Change HMC’s date

The HMC date and time in format: MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]

# chhmc -c date -s modify --datetime 09121621
The Customize Date/Time request completed successfully. Please reboot the HMC.
# date
Fri Sep 12 16:21:03 UTC 2014

Check NTP service configuration

This should return « enable » with some NTP servers’ ip address. You can also grep some info in the

/var/log/ntp logfile.

#  lshmc -r -Fxntp,xntpserver
# grep -i sync /var/log/ntp |tail -2
 4 Apr 15:47:20 ntpd[7024]: synchronized to, stratum 2
 4 Apr 15:47:20 ntpd[7024]: kernel time sync status change 2001

Configure and Activate NTP service

# chhmc -c xntp -s add -a [your_NTP_server]
# chhmc -c xntp -s enable

IBM Service Agent

This will display the status of the IBM service agent, and the mail sending configuration (if any) of the events detected by ESA

hscroot@hmc# lssacfg -t email
Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser./ESA.CallHomeOnly"

–> you can change (or enable) these parameters with chsacfg command

hscroot@hmc #  chsacfg -t email -o setsmtp -h -p 25 -a\
invokeViaTasklet() ->
invokeViaTasklet()  chsacfg -t email -o add -a nagios/ESA.CallHomeOnly
invokeViaTasklet() ->
invokeViaTasklet()  lssacfg -t email

then you can test it :

List/activate utilization data (useful for nmon or lpar2rrd, or performance monitoring in HMC >V8.)

# lslparutil -m [managed_system]  -r all
time=02/10/2014 15:22:30,event_type=sample,resource_type=sys,sys_time=02/10/2014 \
#chlparutil -r config -m CPU-FRM12012B-P795-SOCSIL-DAL -s 60

On/off CoD

Listing informations about billing details , then about resources available

#  lscod -t bill  -m [managed_system] -c onoff -r mem \
# lscod -t cap -m  [managed_system] -r [mem|proc] -c onoff

Listing history of On/Off CoD operatoins :

# lscod -t hist -m  [managed_system]
time_stamp=01/27/2014 19:24:43,entry=HSCL0317 On/Off CoD memory request period expired.
time_stamp=01/27/2014 19:23:59,entry=HSCL0316 On/Off CoD processor request period expired.
time_stamp=01/26/2014 18:41:24,"entry=HSCL0301 CUoD processor activation code entered, number of processors: 44, index: 0000."
time_stamp=01/26/2014 18:35:12,"entry=HSCL0302 CUoD memory activation code entered, GB of memory: 1704, index: 0000."
time_stamp=01/25/2014 18:58:46,"entry=HSCL030F On/Off CoD memory activated, GB of memory: 352, number of days: 2."
time_stamp=01/25/2014 18:58:17,"entry=HSCL030E On/Off CoD processors activated, number of processors: 38, number of days: 2."
time_stamp=08/21/2013 13:54:51,"entry=HSCL0303 On/Off processor enablement code entered, maximum number of processor days: 3420."
time_stamp=08/21/2013 13:54:11,"entry=HSCL0304 On/Off memory enablement code entered, maximum number of memory days: 31680."
time_stamp=07/22/2013 14:29:45,entry=HSCL0316 On/Off CoD processor request period expired.
time_stamp=07/20/2013 14:03:48,"entry=HSCL030E On/Off CoD processors activated, number of processors: 19, number of days: 2."
time_stamp=07/20/2013 10:07:10,"entry=HSCL0302 CUoD memory activation code entered, GB of memory: 512, index: 0000."
time_stamp=06/26/2013 13:25:45,entry=HSCL0317 On/Off CoD memory request period expired.
time_stamp=06/26/2013 12:48:26,entry=HSCL0316 On/Off CoD processor request period expired.
time_stamp=06/25/2013 13:12:09,"entry=HSCL030F On/Off CoD memory activated, GB of memory: 1, number of days: 1."
time_stamp=06/25/2013 12:35:03,"entry=HSCL030E On/Off CoD processors activated, number of processors: 1, number of days: 1."
time_stamp=04/08/2013 08:08:40,"entry=HSCL0303 On/Off processor enablement code entered, maximum number of processor days: 360."
time_stamp=04/08/2013 08:07:38,"entry=HSCL0304 On/Off memory enablement code entered, max imum number of memory days: 999."

Virtual Ethernet settings

Quick and easy way to view which vlans are served by your Vswitches :

# lshwres  -r virtualio  --rsubtype vswitch -m [managed_system] -F

–> Please note that if you use 802.1q you may check out that the PVID is displayed as well, and is not to be included in your actual active VLANS, as for the control channel (4094 in my example)

Generally, the PVID for a SEA is 999, as shown in my example.

