La commande 'xiv_devlist' est fournie avec le paquet 'Host Attachement Kit', par exemple 'IBM_XIV_Host_Attachment_Kit_2.1.0.1-b1719_AIX.tar'.
Un exemple de sortie :
# xiv_devlist
XIV Devices
Device Size (GB) Paths Vol Name Vol ID XIV ID XIV Host
/dev/hdisk0 34.4 4/4 Serveur1_rootvg 97 7861238 Serveur1
Non-XIV Devices
Device Size (GB) Paths
Il est possible d'afficher la liste au format CSV par la commande
# xiv_devlist -t csv
is xiv device,device,size (gb),paths,vol name,vol id,xiv id,xiv host,
La syntaxe est donnée ci-dessous:
# xiv_devlist -h
Usage: xiv_devlist [options]
Use the xiv_devlist utility to display volume and additional information.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t OUT, --out=OUT Choose output method: tui, csv, xml (default: tui)
--no-headers Choose how to display the output: with or without the
headers (default: with headers). Can be used only with
-t csv
File name to output to (instead of STDOUT). Can be
used only with -t csv/xml
-o FIELDS, --options=FIELDS
Choose which fields to display in the output; Comma-
separated, no spaces. Use -l to see the list of fields
-l, --list-fields List available fields for the -o option
-H, --hex Display XIV volume and machine IDs in hexadecimal base
-u SIZE_UNIT, --size-unit=SIZE_UNIT
The size unit to use (e.g. MB, GB, TB, MiB, GiB, TiB)
Enforce a multipathing framework <auto|native|veritas>
-x, --xiv-only Display only XIV devices
-d, --debug Enable debug logging
-V, --version Display the Host Attachment Kit (HAK) version number