enter a configuration set description [wlmconfset_desc]
| | |---Delete a set of time-based configurations [wlmconfset_delete]
| | |---Check a set of time-based configurations [wlmconfset_check]
| |---
| |---Work on alternate configurations [wlmconfig]
| | |---Show all configurations [wlmconfig_show]
| | |---Copy a configuration [wlmconfig_copy]
| | |---Create a configuration [wlmconfig_create]
| | |---Select a configuration [wlmconfig_select]
| | |---Enter configuration description [wlmconfig_enter]
| | |---Delete a configuration [wlmconfig_delete]
| |---Work on a set of Subclasses [wlmsubclass]
| |---Show current focus (Configuration, Class Set) [wlmctx]
| |---
| |---List all classes [wlmlsclass]
| |---Add a class [wlmaddclass]
| |---Change / Show Characteristics of a class [wlmchclass]
| | |---General characteristics of a class [wlmclass_gal]
| | |---CPU resource management [wlmclass_cpu]
| | |---Memory resource management [wlmclass_mem]
| | |---diskIO resource management [wlmclass_bio]
| | |---Process total resource management [wlmclass_proclimit]
| | |---Class total resource managment [wlmclass_classlimit]
| |---Remove a Class [wlmrmclass]
| |---
| |---Start/Stop/Update WLM [wlmmanage]
| | |---Start Workload Manager [wlmstart]
| | |---Update Workload Manager [wlmupdate]
| | |---Stop Workload Manager [wlmoff]
| | |---Show status [wlmstatus]
| |---Assign/Unassign processes to a class/subclass [wlmassign]
|---Enterprise Workload Manager [ewlm]
| |---Change/Show status of the EWLM services [ewlmmanage]
| | |---Show the status of the EWLM services [ewlmstatus]
| | |---Enable the EWLM Services [ewlmstart]
| | |---Disable the EWLM Services [ewlmoff]
| |---Change/Show EWLM configuration [arm_limits]
| |---Change/Show EWLM Local Resource Management Configuration [ewlmlocal]
|---Resource Set Management [rset]
| |---List All Resource Sets [lsrset]
| |---List All Resource Sets in a given namespace [lsrsetname]
| |---List All System RADs [lsrsetrads]
| |---List Application-defined Resource Sets [lsrsetapp]
| |---Remove Application-defined Resource Sets [rmrset]
| |---Show a Process Partition [lsrsetproc]
| |---Manage Resource Set Database [rsetcntl]
| | |---List All Resource Sets of the Database [lsrsetcntl]
| | |---Add a Resource Set to the Database [addrsetcntl]
| | |---Remove a Resource Set from the Database [rmrsetcntl]
| | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Database Resource Set [chrsetcntl]
| | |---Reload Resource Set Database [reloadrsetcntl]
|---Tuning Kernel & Network Parameters [tuning]
| |---Save/Restore All Tuning Parameters [SaveRestoreAll]
| | |---View Last Boot Parameters [ViewLast]
| | |---View Last Boot Log File [ViewLastLog]
| | |---Save All Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveAllCurNB]
| | |---Save All Current Parameters [SaveAllCur]
| | |---Restore All Current Parameters from Last Boot [RestAllLast]
| | |---Restore All Current Parameters from Saved Values [RestAllSaved]
| | |---Reset All Current Parameters to Default Value [RestAllDflt]
| | |---Save All Next Boot Parameters [SaveAllNB]
| | |---Restore All Next Boot Parameters from Last Boot Values [RestAllNBLast]
| | |---Restore All Next Boot Parameters from Saved Values [RestAllNBSaved]
| | |---Reset All Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [RestAllNBDflt]
| |---Tuning Scheduler & Memory Load Control Parameters [TunSchedo]
| | |---List All Characteristics of Current Parameters [ListAllSchedo]
| | |---Change/Show Current Parameters [ChShCurSchedo]
| | |---Change/Show Parameters for Next Boot [ChShSchedoNB]
| | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveSchedoNB]
| | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltSchedo]
| | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltSchedo]
| |---Tuning Virtual Memory Manager, File System and Logical Volume Manager Params [TunVmo]
| | |---List All Characteristics of Current Parameters [ListAllVM]
| | |---Change/Show Current Parameters [ChShCurVM]
| | |---Change/Show Parameters for Next Boot [ChShVMNB]
| | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveVMNB]
| | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltVM]
| | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltVM]
| |---Tuning Network Option Parameters [TunNo]
| | |---List All Characteristics of Current Parameters [ListAllNet]
| | |---Change/Show Current Parameters [ChShCurNet]
| | |---Change/Show Parameters for Next Boot [ChShNetNB]
| | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveNetNB]
| | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltNet]
| | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltNet]
| |---Tuning NFS Option Parameters [TunNfso]
| | |---List All Characteristics of Current Parameters [ListAllNFS]
| | |---Change/Show Current Parameters [ChShCurNFS]
| | |---Change/Show Parameters for Next Boot [ChShNFSNB]
| | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveNFSNB]
| | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltNFS]
| | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltNFS]
| |---Tuning IO Parameters [TunIoo]
| | |---List All Characteristics of Current Parameters [ListAllIO]
| | |---Change/Show Current Parameters [ChShCurIO]
| | |---Change/Show Parameters for Next Boot [ChShIONB]
| | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveIONB]
| | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltIO]
| | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltIO]
| |---Tuning RAS Parameters [TunRaso]
| | |---List All Characteristics of Current Parameters [ListAllRA]
| | |---Change/Show Current Parameters [ChShCurRA]
| | |---Change/Show Parameters for Next Boot [ChShRANB]
| | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveRANB]
| | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltRA]
| | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltRA]
| |---Tuning Development Parameters [tuningDev]
| | |---Tuning Scheduler & Memory Load Control Development Parameters [TunSchedoDev]
| | | |---List All Characteristics of Current Parameters [ListAllSchedoDev]
| | | |---Change/Show Current Parameters [ChShCurSchedoDev]
| | | |---Change/Show Parameters for Next Boot [ChShSchedoNBDev]
| | | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveSchedoNBDev]
| | | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltSchedoDev]
| | | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltSchedoDev]
| | |---Tuning Virtual Memory Manager, File System and LVM Development Parameters [TunVmoDev]
| | | |---List All Characteristics of Current Development Parameters [ListAllVMDev]
| | | |---Change/Show Current Development Parameters [ChShCurVMDev]
| | | |---Change/Show Development Parameters for Next Boot [ChShVMNBDev]
| | | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveVMNBDev]
| | | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltVMDev]
| | | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltVMDev]
| | |---Tuning Network Option Development Parameters [TunNoDev]
| | | |---List All Characteristics of Current Development Parameters [ListAllNetDev]
| | | |---Change/Show Current Development Parameters [ChShCurNetDev]
| | | |---Change/Show Development Parameters for Next Boot [ChShNetNBDev]
| | | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveNetNBDev]
| | | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltNetDev]
| | | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltNetDev]
| | |---Tuning NFS Option Development Parameters [TunNfsoDev]
| | | |---List All Characteristics of Current Development Parameters [ListAllNFSDev]
| | | |---Change/Show Current Development Parameters [ChShCurNFSDev]
| | | |---Change/Show Development Parameters for Next Boot [ChShNFSNBDev]
| | | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveNFSNBDev]
| | | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltNFSDev]
| | | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltNFSDev]
| | |---Tuning IO Development Parameters [TunIooDev]
| | | |---List All Characteristics of Current Development Parameters [ListAllIODev]
| | | |---Change/Show Current Development Parameters [ChShCurIODev]
| | | |---Change/Show Development Parameters for Next Boot [ChShIONBDev]
| | | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveIONBDev]
| | | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltIODev]
| | | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltIODev]
| | |---Tuning RAS Development Parameters [TunRasoDev]
| | | |---List All Characteristics of Current Development Parameters [ListAllRADev]
| | | |---Change/Show Current Development Parameters [ChShCurRADev]
| | | |---Change/Show Development Parameters for Next Boot [ChShRANBDev]
| | | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveRANBDev]
| | | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltRADev]
| | | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltRADev]
| |---Tuning ASO Parameters [TunAsoo]
| | |---List All Characteristics of Current Parameters [ListAllAso]
| | |---Change/Show Current Parameters [ChShCurAso]
| | |---Change/Show Parameters for Next Boot [ChShAsoNB]