More useful one-liner  : VLAN’s repartition by VIO Server

# lshwres  -r virtualio  --rsubtype eth  -m [managed_system]  --level lpar -Fis_trunk,lpar_name,addl_vlan_ids |grep "^1"| sed -e 's/^1,//g' -e 's/,\"/:/g' -e 's/\"$//g'

you can see here that we do not display the PVID (we could have actually, with the « port_vlan_id » attribute), and we filtered by trunked adapters only, so we avoid the display of the control channels.


Check if your pseries is multiple shared_pools capable :

# lssyscfg -r sys -m [managed_system] -Factive_lpar_share_idle_procs_capable

–> returns 1 if it supports multiple shared_pools, and 0 if not .

List the sharedpools active on the frame and the lpars associated with’em :

# lshwres -r procpool -m [managed_system] -Fname,lpar_names

Changing a sharedpool size up to 10 cores

# chhwres -r procpool -m [managed_system] -o s --poolname my_sharedpool -a max_pool_proc_units=10

Changing the current sharedpool for a LPAR :

# chhwres -r procpool -m [managed_system] -o s -p [lpar_name]  -a "shared_proc_pool_name=[target_sharepool_name]"

Changing the sharedpool  defined in a LPAR’s profile :

 # chsyscfg -r prof -m [managed_system] -i "lpar_name=[lpar_name],name=[profile_name],shared_proc_pool_name=[target_sharepool_name]"

Hardware-related commands

Getting the firmware level of your power server :

# lslic -m [managed_system] -t syspower -Factivated_spname,ecnumber

Listing all I/O slots from a pseries ,sorted by device type and numbered :

/!\ (in order to do this, you need to execute the « awk |sort|uniq » part from an AIX system, because you can’t use awk with hscroot on a HMC ( I really should ask IBM why, one day… ?! it is so useful…))

# lshwres -m [managed_system] -r io --rsubtype slot\
 -F drc_name:bus_id:description| awk -F: '{print $NF}' | sort |uniq -c
24 8 Gigabit PCI Express Dual Port Fibre Channel Adapter
21 Empty slot
38 Ethernet controller
17 PCI-E SAS Controller
  •  on my beautiful p795, I have 21 empty slots, 24 NPIV-capable Fibre channel adapter, 17 SAS controllers and 38 FcoE cards
  • If you wish to have more thorough information (like physical location), you juste have to remove the « awk |sort|uniq » part, which will give this kind of output (much more verbose, please note the « null » value which gives us the unassigned I/O Cards):
# lshwres -m [managed_system] -r io --rsubtype slot \
 -F drc_name:bus_id:description:lpar_name
U5803.001.9SS05BI-P1-C8:617:8 Gigabit PCI Express Dual Port Fibre Channel Adapter:null
U5803.001.9SS05BI-P1-C9:618:Ethernet controller:null
U5803.001.9SS05BI-P1-C10:619:Ethernet controller:null
U5803.001.9SS05BI-P1-C4:612:Ethernet controller:null
U5803.001.9SS05BI-P2-C3:1042:Empty slot:null
U5803.001.9SS05BI-P2-C7:1048:Ethernet controller:VIO2
U5803.001.9SS05BI-P2-C8:1049:Ethernet controller:VIO1
U5803.001.9SS05BI-P2-C9:1050:8 Gigabit PCI Express Dual Port Fibre Channel Adapter:VIO2
U5803.001.9SS05BI-P2-C5:1045:PCI-E SAS Controller:VIO1

lpar-related actions

Power on a LPAR :

# chsysstate -m [managed_system] -o on -r lpar -n [lpar_name] -f

Shutting down a LPAR:

# chsysstate -m [managed_system] -r lpar -n [lpar_name] -o shutdown [--immed]

rename a lpar (easy):

# chsyscfg -m  [managed_system] -r lpar  -i "name=my_lpar_name,new_name=my_new_lpar_name"

Removing a virtual FC adapter on a VIO server (DLPAR operation) :

# chhwres -r virtualio -m [managed_system] -o r --id [VIO_id]  --rsubtype fc  -s [slot ID] 

Removing a virtual FC adapter on a VIO server (in the lpar’s profile):

# chsyscfg -r prof -m  [managed system] -i "lpar_id=[VIO_id],name=[profile_name],virtual_fc_adapters-=[virtual-slot-number/client-or-server/[remote-lpar-ID]/[remote-lpar-name]/remote-slot-number/[wwpns]/is-required]"

User-related commands

Listing existing HMC users

# lshmcusr -F
lpar2rrd,hmcviewer,HMC User,99999,ALL:,local,,0,1,0,0,15,0,0,,md5,0
hscpe,hmcpe,HMC User,99999,ALL:,local,,0,1,0,0,15,0,0,,md5,0
hscroot,hmcsuperadmin,HMC Super User,99999,ALL:,local,,1,1,0,0,15,0,0,,md5,0

Changing a user’s password

# chhmcusr -u hscroot -t passwd

Listing access rights to lpars for a custom role

# lsaccfg -t resourcerole --filter "resourceroles=my_custom_role"

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