Voici en premier lieu la syntaxe de la commande 'bolt'.
 Pour lancer une commande sur un serveur :
bolt command run date --nodes monserveur --user MonUser
 Pour lancer une commande sur une liste de serveurs stockés dans un fichier nom_file :
#  bolt command run date --nodes @/tmp/nom_file 
Pour lancer une commande sur une liste de machine en utilisant une clé SSH :
bolt command run date --nodes @/tmp/nodes.cso --user rundeck --no-host-key-check --private-key /home/User031/id_rsa.rundeck
Pour copier un fichier sur un serveur :
bolt file upload --nodes monserveur --user Monuser /tmp/monfile /tmp/monfile
Uploaded '/tmp/monfile' to 'monserveur:/tmp/monfile'
Successful on 1 node: monserveur
Ran on 1 node in 0.51 seconds
# bolt
Usage: bolt <subcommand> <action> [options]
Available subcommands:
  bolt command run <command>       Run a command remotely
  bolt file upload <src> <dest>    Upload a local file
  bolt script run <script>         Upload a local script and run it remotely
  bolt task show                   Show list of available tasks
  bolt task show <task>            Show documentation for task
  bolt task run <task> [params]    Run a Puppet task
  bolt plan show                   Show list of available plans
  bolt plan show <plan>            Show details for plan
  bolt plan run <plan> [params]    Run a Puppet task plan
  bolt puppetfile install          Install modules from a Puppetfile into a Boltdir
Run `bolt <subcommand> --help` to view specific examples.
where [options] are:
    -n, --nodes NODES                Identifies the nodes to target.
                                     Enter a comma-separated list of node URIs or group names.
                                     Or read a node list from an input file '@<file>;' or stdin '-'.
                                     Example: --nodes localhost,node_group,ssh://nix.com:23,winrm://windows.puppet.com
                                     URI format is [protocol://]host[:port]
                                     SSH is the default protocol; may be ssh, winrm, pcp, local
                                     For Windows nodes, specify the winrm:// protocol if it has not be configured
                                     For SSH, port defaults to `22`
                                     For WinRM, port defaults to `5985` or `5986` based on the --[no-]ssl setting
    -q, --query QUERY                Query PuppetDB to determine the targets
        --noop                       Execute a task that supports it in noop mode
        --description DESCRIPTION    Description to use for the job
        --params PARAMETERS          Parameters to a task or plan as json, a json file '@<file>;', or on stdin '-'
    -u, --user USER                  User to authenticate as
    -p, --password [PASSWORD]        Password to authenticate with. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
        --private-key KEY            Private ssh key to authenticate with
        --[no-]host-key-check        Check host keys with SSH
        --[no-]ssl                   Use SSL with WinRM
        --[no-]ssl-verify            Verify remote host SSL certificate with WinRM
        --run-as USER                User to run as using privilege escalation
        --sudo-password [PASSWORD]   Password for privilege escalation. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
Run context:
    -c, --concurrency CONCURRENCY    Maximum number of simultaneous connections (default: 100)
        --compile-concurrency CONCURRENCY
                                     Maximum number of simultaneous manifest block compiles (default: number of cores)
        --modulepath MODULES         List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
        --boltdir FILEPATH           Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
        --configfile FILEPATH        Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
        --inventoryfile FILEPATH     Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
        --transport TRANSPORT        Specify a default transport: ssh, winrm, pcp, local
        --connect-timeout TIMEOUT    Connection timeout (defaults vary)
        --[no-]tty                   Request a pseudo TTY on nodes that support it
        --tmpdir DIR                 The directory to upload and execute temporary files on the target
        --format FORMAT              Output format to use: human or json
        --[no-]color                 Whether to show output in color
    -h, --help                       Display help
        --verbose                    Display verbose logging
        --debug                      Display debug logging
        --trace                      Display error stack traces
        --version                    Display the version
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