| | |---Save Current Parameters for Next Boot [SaveAsoNB]
| | |---Reset Current Parameters to Default Value [ResetCurDfltAso]
| | |---Reset Next Boot Parameters to Default Value [ResetNBDfltAso]
|---Simultaneous Multi-Threading Processor Mode [smt]
| |---List SMT Mode Settings [viewsmt]
| |---Change SMT Mode [changesmt]
|---Active Memory Expansion Planner & Adviser [amepat]
| |---Start Recording [amepat_record]
| |---Generate Report [amepat_report_dummy]
|---xmtopas [xmtopas]
| |---Change/Show xmtopas configuration file [AddToxmtopasres]
| |---Enable/Refresh xmtopas [Enable_xmtopas]
| |---Disable xmtopas [Disable_xmtopas]
---System Environments [system]
|---Stop the System [shutdown]
|---Aix Security Expert [aixpert]
| |---High Level Security [hls]
| |---Medium Level Security [mls]
| |---Low Level Security [lls]
| |---Default Security [ds]
| |---SOX-COBIT Best Practices Security [scbps]
| |---SOX-COBIT Best Practices Security Audit [scbpsa]
| |---Undo Security [us]
| |---Check Security [cs]
|---Aix Runtime Expert [artex]
| |---Manage configuration profiles [artexprof]
| | |---List profiles [artexlistprof]
| | |---Show profile contents [artexshowprof]
| | |---Compare profiles [artexdiffprof]
| | |---Compare profile with system configuration [artexdiffsyst]
| | |---Merge profiles [artexmergeprof]
| | |---Create profile from system configuration [artexsystprof]
| | |---Check profile correctness [artexcheckprof]
| |---Manage system configuration [artexconf]
| | |---Show system configuration [artexsyst]
| | |---Compare profile with system configuration [artexdiffsyst1]
| | | |---Compare profile with system configuration [artexdiffsyst]
| | |---Apply profile [artexapplyprof]
| | |---Revert to backup profile [artexbackup]
| | |---Disable master profile [artexmaster]
|---Assign the Console [chcons]
|---Change / Show Date, Time, and Time Zone [chtz_date]
| |---Change / Show Date and Time [date]
| |---Change Time Zone Using System Defined Values [chtz_olson]
| |---Change Time Zone Using User Entered Values [chtz_user]
|---Manage Language Environment [mlang]
| |---Change/Show Primary Language Environment [chlang]
| | |---Change/Show Cultural Convention, Language, or Keyboard [mle_cc_cust_hdr]
| | |---Select Set of Cultural Convention, Language, and Keyboard [mle_cc_set_hdr]
| |---Add Additional Language Environments [mle_add_lang]
| |---Remove Language Environments [mle_rm_lang_hdr]
| |---Change/Show Language Hierarchy [mle_hier_cmd_hdr]
| |---Set User Languages [chlang_user]
| |---Change/Show Applications for a Language [mle_chapp_menu]
| | |---List Applications Installed for a Language [mle_list_app_hdr]
| | |---Add Language for Application Already Installed [mle_inst_lang_hdr]
| | |---Remove Language for Applications [mle_rmlang_hdr]
| |---Convert System Messages and Flat Files [nu_iconv]
| | |---Convert System Messages [catalog_convert]
| | |---Convert Flat Files [fficonv]
|---Change / Show Characteristics of Operating System [chgsys]
|---Change / Show Number of Licensed Users [chlicense]
|---Broadcast Message to all Users [wall]
|---Manage System Logs [logs]
| |---Error Log [error_link]
| | |--- [error]
| | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the Error Log [errdemon]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of pureScale logging of the Error Log [pureScale]
| | | |---Clean the Error Log [errclear]
| |---Alog [alog_link]
| | |--- [alog]
| | | |---Show an Alog File [alog_show]
| | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an Alog File [alog_change]
|---Change / Show Characteristics of System Dump [dump_link]
| |--- [dump]
| | |---Show Current Dump Devices [dump_show]
| | |---Show Information About the Previous System Dump [dump_showprev]
| | |---Show Estimated Dump Size [dump_estimate]
| | |---Change the Type of Dump [dump_type]
| | |---Change the Full Memory Dump Mode [dump_fullmem]
| | |---Change the Primary Dump Device [dumpchgp]
| | |---Change the Secondary Dump Device [dumpchgs]
| | |---Change the Directory to which Dump is Copied on Boot [dump_chgd]
| | |---Start a Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_startp]
| | | |---Start a System Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_sysstartp]
| | | |---Start a Full Memory Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_fullstartp]
| | | |---Start a Selective Memory Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_notfullstartp]
| | | |---Start a Traditional System Dump to the Primary Dump Device [dump_tradstartp]
| | |---Start a Traditional System Dump to the Secondary Dump Device [dump_tradstarts]
