Cette commande permet de changer une password d'un utilisateur.
chpasswd [ -R load_module ] [ -e ] [ -f flags | -c ]
The chpasswd command administers users' passwords. The root user can supply or change users' passwords specified through standard input. Each
line of input must be of the following format.
Only root users can set passwords with this command.
By default, the chpasswd command sets the ADMCHG flag for the users. The -f option may be used with other valid flags to override the default.
The -c option clears all password flags.
The password field can be cleartext or a value encrypted with the crypt algorithm. The -e option indicates that passwords are of encrypted
format. Please note that all passwords in a batch must conform to the same format.
Clears all password flags.
Specifies that the passwords are of encrypted format.
-f flags
Specifies the comma separated list of password flags to set. Valid flag values are: ADMIN, ADMCHG, and/or NOCHECK. Refer to the pwdadm
command documentation for details about these values.
-R load_module
Specifies the loadable I&A module used to change users' passwords.
Access Control: Only root users should have execute (x) access to this command. The command should have the trusted computing base attribute.
1 To set passwords for users from the command line, type:
Followed by entering username:password pairs, one pair per line. Enter CTRL+D when finished.
2 To set passwords for users contained in a file named mypwdfile, type the following:
cat mypwdfile | chpasswd
Note that mypwdfile must contain username:password pairs; one pair per line. For example: