La commande 'host_define' est utilisée pour déclarer une nouvelle machine en vue de l'attachement de nouvelles LUNs.


En effet, pour qu'un serveur puisse utiliser des LUNs ou disques logiques, il faut effectuer un attachement ou 'mapping' entre le volume et le host, défini au travers des WWN de ses cartes fibres.


La syntaxe de la commande utilisée à la place de l'interface graphique est la suivante :


# host_define host=Nom_Serveur [ cluster=NomCluster ] [ iscsi_chap_name=iscsiChapName iscsi_chap_secret=iscsiPass ]


Nom_Serveur est le nom que vous souhaitez donner à la machine dans la baie se stockage XIV.

Si le serveur est dans un Cluster, il est possible de spécifier en plus le nom du Cluster, ici NomCluster.




Defining a New Host

Defines a new host to connect to the XIV system.

host_define host=HostName [ cluster=ClusterName ] 
[ iscsi_chap_name=iscsiChapName iscsi_chap_secret=iscaiPass ]


host Object name Name of host to be created. Y N/A
cluster Object name Name of cluster to contain host. N No cluster.


String The host's CHAP name identifier N [None]


String Password of initiator used to authenticate to XIV when CHAP is enabled N [None]

This command defines a host that will attach to the IBM XIV Storage System. The name of the host must be unique in the system.


Use the Adding a Port to a Host command to add port addresses to this host. Specifying the cluster is optional.

The parameters iscsi_chap_name and iscsi_chap_secret must either be both specified - or both left unspecified.

If the iscsi_chap_secret does not conform to the required secret length (96-128 bits)- the command will fail.

The command checks whether the iscsi_chap_name and iscsi_chap secret are unique. In case they are not, it displays an error message (but will not fail the command).

The secret has to be between 96 bits and 128 bits. There are 3 ways to enter the secret:
  • Base64: requires to prefix the entry with 0b. each subsequent character entered is treated as a 6 bit equivalent length
  • Hex: requires to prefix the entry with 0x. each subsequent character entered is treated as a 4 bit equivalent length
  • String: requires no prefix (cannot be prefixed with 0b or 0x). Each character entered is treated as a 8 bit equivalent length


host_define host=server1 


Command executed successfully.
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