| | |---Copy a System Dump from a Dump Device to a File [dump_copy_file]
| | |---Always Allow System Dump [dump_allow]
| | |---Check Dump Resources Utility [dump_checkr]
| | |---Change/Show Global System Dump Properties [dumpctrl_sdmp]
| | |---Change/Show Dump Attributes for a Component [dumpctrl_change_1]
| | |---Change Dump Attributes for multiple Components [dumpctrl_change_multi]
|---Change/Show Default Browser [change_default_browser]
|---System Cryptographic Operational Mode [fipsmode]
| |---Show Current Cryptographic Operational Mode [showfipsmode]
| |---Change Cryptographic Operational Mode [changefipsmode]
|---Manage Remote Reboot Facility [rrbtty]
|---Manage System Hang Detection [shd]
| |---System Hang Detection Status [shstatus]
| |---Change/Show Characteristics of Priority Problem Detection [shpriocfg]
| |---Restore Default Priority Problem Configuration [shreset]
| |---Change/Show Characteristics of Lost I/O Detection [shliocfg]
| |---Restore Default Lost I/O Detection Configuration [shlioreset]
---Processes & Subsystems [src]
|---Processes [process]
| |---Show All Current Processes [ps]
| |---Remove a Process [kill]
| |---Bind a Process to a Processor [bindproc]
| |---Unbind a Process [ubindproc]
|---Subsystems [subsys]
| |---List All Subsystems [lsssys]
| |---Query a Subsystem [qssys]
| |---Start a Subsystem [startssys]
| |---Stop Subsystem [stopssys]
| | |---Stop a Single Subsystem [stopassys]
| | |---Stop All Subsystems [stopallssys]
| |---Refresh a Subsystem [refresh]
| |---Trace Subsystem [tracessys]
| | |---Start Trace [tracessyson]
| | |---Stop Trace [tracessysoff]
|---Subservers [subserver]
| |---Query a Subserver [qserver]
| |---Start a Subserver [startserver]
| |---Stop a Subserver [stopserver]
| |---Trace a Subserver [traceserver]
| | |---Start Trace [startserver.trace]
| | |---Stop Trace [stopserver.trace]
---Applications [apps]
|---Live Partition Mobility with Host Ethernet Adapter (HEA) [migration]
---Installation Assistant [assist]
|---Set Date and Time [chtz_date]
| |---Change / Show Date and Time [date]
| |---Change Time Zone Using System Defined Values [chtz_olson]
| |---Change Time Zone Using User Entered Values [chtz_user]
|---Set root Password [assist_passwd]
|---Configure Network Communications [assist_net]
| |---TCP/IP Startup [assist_tcpip]
| |---Add a Hostname to Access Other Systems [mkhostent]
| |---Start NFS [assist_nfs]
| |---Mount a Remote File System [mknfsmnt]
| |---Further Configuration [configtcp]
| | |---Hostname [hostname]
| | | |---Set the Hostname [mkhostname]
| | | |---Show the Hostname [lshostname]
| | |---Static Routes [route]
| | | |---List All Routes [lsroute]
| | | |---Add a Static Route [mkroute]
| | | |---Remove a Static Route [rmroute]
| | |---Network Interfaces [netinterface]
| | | |---Network Interface Selection [inet]
| | | | |---List All Network Interfaces [lsinet]
| | | | |---Add a Network Interface [mkinet]
| | | | | |---Add an IB Network Interface [mkinetib]
| | | | | |---Add a Standard Ethernet Network Interface [mkinet1en]
| | | | | |---Add an IEEE 802.3 Network Interface [mkinet1et]
| | | | | |---Add a Token-Ring Network Interface [mkinet1tr]
| | | | | |---Add a Cluster Pseudo Network Interface [mkinet1cl]
| | | | | |---Add a Serial Line INTERNET Network Interface [mkinet1sl]
| | | | | |---Add a Serial Optical Network Interface [mkinet1so]
| | | | | |---Add a FDDI Network Interface [mkinet1fi]
| | | | | |---Add a Virtual IP Address Interface [mkinetvi]
| | | | | |---Add a Fibre Channel Network Interface [mkinet1fc]
| | | | | |---Add a HF Network Interface [mkinethf]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Network Interface [chinet]
| | | | |---Remove a Network Interface [rminet]
| | | | |---PVCs for IP over an ATM Network [atmpvc]
| | | | | |---List All PVCs for IP Over an ATM Network [lsatmpvc]
| | | | | |---Add a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [mkatmpvc]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [chatmpvc]
| | | | | |---Remove a PVC for IP over an ATM Network [rmatmpvc]
| | | | |---Configure Aliases [inetalias]
| | | | | |---Add an IPV6 Network Alias [mkinet6al]
| | | | | |---Add an IPV4 Network Alias [mkinet4al]
| | | | | |---Remove an IPV6 Network Alias [rminet6al]
| | | | | |---Remove an IPV4 Network Alias [rminet4al]
| | | |---Network Interface Drivers [chif]
| | |---Name Resolution [namerslv]
| | | |---Domain Nameserver (/etc/resolv.conf) [resolv.conf]
| | | | |---Start Using the Nameserver [stnamerslv]
