Pour les personnes utilisant déjà Lpar2RRD, l'installation de la 3.21 est une formalité simple. 

ATTENTION tout de même, le module Perl DAT-Time doit être ré-installé.

# tar zxvf TimeDate-1.16.tar.gz
#  gunzip TimeDate-1.16.tar.gz
# tar xvf TimeDate-1.16.tar
# cd TimeDate-1.16
# ls
# perl Makefile.PL
make install

Pour la mise à jour, il suffit en effet de télécharger l'archive .tar, de la décompresser dans un répertoire temporaire, puis de lancer, sous le compte du produit(En général 'lpar2rr') le script update.sh

Exemple, après avoir décompresser l'archive sous /home/lpar2rrd, le répertoire du produit étant /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd.

# su - lpar2rrd

$ tar xvf /tmp/lpar2rrd.3.21.tar 


$ ls -l 

total 768

-rw-r----- 1 lpar2rrd staff 25663 Oct 29 20:20 Copyright.txt
-rwxr-x--- 1 lpar2rrd staff 122 Oct 29 20:20 README
-rwxr-x--- 1 lpar2rrd staff 5423 Oct 29 20:20 install.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 lpar2rrd staff 326307 Oct 30 18:06 lpar2rrd.tar.Z
-rwxr-x--- 1 lpar2rrd staff 22830 Oct 29 20:20 update.sh
LPAR2RRD upgrade under user : "lpar2rrd"
make sure you have rights to modify LPAR2RRD home dir

Where is LPAR2RRD actually located [/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd]:
Backing up original version : 3.15 to /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd-3.15
Copy new version to the target destination
Setting file/dir permissions, it might take some time in huge environments
chown: /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd/hcheck.txt.gz: Not owner
Configuring new lpar2rrd.cfg

Live Partition Mobility has been probably identified
LPAR2RRD free version does not support this feature
Check http://lpar2rrd.com/support.htm how to obtain LPM aware version
LPAR2RRD will work without aware of LPM ...

Custom groups config file update
Custom groups initial configuration is running:


Upgrade is done
Now you can start the tool:
$ cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd
$ ./load.sh

lpar2rrd/aixserver1:/home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd-3.21>cd /home/lpar2rrd/lpar2rrd



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