L'installation de LpAR2RRD n'est pas complexe mais demande de suivre les étapes dans l'ordre.
La première chose à faire consiste à créer un compte 'lpar2rrd' sur le serveur qui supportera le produit(un serveur AIX par exemple). Le groupe associé peut aussi se nommer 'lpar2rrd'.
Par défaut, le répertoire par défaut est '/home/lpar2rrd' pour l'utilisateur, le produit étant alors sous '/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd'.
La seconde étape consiste à créer un compte 'lpar2rrd' sur chacune des HMCs pour permettre les connexions à distance avec 'ssh'.
Il faut donc installer les clés SSH dans les répertoires des utilisateurs créés('/home/lpar2rrd/.ssh').
- disk space requirements : each monitored LPAR needs roughly 2MB of the disk space, if you use dual HMC setup then 4MB (since 3.10 with new retention 8MB)
- Perl : arbitrary version comming with the OS (tested with 5.8.0, 5.8.2), it just requires TimeDate module (installation procedure is below)
- Apache or any other Web server
- SSH : OpenSSH or any other commercial SSH (Tested with OpenSSH & F-Secure SSH)
- RRDTool, tested with 1.0.33, 1.0.42 and 1.2.15 , generally should work with all versions (on Linux use 1.2.27 at least)
- Power5 servers need to be at least at SF240_201 firmware level, since utilization data collection is supported since that version. (all POWER6/7 are ok)
# useradd -m lpar2rrd
- Activer la récupération des statistiques pour le chassis(A partir de la HMC en graphique ou en ligne de commande)
# ssh hmc1 -l hscroot hscroot@hmc1:~>; chlparutil -r config -s 60 hscroot@hmc1:~>; lslparutil -r config -F name,sample_rate PWR6A-9117-MMA-SN103A4B0,60 PWR6B-9117-MMA-SN103B5C0,60
- Utiliser 3600 pour les HMC ayant une version antérieures à 7.3.3
- Création d'un utilisateur ayant les droits hmcviewer (Fortement recommandé) sur la HMC et donner les accès SSH pour le compte Lpar2rrd utilisé pour se connecter.
# ssh -l hscroot hmc1
$ mkhmcusr -u lpar2rrd -a hmcviewer --passwd abc1234
- IVM: under padmin account:
mkuser -attr pgrp=view lpar2rrd
- SDMC: under sysadmin account:
smcli mkuser -u lpar2rrd -g smmon -p abc1234
- Créer la clé SSH(ssh-key) sur le serveur LPAR2RRD pour le compte 'lpar2rrd':
$ su - lpar2rrd $ ssh-keygen -t dsa Generating public/private dsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/lpar2rrd/.ssh/id_dsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/lpar2rrd/.ssh/id_dsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/lpar2rrd/.ssh/id_dsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: c0:05:85:ff:9c:90:39:da:d7:48:33:35:4f:cf:1a:21 lpar2rrd@p550-2 $ cat /home/lpar2rrd/.ssh/id_dsa.pub 'ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBALvbupPLnqy6UfJjgMG5SRnnFDfD013OtBxFv8P7qoHfGKCG0Vu2IhNCYttp YMmsMR+BWADo4c9oT7r92raLfVDjNW8uO5C5fatK305+sNqazbT91HDDNDKQnbpoKUqybVRC2BQbPR8ESh+ws3uHd xXSQKwOSyrHO6Nwkkx8/h4TAAAAFQDZgT9MxrEUQg4uOwxhciwwdoOO8QAAAIAH37x06Ia4FiCdlk3U9vuOI0QEvC KMXL+ZPFNoRcgiqiCnR2WeiaG5qM+odYWk/F/owV0Y/DmkmrrjPrgDADjS1uKoSy+NMg803+4cS1B06EMtia+RmMb Wkr+kQZ90WvB8C5cxofzcllnQjztQxVrZnZPmMI73/SQdS7QBU9a9WwAAAIA3VAdMvP+ZO3zs57FaznMySoszxgNW xuINlcP61TQuyuCp5Bq3mFXwxFwJWPpqpbW5yHj9N1+3pscSsFxEQb9YVvb1oL9c5QdPDnmXZK8BHHmNZMn+ftuzJ KHgR2lynaxQ4hxTnz+xT0ywGwokeuuCnr4G3Bftc70Yn9vCNjuzGQ== lpar2rrd@p550-2'>