| | | | | |---Restore a Copy of /etc/resolv.conf File [stnamerslv1]
| | | | | |---Create a New /etc/resolv.conf File [stnamerslv2]
| | | | |---List All Nameservers [lsnamerslv]
| | | | |---Add a Nameserver [mknamerslv]
| | | | |---Remove a Nameserver [rmnamerslv]
| | | | |--- [spnamerslv]
| | | | |---Set / Show the Domain [mkdomain]
| | | | |---Remove the Domain [rmdomain]
| | | | |---Set / Show the Domain Search List [domainsearch]
| | | | |---Remove the Domain Search List [rmsearch]
| | | |---Hosts Table (/etc/hosts) [hostent]
| | | | |---List All Hosts [lshostent]
| | | | |---Add a Host [mkhostent]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Host [chhostent]
| | | | |---Remove a Host [rmhostent]
| | |---Client Network Services [clientnet]
| | | |---Services (/etc/services) [inetserv]
| | | | |---List All Services [lsservices]
| | | | |---Add a Service [mkservices]
| | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of a Service [chservices]
| | | | |---Remove a Service [rmservices]
| | | |---Syslog (information only)
| | | |---Protocols (information only)
| | |---Server Network Services [ruser]
| | | |---Remote Access [rmtaccess]
| | | | |---Host Access (/etc/host.equiv) [hostsequiv]
| | | | | |---List All Remote Hosts [lshostsequiv]
| | | | | |---Add a Remote Host [mkhostsequiv]
| | | | | |---Remove a Remote Host [rmhostsequiv]
| | | | |---Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers) [ftpusers]
| | | | | |---Show All Restricted Users [lsftpusers]
| | | | | |---Add a Restricted User [mkftpusers]
| | | | | |---Remove a Restricted User [rmftpusers]
| | | |---Other Available Services [otherserv]
| | | | |---Super Daemon (inetd) [inetd]
| | | | | |---inetd Subsystem [inetdsubsys]
| | | | | | |---Start Using the inetd Subsystem [mkinetd]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [mkinetd_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [mkinetd_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH Now and at System Restart [mkinetd_both]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of inetd Subsystem [chinetd]
| | | | | | |---Stop Using the inetd Subsystem [rminetd]
| | | | | | | |---NOW [rminetd_now]
| | | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [rminetd_boot]
| | | | | | | |---BOTH [rminetd_both]
| | | | | |---inetd Subservers [inetdconf]
| | | | | | |---List All inetd Subservers [lsinetdconf]
| | | | | | |---Add an inetd Subserver [mkinetdconf]
| | | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver [chinetdconf]
| | | | | | |---Remove an inetd Subserver [rminetdconf]
| | | | |---syslogd Subsystem [syslogd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the syslogd Subsystem [stsyslogd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stsyslogd_both]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of syslogd Subsystem [chsyslogd]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem [spsyslogd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spsyslogd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsyslogd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spsyslogd_both]
| | | | |---routed Subsystem [routed]
| | | | | |---Start Using the routed Subsystem [strouted]
| | | | | | |---NOW [strouted_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strouted_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [strouted_both]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of routed Subsystem [chrouted]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the routed Subsystem [sprouted]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sprouted_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprouted_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sprouted_both]
| | | | |---gated Subsystem [gated]
| | | | | |---Start Using the gated Subsystem [stgated]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stgated_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stgated_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stgated_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the gated Subsystem [spgated]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spgated_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spgated_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spgated_both]
| | | | |---named Subsystem [named]
