Cette commande 'map_vol' permet d'effectuer un attachement ou mapping d'un volume XIV avec un ou plusieurs hosts définis.
La commande requiert comme argument le nom du host et du volume à associer ensemble.
La syntaxe est donc :
     # map_vol host=MonServeur vol=NewLun001
La valeur de Monserveur doit correspondre au nom du serveur cible.
La valeur "NewLun001" correspond quant à elle au nom du volume cré à affecter.
Un extrait de la documentation officielle est donné ci-dessous.


Mapping a Volume to a Host or Cluster

Maps a volume to a host or a cluster.

map_vol <host=HostName | cluster=ClusterName> vol=VolName 
lun=LUN [ override=<no|yes> ]


host Object name Host name. N N/A
cluster Object name Cluster name. N N/A
vol Object name Volume name. Y N/A
lun Integer LUN identifier. Y N/A
override Boolean Override existing mapping. N no

This command maps a volume to a host or to a cluster. It maps the volume to all the hosts that are contained in the cluster.

The command fails if:
  • The host specified is contained in a cluster (must be done through the cluster)
  • Another volume is mapped to the same LUN for this cluster/host, and the override parameter is not specified.
    • If the override parameter is specified, the mapping is replaced, so the host (or all hosts in the cluster) see continuous mapping of volume to this LUN, only that the content is changing (and maybe size).
  • Mapping to a cluster, if the LUN was defined as an exception.
    • Whenever the LUN is defined as an exception, you have to map it directly to the host.
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