/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldisp : Affichage des ressources d'un cluster.

   Cluster ZR0_Cluster_bis provides the following applications: appli_CI appli_DB
      Application: appli_CI
         This application is part of resource group 'CI_disk_fs'.
            Resource group policies:
               Startup: on home node only
               Fallover: to next priority node in the list
               Fallback: never
         Nodes configured to provide appli_CI: zz4serv zz5serv
         appli_CI is started by /usr/local/scripts/manapp/Start_RG1.sh
         appli_CI is stopped by /usr/local/scripts/manapp/Stop_RG1.sh
         Resources associated with appli_CI:
            Service Labels

 clfindres : Affichage de l'état du Cluster.

 clstat : Donne un tableau dynamique de l'état des ressources HACMP.

clshowres :  Affichage des informations du cluster.

Resource Group Name                                 CI_disk_fs
Participating Node Name(s)                          zz40serv zz50serv
Startup Policy                                      Online On Home Node Only
Fallover Policy                                     Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List
Fallback Policy                                     Never Fallback
Site Relationship                                   ignore
Dynamic Node Priority
Service IP Label                                    zr0ci zr0cip
Filesystems                                         ALL
Filesystems Consistency Check                       fsck
Filesystems Recovery Method                         sequential
Filesystems/Directories to be exported              /export/sapmnt/ZR0/profile /export/sapmnt/ZR0/global /export/sapmnt/ZR0/home
Filesystems to be NFS mounted                       /sapmnt/ZR0/profile;/export/sapmnt/ZR0/profile /sapmnt/ZR0/home;/export/sapmnt/ZR0/home /sapmnt/ZR0/global;/export/sapmnt/ZR0/global
Network For NFS Mount                               net_user_01
Volume Groups                                       monvg sapvg
Concurrent Volume Groups
Use forced varyon for volume groups, if necessary   false
GMVG Replicated Resources
GMD Replicated Resources
PPRC Replicated Resources
ERCMF Replicated Resources
SVC PPRC Replicated Resources
Connections Services
Fast Connect Services
Shared Tape Resources
Application Servers                                 appli_CI
Highly Available Communication Links
Primary Workload Manager Class
Secondary Workload Manager Class
Delayed Fallback Timer
Miscellaneous Data
Automatically Import Volume Groups                  false
Inactive Takeover
SSA Disk Fencing                                    false
Filesystems mounted before IP configured            true
Run Time Parameters:

Node Name                                           zz4serv
Debug Level                                         low
Format for hacmp.out                                Standard

Node Name                                           zz5serv
Debug Level                                         low
Format for hacmp.out                                Standard

Resource Group Name                                 DB_disk_fs
Participating Node Name(s)                          zz5serv zz4serv
Startup Policy                                      Online On Home Node Only
Fallover Policy                                     Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List
Fallback Policy                                     Never Fallback
Site Relationship                                   ignore
Dynamic Node Priority
Service IP Label                                    zr0db zr0dbp
Filesystems                                         ALL
Filesystems Consistency Check                       fsck
Filesystems Recovery Method                         sequential
Filesystems/Directories to be exported
Filesystems to be NFS mounted
Network For NFS Mount
Volume Groups                                       ZR0DBtoolsvg ZR0oravg ZR0arcvg ZR0redovg
Concurrent Volume Groups
Use forced varyon for volume groups, if necessary   false
GMVG Replicated Resources
GMD Replicated Resources
PPRC Replicated Resources
ERCMF Replicated Resources
SVC PPRC Replicated Resources
Connections Services
Fast Connect Services
Shared Tape Resources
Application Servers                                 appli_DB
Highly Available Communication Links
Primary Workload Manager Class
Secondary Workload Manager Class
Delayed Fallback Timer
Miscellaneous Data
Automatically Import Volume Groups                  false
Inactive Takeover
SSA Disk Fencing                                    false
Filesystems mounted before IP configured            true
Run Time Parameters:

Node Name                                           zz5serv
Debug Level                                         low
Format for hacmp.out                                Standard

Node Name                                           zz4serv
Debug Level                                         low
Format for hacmp.out                                Standard

/usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/cllsnode : Liste des informations réseaux des noeuds.

/usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/cllsserv : Liste les scripts de démarrage et arrêt des Applications servers.

appli_CI  /usr/local/scripts/manapp/Start_RG1.sh  /usr/local/scripts/manapp/Stop_RG1.sh
appli_DB  /usr/local/scripts/manapp/Start_RG2.sh  /usr/local/scripts/manapp/Stop_RG2.sh

/usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/clgetgrp : Liste des groupes de ressources.

CI_disk_fs                       ignore                Online On Home Node Only                 Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List    Never Fallback                                zz4serv zz5serv
DB_disk_fs                       ignore                Online On Home Node Only                 Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List    Never Fallback                                zz5serv zz4serv

/usr/sbin/cluster/utilities/cllsres : Liste des attributs des groupes de ressources. Possibilité de se limiter à un RG.


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