| | | | | |---Start Using the named Subsystem [stnamed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stnamed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stnamed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stnamed_both]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of named Subsystem [chnamed]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the named Subsystem [spnamed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spnamed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spnamed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spnamed_both]
| | | | |---rwhod Subsystem [rwhod]
| | | | | |---Start Using the rwhod Subsystem [strwhod]
| | | | | | |---NOW [strwhod_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [strwhod_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [strwhod_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem [sprwhod]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sprwhod_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sprwhod_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sprwhod_both]
| | | | |---timed Subsystem [timed]
| | | | | |---Start Using the timed Subsystem [sttimed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sttimed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sttimed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sttimed_both]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Restart Characteristics of timed Subsystem [chtimed]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the timed Subsystem [sptimed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sptimed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sptimed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sptimed_both]
| | | | |---portmap Subsystem (information only)
| | | | |---snmpd Subsystem [snmpd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the snmpd Subsystem [stsnmpd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stsnmpd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the snmpd Subsystem [spsnmpd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spsnmpd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spsnmpd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spsnmpd_both]
| | | | |---dhcpsd Subsystem [dhcpsd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [stdhcpsd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpsd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpsd Subsystem [spdhcpsd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpsd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpsd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpsd_both]
| | | | |---dhcpcd Subsystem [dhcpcd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [stdhcpcd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcpcd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcpcd Subsystem [spdhcpcd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcpcd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcpcd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcpcd_both]
| | | | |---dhcprd Subsystem [dhcprd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the dhcprd Subsystem [stdhcprd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stdhcprd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the dhcprd Subsystem [spdhcprd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spdhcprd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spdhcprd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spdhcprd_both]
| | | | |---xntpd Subsystem [xntpd]
| | | | | |---Start Using the xntpd Subsystem [stxntpd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stxntpd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stxntpd_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the xntpd Subsystem [spxntpd]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spxntpd_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spxntpd_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spxntpd_both]
| | | | |---mrouted Subsystem [mrouted]
| | | | | |---Start Using the mrouted Subsystem [stmrouted]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stmrouted_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stmrouted_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the mrouted Subsystem [spmrouted]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spmrouted_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spmrouted_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spmrouted_both]
| | | | |---pxed Subsystem [pxed]
| | | | | |---Start Using the pxed Subsystem [stpxed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stpxed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stpxed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stpxed_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the pxed Subsystem [sppxed]