hscroot@hmc1:~>; mkauthkeys -u lpar2rrd -a 'ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBALvbupPLnqy6UfJ jgMG5SRnnFDfD013OtBxFv8P7qoHfGKCG0Vu2IhNCYttpYMmsMR+BWADo4c9oT7r92raLfVDjNW8uO5C5fatK305+ sNqazbT91HDDNDKQnbpoKUqybVRC2BQbPR8ESh+ws3uHdxXSQKwOSyrHO6Nwkkx8/h4TAAAAFQDZgT9MxrEUQg4uO wxhciwwdoOO8QAAAIAH37x06Ia4FiCdlk3U9vuOI0QEvCKMXL+ZPFNoRcgiqiCnR2WeiaG5qM+odYWk/F/owV0Y/D mkmrrjPrgDADjS1uKoSy+NMg803+4cS1B06EMtia+RmMbWkr+kQZ90WvB8C5cxofzcllnQjztQxVrZnZPmMI73/SQ dS7QBU9a9WwAAAIA3VAdMvP+ZO3zs57FaznMySoszxgNWxuINlcP61TQuyuCp5Bq3mFXwxFwJWPpqpbW5yHj9N1+3 pscSsFxEQb9YVvb1oL9c5QdPDnmXZK8BHHmNZ{{Mn+ftuzJKHgR2lynaxQ4hxTnz+xT0ywGwokeuuCnr4G3Bftc70 Yn9vCNjuzGQ== lpar2rrd@p550-2'
- on SDMC same as above only under sysadmin account
- On IVM systems you need at first log in as lpar2rrd user an then:
hscroot@hmc1:~>; mkauthkeys -a 'ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBALvbupPLnqy6UfJjgMG5SRnnFDfD01 3OtBxFv8P7qoHfGKCG0Vu2IhNCYttpYMmsMR+BWADo4c9oT7r92raLfVDjNW8uO5C5fatK305+sNqazbT91HDDNDK QnbpoKUqybVRC2BQbPR8ESh+ws3uHdxXSQKwOSyrHO6Nwkkx8/h4TAAAAFQDZgT9MxrEUQg4uOwxhciwwdoOO8QAA AIAH37x06Ia4FiCdlk3U9vuOI0QEvCKMXL+ZPFNoRcgiqiCnR2WeiaG5qM+odYWk/F/owV0Y/DmkmrrjPrgDADjS1 uKoSy+NMg803+4cS1B06EMtia+RmMbWkr+kQZ90WvB8C5cxofzcllnQjztQxVrZnZPmMI73/SQdS7QBU9a9WwAAAI A3VAdMvP+ZO3zs57FaznMySoszxgNWxuINlcP61TQuyuCp5Bq3mFXwxFwJWPpqpbW5yHj9N1+3pscSsFxEQb9YVvb 1oL9c5QdPDnmXZK8BHHmNZ{{Mn+ftuzJKHgR2lynaxQ4hxTnz+xT0ywGwokeuuCnr4G3Bftc70Yn9vCNjuzGQ== l par2rrd@p550-2'
- Tester la connexion avec le compte 'lpar2rrd' :
$ ssh -l lpar2rrd hmc1
The authenticity of host 'hmc1 (' can′t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 97:e1:a5:c2:58:3c:c6:0c:d1:6f:4d:6e:62:9c:68:4b.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
- when you use a commercial SSH distribution (like F-Secure ssh) which supports only SSH2 format (above example was for OpenSSH format), then you need to convert public keys onto OpenSSH format before uploading the keys into HMC. Convert SSH2 to OpenSSH format and after that use it in mkauthkeys:
$ ssh-keygen -i -f your-ssh2.pub > your-openssh.pub
- Installer les pré-requis RRDTool : freetype2, libart_lgpl, libpng, zlib as root
# rpm -ivh freetype2-2.1.7-5.aix5.1.ppc.rpm libart_lgpl-2.3.17-4.aix5.1.ppc.rpm libpng-1.2.8-6.aix5.1.ppc.rpm zlib-1.2.3-4.aix5.1.ppc.rpm
- Installer RRDTool sous le compte 'root'
# rpm -ivh rrdtool-1.2.13-1.perl58.aix5.2.ppc.rpm
- make sure RRDTool is compiled with Perl support and the version of Perl is the right one if not and LPAR2RRD complains that it cannot find RRDp.pm then adjust PERL5LIB parameter in lpar2rrd.cfg after installation (ignore it now, just do it in case of an error)
# ls -l /opt/freeware/lib/perl/5.8.0
total 16
-r--r--r-- 1 root system 5048 May 04 2006 RRDp.pm
drwxr-xr-x 3 root system 256 Jan 23 2007 aix-thread-multi
- when RRD.pm is not there then you will need to change default PERL5LIB setting in lpar2rrd.cfg afterwards to point to the right directory
- Installer Perl sous 'root'
# rpm -ivh perl-5.8.2-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm
- install TimeDate Perl module as root
test whether is already installed or not:
# perl -MDate::Parse -le 'print (str2time("12/24/2006"))'
- means it is installed, if there is no output or an error then install it as per below
# umask 022 # just to prevent permission problems ... # gzip -d TimeDate-1.16.tar.gz; tar xvf TimeDate-1.16.tar; cd TimeDate-1.16 # perl ./Makefile.PL # make test # make install
- It sometimes happens that the module is installed with read/write rights only for root, so no one else can use it (it is related to umask setting).
