Les services PowerHA peuvent(doivent) être lancés au démarrage du serveur.
Pour les démarrer manuellement, suivre le menu décrit ci-dessous :
- Sélectionner dans l’écran suivant les paramètres de ce démarrage :
Start Cluster Services
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* Start now, on system restart or both now
Start Cluster Services on these nodes [avqprd2]
* Manage Resource Groups Automatically
BROADCAST message at startup? false
Startup Cluster Information Daemon? true
Ignore verification errors? false
Automatically correct errors found during Yes
cluster start?
- Attendre la fin de l’opérations :
Starting Corrective Action: cl_resource_set_net_option.
<01> Successfully set network option routerevalidate="1" on node avqprd2
Starting Cluster Services on node: avqprd2
This may take a few minutes. Please wait...
avqprd2: start_cluster: Starting PowerHA SystemMirror
avqprd2: 4915378 - 0:00 syslogd
avqprd2: Setting routerevalidate to 1
avqprd2: 0513-059 The clevmgrdES Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 12714158.
avqprd2: 0513-059 The gsclvmd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 15466538.
avqprd2: 0513-059 The clinfoES Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 27197558.
avqprd2: Aug 8 2013 13:44:01 Starting execution of /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rc.cluster
avqprd2: with parameters: -boot -N -A -i -C yes -P cl_rc_cluster
avqprd2: Aug 8 2013 13:44:01 Checking for srcmstr active...
avqprd2: Aug 8 2013 13:44:01 complete.
avqprd2: Aug 8 2013 13:44:02
avqprd2: /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clstart: called with flags -m -G -i -P cl_rc_cluster -C yes -B -A
avqprd2: Aug 8 2013 13:45:53
avqprd2: Detected previous unexpected software or node failure during startup.
avqprd2: Collection First Failure Data Capture in directory /tmp/ibmsupt/hacmp/.
avqprd2: Please review the PowerHA SystemMirror logs and report any problems to IBM Service.
avqprd2: Aug 8 2013 13:45:57
avqprd2: Completed execution of /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rc.cluster
avqprd2: with parameters: -boot -N -A -i -C yes -P cl_rc_cluster.
avqprd2: Exit status = 0