| | | | | | |---NOW [sppxed_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [sppxed_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [sppxed_both]
| | | | |---binld Subsystem [binld]
| | | | | |---Start Using the binld Subsystem [stbinld]
| | | | | | |---NOW [stbinld_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [stbinld_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [stbinld_both]
| | | | | |---Stop Using the binld Subsystem [spbinld]
| | | | | | |---NOW [spbinld_now]
| | | | | | |---Next System RESTART [spbinld_boot]
| | | | | | |---BOTH [spbinld_both]
| | | |---PTYs [ruser_pty]
| | | | |--- [pty]
| | | | | |---Change / Show Characteristics of the PTY [chgpty]
| | | | | |---Remove the PTY; Keep Definition [rmvpty]
| | | | | |---Configure the Defined PTY [cfgpty]
| | | | | |---Generate an Error Report [errpt]
| | | | | |---Trace the PTY [trace_link]
| | | | | | |--- [trace]
| | | | | | | |---Start Trace [trcstart]
| | | | | | | |---Stop Trace [trcstop]
| | | | | | | |---Generate a Trace Report [trcrpt]
| | | | | | | |---Manage Trace [mngtrace]
| | | | | | | | |---Change/Show Default Values [cngtrace]
| | | | | | | | |---Reset Original Default Values [rstdflts]
| | | | | | | |---Manage Event Groups [grpmenu]
| | | | | | | | |---List all Event Groups [lsgrp]
| | | | | | | | |---Add an Event Group [addgrp]
| | | | | | | | |---Change/Show an Event Group [chgrp]
| | | | | | | | |---Remove Event Groups [delgrp.hdr]
| | | |---Routing (information only)
| | | |---Nameserver (information only) [nameserver]
| | | |---Arp Tables (information only) [arp]
| | |---Manage Print Server [print_server]
| | | |--- [server]
| | | | |---List all Remote Clients with Print Access [lshostslpd]
| | | | |---Add Print Access for a Remote Client [mkhostslpd]
| | | | |---Remove Print Access for a Remote Client [rmhostslpd]
| | | | |---Start the Print Server Subsystem (lpd daemon) [mkitab_lpd]
| | | | |---Stop the Print Server Subsystem [rmitab_lpd]
| | | | |---Show Status of the Print Server Subsystem [statlpd]
| | |---Select BSD style rc Configuration [setbootup_option]
| | |---Start Configured TCPIP Daemons [start_tcpip]
| | |---Stop TCPIP Daemons [stop_tcpip]
| | |---Authentication Configuration [auth_config]
| | | |---List Authentication Methods [auth_list]
| | | |---Set Authentication Methods [auth_set]
| |---Use DHCP for TCPIP Configuration & Startup [usedhcp]
|---Install Software Applications [assist_install]
| |---Install and Update Software [install_update]
| | |---Install Software [install_latest]
| | |---Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All) [update_all]
| | |---Install Software Bundle [install_bundle]
| | |---Update Software by Fix (APAR) [update_by_fix]
| | |---Install and Update from ALL Available Software [install_all]
| |---Add License Passwords for Applications [assist_license]
| | |---Set Up for Adding Concurrent-Use and Use-Once Licenses [assist_license_setup]
| | |---Manage NodeLocked Licenses [manage_nodelocked]
| | |---Manage Concurrent-Use and Use-Once Licenses [manage_prod_licenses]
| | |---Manage Vendors [manage_vendors]
| | |---Show Target ID [show_target_id]
| |---Show Installed License Agreements [installed_license]
|---System Workload Partition Software Maintenance [installwpar_sys]
| |---Synchronize Workload Partition Software with System Software [syncwpar_sys]
|---Using SMIT (information only)
---Electronic Service Agent [esa_main]
|---Configure Electronic Service Agent [configure_esa]
|---Unconfigure Electronic Service Agent [unconfigure_esa]
|---Configure Service Connectivity [srv_conn]
| |---Create/Change Service Configuration [create_or_change_service_config_menu]
| | |---Create/Change Primary Service Configuration [configure_primary]
| | |---Create/Change Secondary Service Configuration [configure_secondary]
| | |---Create/Change Tertiary Service Configuration [configure_tertiary]
| |---Restore Default Configuration [restore_default]
| |---Manage the Service and Support Proxy [manage_service_proxy_menu]
| | |---Create/Change the Service and Support Proxy [configure_service_proxy]
| | |---Start the Service and Support Proxy [start_service_proxy]
| | |---Stop the Service and Support Proxy [stop_service_proxy]
|---Start Electronic Service Agent [start_esa]
|---Stop Electronic Service Agent [stop_esa]
|---Verify Electronic Service Agent Connectivity [ver_esa_conn]
---Using SMIT (information only)
Arborescence SMIT V7.1
- Détails
- Catégorie parente: AIX
- Catégorie : Informations
- Affichages : 312