# ls -ld /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Date drwxr----- 3 root system 256 Nov 24 2006 /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Date
- fix:
# chmod 755 /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Date/Language # chmod 755 /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Date/ # find /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Date -exec chmod o+r {} \;
- Installer puis configurer Apache ou autre serveur WEB sous 'root':
# rpm -ivh expat-1.95.7-4.aix5.1.ppc.rpm apache-1.3.31-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm # vi /etc/opt/freeware/apache/httpd.conf
- it might be in a different location like /opt/freeware/etc/httpd/httpd.conf, /etc/httpd/httpd.conf, /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ...)
- append at the end following:
# NB: The "Alias" line below must NOT be used if you have # the LPAR2RRD webfiles as the root URL. In that case, # you should instead set this: # # DocumentRoot /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/www/ Alias /lpar2rrd/ "/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/www/" <Directory "/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/www/"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes MultiViews Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> # CGI-BIN ScriptAlias /lpar2rrd-cgi/ "/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd-cgi/" <Directory "/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd-cgi"> AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymLinks Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> # /opt/freeware/apache/sbin/apachectl start
- If you append this exactly, then you will find LPAR2RRD here : http://your_web_server/lpar2rrd/ Do not forget to ensure that Apache starts after the OS reboot (there must be a starting script in /etc/rc.... )
- Installer LPAR2RRD :
# su - lpar2rrd $ tar xvf lpar2rrd-2.XX.tar $ cd lpar2rrd-2.XX $ ./install.sh $ cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd
- configure LPAR2RRD parameters in lpar2rrd.cfg (all that needs to be done is described inside the file, it is just about a few params), Here is the list of parameters which need to be reviewed:
$ vi /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd.cfg
HMC_LIST="hmc1 hmc2 ivm1"
- for LPAR2RRD 2.XX and HMC 7.3.3+ you might check sample rates of Utilization data collection on managed systems (must not be 0!)
$ ./sample_rate.sh Going to check HMC as user lpar2rrd, will ask for a password if automatic access is not allowed hmc1:PWR6A-9117-MMA-SN103A4B0 sample rate : 60, OK hmc1:PWR6B-9117-MMA-SN103B5C0 sample rate : 60, OK
- To allow "real-time" refresh on demand, the WEB user (apache, nobody, ..) needs to have access to LPAR2RRD ssh keys
- Find out WEB user
$ ps -ef|egrep "apache|httpd"|grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'|grep -v "root"|head -1 nobody
- under root user copy ssh keys and change ownership to the WEB user
# cp /home/lpar2rrd/.ssh/id_dsa /home/lpar2rrd/.ssh/realt_dsa # chown nobody /home/lpar2rrd/.ssh/realt_dsa # chmod 600 /home/lpar2rrd/.ssh/realt_dsa
- now, you can start the tool itself (note that the first run might take a while especially if you have already allowed utilization data collection for a long time)
$ ./load.sh
- Vérifier les erreurs dans le fichier 'error.log' if any
- check graphs via web (point the web browser on the page which was chosen as the target one http://your_web_server/lpar2rrd/)
- schedule to run LPAR2RRD from lpar2rrd crontab (once an hour seems to be reasonable time, do not use less as LPAR2RD might run for 1/2 an hour if you have a big environment)
$ crontab -e
0 * * * * /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/load.sh > /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/load.out 2>&1
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/load_hea.sh >
/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/load_hea.out 2>&1
- You might need to add lpar2rrd user into /var/adm/cron/cron.allow if crontab command fails as root user.
# echo "lpar2rrd" >> /var/adm/cron/cron.allow
- Vérifier les permissions et liens(necessary for real-time refresh) amd owned by lpar2rrd user
chmod 666 eror.log chmod 644 lpar2rrd.cfg html/* chmod 755 html chmod 777 tmp